ANSIACheck is similar to ANSACheck but:
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Furti in Italia, blitz per arrestare latitante in campo nomadi", "summary": "A Prato, Cc cinturano insediamento di notte, azione in 2 minuti", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 10:13:46 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 bc5609ad5c8a55458269b419797bf8305ec6d581491aa58bde1d2459b92736f8 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Esercito: risultati positivi per 'Strade Sicure' in Alto Adige", "summary": "5300 i controlli e 69 le persone fermate, arrestate o denunciate", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 10:30:49 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 444e40667b18a5a9211e54d193dc5ef212fc5e31d9f7d7205c48964e5933a586 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Schianto auto-bus a Roma, muore automobilista", "summary": "Vittima aveva 44 anni, indagini in corso", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 10:34:01 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 59c661dcd7d9f82a978fa166dd453ecc47a7060933b6786c5d1d866b744e377c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Turisti intossicati da monossido, un morto", "summary": "E' accaduto a Cefal\u00f9, i tre sopravvissuti sono gravi", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 10:44:53 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Maxi sequestro botti illegali e 4 arresti tra Napoli e Caserta", "summary": "Oltre 3 tonnellate: operazione \"Capodanno sicuro\" dei finanzieri", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 10:53:46 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Bel tempo fino a Capodanno, poi probabili freddo e neve", "summary": "Per fine 2024 possibili piogge solo su Toscana e Liguria", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 10:59:27 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Ecco le 10 notizie pi\u00f9 lette nel 2004 su nel 2024", "summary": "Dall\u2019alluvione a Valencia alla rinuncia di Angela Carini, ma c'\u00e8 anche spazio per 'piccole grandi' storie di riconoscenza", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 10:19:38 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Calcio: Milan; \u00e8 ufficiale, Fonseca esonerato", "summary": "Comunicato del club: 'Sollevato dall'incarico di allenatore'. Ieri l'annuncio del tecnico", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 10:38:40 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Morto per il freddo a Gaza anche il neonato gemello", "summary": "Lo scrive l'agenzia palestinese Wafa citando fonti mediche. Il fratellino era deceduto ieri. E' il sesto in una settimana", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 10:43:31 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Turisti intossicati da monossido, un morto", "summary": "E' accaduto a Cefal\u00f9, i tre sopravvissuti sono gravi", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:24:14 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "'Green' ferry emits more CO2 than old diesel ship", "summary": "One transport expert tells the BBC it might be better to run the new CalMac ferry on diesel.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 06:14:24 GMT", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "L'albero della vita com'era 2,5 miliardi di anni fa", "summary": "Riguarda uno dei periodi pi\u00f9 enigmatici dell'evoluzione", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:03:25 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Codice Strada: Mit-Viminale, calano incidenti e vittime", "summary": "Incidenti gi\u00f9 del 2,8%, le vittime del 25,4%", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:01:46 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 43ad8f928bef7e2cb831cd9fb4158dc06adc31c6472c18d3257d175e5328b837 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Va all'asta la tuta di Ayrton Senna indossata nel 1988", "summary": "Sotheby's ha messo in vendita il cimelio del pilota brasiliano", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:49:31 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 bece6511b270ccce3594f55ed7fd210e08446455bd4b344b6321d57b7c3b2524 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Nuova Lancia Ypsilon dal Roadshow alle Case Lancia", "summary": "Terminato il 'giro d'Italia' l'appuntamento \u00e8 in concessionaria", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:54:39 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 5f7cea251c67c8f2315a676a944d5acbfc5b7669c0ed141e5d25e5509d5098d1 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Calcio: Milan-Roma, la sfida tra deluse finisce pari", "summary": "", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:49:03 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 1c50b3676687026e53a358ae446acaafe6620ee2f7040d140113ea4302a4ca83 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Jordan Thompson al torneo di Brisbane", "summary": "", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:48:55 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Chiusura del gioco d'azzardo online nelle Filippine", "summary": "", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:48:55 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Gruppo etnico Gurung del Nepal celebra il capodanno", "summary": "", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:48:52 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Grigor Dimitrov al torneo di Brisbane", "summary": "", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:48:52 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 2f5926109ff42eca863117895f15a741e894f8c3008cfbbec09550f4ad43770b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Calcio: Fonseca 's\u00ec \u00e8 vero, sono uscito dal Milan'", "summary": "", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:48:34 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Cricket: Australia-India", "summary": "", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:48:02 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 8ed545d67725c24c008b367272606b0e388bc78af0b3963a16ea758981b93979 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
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{"title": "Cricket: Pat Cummins dell'Australia con la medaglia Mullagh", "summary": "", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:47:59 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Elena Rybakina alla United Cup alla RAC Arena di Perth", "summary": "", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:47:56 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Fiori al busto dell'ex presidente degli Usa Jimmy Carter", "summary": "", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:47:51 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Presidente Corea del Sud sul mortale incidente aereo di Jeju", "summary": "", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:47:45 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Tennis: Berrettini esce al primo turno di Brisbane", "summary": "", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:47:02 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Il gas apre in rialzo a 48,8 euro al MWh al Ttf di Amsterdam", "summary": "I contratti future sul mese di gennaio salgono del'1,8%", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:21:23 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Lo spread tra Btp e Bund tedeschi apre in rialzo a 115 punti", "summary": "Il rendimento annuo italiano \u00e8 invariato poco sotto il 3,54%", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:33:05 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Borsa: Asia contrastata in vista del Capodanno, Tokyo -0,96%", "summary": "Domani diversi mercati chiusi. Future Europa e Usa in rosso", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:53:18 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Seul annuncia una completa ispezione di tutti i suoi Boeing", "summary": "Dopo i 179 morti nello schianto di un volo dello stesso modello", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:03:02 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Borsa: Milano apre in calo, -0,29%", "summary": "Indice Ftse Mib a quota 34.063 punti", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:08:03 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 afe38bfa72747f5c393d292a2cc9a6f915a30db177e885de782955dc0feb85ed was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Borsa: l'Europa apre in calo, Parigi (-0,41%), Londra (-0,38%)", "summary": "Deboli anche Francoforte (-0,46%) e Madrid (-0,37%)", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:13:24 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Borsa: Milano debole (-0,38%), gi\u00f9 Prysmian e Ferrari, tiene Mps", "summary": "Lo spread tra Bpt e Bund tedeschi scende sotto i 114 punti", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:35:21 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 779779b4d2ed12634c22dff8ea8c4f017ff5e518aea88cda357f9fe812f43992 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Berrettini fuori al primo turno del torneo di Brisbane", "summary": "L'azzurro battuto in tre set dall'australiano Thompson", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:05:01 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 5095a68e9d6ea6a9b01742072f24af007b5724fb5db102eac7dc3ce521be2667 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Nba, Haliburton spinge i Pacers al successo su Boston", "summary": "Risse e espulsioni a Houston, alla fine la spuntano gli Heat", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:20:43 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Hong Kong, Darderi battuto all'esordio da Kecmanovic", "summary": "", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:38:25 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Choc Milan: sui social tifosi contro l'esonero di Fonseca", "summary": "Criticate modalit\u00e0 e tempi dell'addio, \"imbarazzanti\"", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:55:28 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 678571de6406c77b3d6d2b618c24ae525daee90eaef60d3ece6bbbfea9dbda73 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Borsa: Milano apre in calo, -0,29%", "summary": "Indice Ftse Mib a quota 34.063 punti", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:08:19 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 bb428457e17664046c34c750c119e4ebb1fa9c5bac0e0dcbd86f65f2055fc355 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Confcooperative, caro cenone di Capodanno, spesi 2,3 miliardi", "summary": "Aumento di 100 milioni, tanti italiani in spending review", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:09:35 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 392077e54b4330d913ecbca505e0ca8b48f44d97383a15bcff40c36905784f39 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Borsa: l'Europa apre in calo, Parigi (-0,41%), Londra (-0,38%)", "summary": "Deboli anche Francoforte (-0,46%) e Madrid (-0,37%)", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:13:40 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 618037262aee68259289b968fe7dc90138b06786db47d0a94844671fb64e1ed5 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Gme, prezzo gas in Italia sale a 49,04 euro al MWh", "summary": "Ieri era a 48,81 euro", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:33:05 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 2f4f0686d52be220f93b126ba1a25988040da09bfe10754cd1abac2126e44497 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Borsa: Milano debole (-0,38%), gi\u00f9 Prysmian e Ferrari, tiene Mps", "summary": "Lo spread tra Bpt e Bund tedeschi scende sotto i 114 punti", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:35:37 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 2c6fed496435742d4abd82eb9c3870ff2588087159fa591211ddb443e7f19a2a was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Seul annuncia una completa ispezione di tutti i suoi Boeing", "summary": "Dopo i 179 morti nello schianto di un volo dello stesso modello", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:03:02 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 1193d902c0870df2a1670d8d912f223d81a05e72cb29ee55841a399e1ec7edec was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Messico, in arrivo a Cozumel 120mila crocieristi", "summary": "La governatrice del Quintana Roo, 'inizio d'anno storico'", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:58:22 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 1c20a677494d0b47fc508129d9d10b7a26632c25c5473699bdb33ea96b1b0f63 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Polizia sequestra 750 'bombe Sinner' a Catania, due arresti", "summary": "Un 37enne ed un 36enne in auto ne avevano 640, in casa 110", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:39:31 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 bcefa3f5def2530071520bedf4fcefad497e46e5d8eba7afb468d463dccc3b9b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Incidente in moto in Thailandia, muore turista reggiano", "summary": "Lo scontro \u00e8 avvenuto la vigilia di Natale a Pattaya", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:51:42 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 60fa049ab854134ba10dcc2d6c8b4a32403c671d8f7af8bf57e055812b6b03ca was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Nel 2025 un cielo sfavillante, con 2 eclissi totali di Luna", "summary": "Anche 2 eclissi parziali di Sole, una parata di pianeti e stelle cadenti", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:06:30 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 f907b5f52bef59bdb78f13282d09f72e9c6f8341dfdacc8ce4982838bfaacac5 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "++ Turisti intossicati da monossido, un morto ++", "summary": "E' accaduto a Cefal\u00f9, i tre sopravvissuti sono gravi", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:15:41 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 f087a5c5bf747bb7d9a9e33a20d88c3785a305e1ba9fc49c1ebf2621bade7e14 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Boulter and Broom help GB beat Argentina", "summary": "Katie Boulter and Charles Broom win doubles match to clinch a Great Britain victory over Argentina in their United Cup group stage opener.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:46:17 GMT", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 aa56ce655c6372800fb799dce5d2db00a9f0794a4a648b46436be75243ac7f5c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Salah 'far away' from new Liverpool deal", "summary": "Liverpool winger Mohamed Salah is 'far away' from signing a new deal at the club.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:37:32 GMT", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 24064f9259f8ddb10a425a49da96205f3f568ce6621b8526220e8b34d2d0a72c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "London New Year's Eve ticket scam warning", "summary": "The mayor is calling on people to be vigilant of scammers trying to sell fake tickets.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:48:28 GMT", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 61e3e997f6fba273c4f7654070bf6f24f60265153be9df10f88766296d1b06c8 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Disruption at Gatwick continues for fourth day", "summary": "The airport said that 20 flights have been cancelled throughout the day on Monday.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:54:21 GMT", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 0b10de897029d33ce2169fb09c00574b04d283ad697070e2f6655a6f915cfae1 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Carlsen to rejoin chess championship after jeans dispute resolved", "summary": "The world champion quit the tournament on Friday after being told he had breached the dress code.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:06:10 GMT", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 0d0f25de10184444ba390b09e6c30a0e3e4f7dfd4a115fedfd0f8736e82f5291 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Euro poco mosso, scambiato a 1,0429 dollari", "summary": "Moneta unica passa di mano a 164,6800 yen", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:04:44 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 d8e42d11e876d0f9b29a6b70401e4078f35814512857699a9a11a1313fcb1362 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Prezzo petrolio poco mosso, Wti scambiato a 70,55 dollari", "summary": "Brent passa di mano a 74,09 dollari", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:13:20 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 afaab2572eacf86666eb1dd5ec6b469d24db26ae0f15c60fb3b8f212ff9591d3 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Il gas apre in rialzo a 48,8 euro al MWh al Ttf di Amsterdam", "summary": "I contratti future sul mese di gennaio salgono del'1,8%", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:21:23 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 4c0e387361f045606e285758d5cc9b27a2d5ffc4b66235e05d26495dcd3693cc was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Lo spread tra Btp e Bund tedeschi apre in rialzo a 115 punti", "summary": "Il rendimento annuo italiano \u00e8 invariato poco sotto il 3,54%", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:33:03 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 2a3e83f3338837a04509de8c88b7e1f0e1f74011492b7e89ca7be4992c02db6b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Borsa: Asia contrastata in vista del Capodanno, Tokyo -0,96%", "summary": "Domani diversi mercati chiusi. Future Europa e Usa in rosso", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:53:16 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "In Messico l'automotive contribuisce per il 4,5% al Pil", "summary": "\u00c8 l'asse del settore manifatturiero del Paese", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:43:28 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Riemerge il caso del debito fiscale di Trump a Panama", "summary": "Un'analista, 'le minacce sul canale perch\u00e9 deve milioni'", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:54:50 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Sequestrata a Gioia Tauro una tonnellata di botti illegali", "summary": "Scoperta nel porto da Guardia di finanza e Agenzia dogane", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:52:47 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "PRIME PAGINE | Sala, gli Stati Uniti contro l\u2019Iran: \u201cNo a ritorsioni\u201d", "summary": "", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:45:07 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Fiamme in cantiere, riaperte le 2 stazioni della metro nel centro di Roma", "summary": "Sono Flaminio e Spagna della Metro A", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:52:31 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Seul annuncia una completa ispezione di tutti i Boeing", "summary": "Disastro aereo in Corea del Sud: 179 morti e 2 superstiti. E oggi sfiorato un altro incidente, rientra a terra un volo con lo stesso problema al carrello", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 08:20:22 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "'Lyon does the job!' - Australia win as India collapse", "summary": "Nathan Lyon traps India's Mohammed Siraj lbw to give Australia a 184-run win in the fourth Test and give the hosts a 2-1 lead in the series.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:29:04 GMT", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Darnold shines for Vikings & Barkley hits landmark", "summary": "Sam Darnold leads the Minnesota Vikings to a crucial win in their pursuit of the NFC top seed and Phildelphia Eagles' Saquon Barkley hits rushing landmark.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:32:31 GMT", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Late drama & brilliance - best football moments of 2024", "summary": "What a year for football 2024 was. BBC Sport looks back at 15 of the best moments from the past 12 months.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:24:12 GMT", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Mum of man missing in Sardinia 'living in limbo'", "summary": "Cristina Pittalis is urging a British woman from Jersey to come forward over her missing son.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 06:06:39 GMT", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Londra vieta ingresso ad Asma al-Assad per cure contro il cancro", "summary": "'Passaporto non valido', ex first lady siriana gravemente malata", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:39:25 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Londra vieta ingresso ad Asma al-Assad per cure contro il cancro", "summary": "'Passaporto non valido', ex first lady siriana gravemente malata", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:39:21 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Veicolo finisce nel burrone, almeno 71 morti in Etiopia", "summary": "Due feriti gravi, ignote le cause", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:32:35 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Australia win thriller to take series lead over India", "summary": "Australia bowl India out for 155 in the fourth Test to take a 2-1 lead in the series with one match remaining.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 06:52:06 GMT", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Astronomers ready for dazzling but brief celestial show after 80-year wait", "summary": "Astronomers are poised to see a star system about 3,000 light years away explode into brightness.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 05:08:49 GMT", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 0e990ffdd703ec2d7bb6601c7ed7584faedaed0435cc7684fe48060bdeba2ffc was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Can Ukraine face another year of war?", "summary": "Many of its soldiers are tired and exhausted after three years of fighting. The question \u2013 can the country endure another year of war?", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 05:22:26 GMT", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Corea del Sud, mandato d'arresto per il presidente sospeso Yoon", "summary": "Non si presenta di nuovo a interrogatorio su caso legge marziale", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 05:07:24 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Usa, Biden dichiara 9 gennaio giorno lutto nazionale per Carter", "summary": "L'ex presidente americano \u00e8 morto ieri all'et\u00e0 di 100 anni", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 05:33:07 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Corea del Sud, 'ispezioni speciali' su tutti i Boeing 737-800", "summary": "Il governo pianifica controlli dopo il tragico incidente aereo", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 05:52:35 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Corea del Sud, mandato d'arresto per il presidente sospeso Yoon", "summary": "Non si presenta di nuovo a interrogatorio su caso legge marziale", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 05:07:25 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Usa, Biden dichiara 9 gennaio giorno lutto nazionale per Carter", "summary": "L'ex presidente americano \u00e8 morto ieri all'et\u00e0 di 100 anni", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 05:33:07 +0100", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Corea del Sud, 'ispezioni speciali' su tutti i Boeing 737-800", "summary": "Il governo pianifica controlli dopo il tragico incidente aereo", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 05:52:39 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "The death of Jimmy Carter", "summary": "Carter went on to become an international statesman and human rights campaigner", "date": "Sun, 29 Dec 2024 23:56:00 GMT", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "'It's unbearable': Families mourn after South Korea plane crash", "summary": "The South Korean tragedy has left the loved ones of victims searching for answers.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 03:18:54 GMT", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "South Korea orders safety probe of its entire airline system after deadly crash", "summary": "His order comes as another Jeju Air flight made a U-turn to Seoul due to a landing-gear issue.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 04:17:38 GMT", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Biden and Trump lead tributes to 'extraordinary' Jimmy Carter after he dies aged 100", "summary": "Former US President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Jimmy Carter died at the age of 100 at his home in Georgia.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 04:32:51 GMT", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "'Stesso problema al carrello', volo della Jeju Air torna a terra", "summary": "Paura in Corea del Sud dopo la tragedia che ha causato 179 morti", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 04:05:15 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Calcio, Fonseca: il Milan mi ha esonerato", "summary": "L'annuncio del tecnico, ma manca ancora l'ufficialit\u00e0", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 02:59:51 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "'Stesso problema al carrello', volo della Jeju Air torna a terra", "summary": "Paura in Corea del Sud dopo la tragedia che ha causato 179 morti", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 04:05:18 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "'I used maternity leave to launch my mug business'", "summary": "A businesswoman, whose mugs have been shared by Mollie-Mae, says \"mum-guilt\" is her biggest challenge.", "date": "Sun, 29 Dec 2024 21:55:05 GMT", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Barbados fishing industry still reeling from hurricane aftermath", "summary": "Hurricane Beryl lashed the island in July, devastating much of its fishing fleet.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:04:51 GMT", "link": ""}
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{"title": "'My autistic sons have taught me so much'", "summary": "James Hunt says he will never regret becoming a full-time carer to his two autistic sons.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 01:57:26 GMT", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "GTA 6, Nintendo's new console and what else to watch out for in 2025 gaming", "summary": "Two big releases will dominate the industry next year, but they're not the only games in town.", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 02:15:30 GMT", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Watch the moment he was sworn in as president in 1977", "summary": "On 20 January 1977, Jimmy Carter took his presidential oath to become the 39th president of the United States.", "date": "Sun, 29 Dec 2024 22:52:30 GMT", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Jimmy Carter's 100-year journey", "summary": "His journey from peanut farmer to the White House, and beyond.", "date": "Sun, 29 Dec 2024 22:35:00 GMT", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Life in pictures: The 39th president", "summary": "A look back at the life of the 39th US president.", "date": "Sun, 29 Dec 2024 22:27:22 GMT", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Joe Biden pays tribute to predecessor and 'dear friend'", "summary": "Biden praises Carter as \"someone who embodied the most fundamental human values\".", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 02:18:08 GMT", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 6b681b21bfa09380b40a4241cea1c1954676c755ed035ec27a48859fae9a9043 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Tougher rules to restrict new waste incinerators", "summary": "Tougher regulations unveiled for new energy from waste incinerators which may limit future plants", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 02:54:52 GMT", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 c95c6ef08d1e93da23ccc8eb65ce167e573b77659d87e6f70c32f22e12d58fd3 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Calcio, Fonseca: il Milan mi ha esonerato", "summary": "L'annuncio del tecnico, ma manca ancora l'ufficialit\u00e0", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 02:59:33 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Borsa: Tokyo, apertura in leggero ribasso (-0,19%)", "summary": "Nikkei arretra nell'ultima seduta dell'anno. Yen ancora debole", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 01:32:54 +0100", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Borsa: Tokyo, apertura in leggero ribasso (-0,19%)", "summary": "Nikkei arretra nell'ultima seduta dell'anno. Yen ancora debole", "date": "Mon, 30 Dec 2024 01:33:25 +0100", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 56c483946d809a11d2337c264a3a5ca8582b8bbdf43980bdb2b17db07b4392eb was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.