ANSIACheck is similar to ANSACheck but:

  • this works (sorry ANSA),
  • use secure SHA256 instead of the compromised MD5 algorithm,
  • use opentimestamps protocol and save proof on the Bitcoin blockchain,
  • use ZERO bytes on the Bitcoin blockchain,
  • can scale indefinitely,
  • was developend in 3 hours and
  • open-souce, all code is available at

Opentimestamped articles list

Title: Cipolletta, nuove Carte del Merito e della Cultura un fallimento

Summary: Il presidente dell'Aie: "Il mercato del libro sta regredendo"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Cipolletta, nuove Carte del Merito e della Cultura un fallimento", "summary": "Il presidente dell'Aie: \"Il mercato del libro sta regredendo\"", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:32:03 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 dc8ec683847b80e95406b01b2b936509a28abf6387cbb74d3c27a9aca146a3f0 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Cipolletta, nuove Carte del Merito e della Cultura un fallimento

Summary: Il presidente dell'Aie: "Il mercato del libro sta regredendo"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Cipolletta, nuove Carte del Merito e della Cultura un fallimento", "summary": "Il presidente dell'Aie: \"Il mercato del libro sta regredendo\"", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:31:46 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 7023278b4b6937a62b656bbaf30be6233f73639e341f8d8c003339680d8a29ce was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Il pianista Filippo Gorini debutta alla Carnegie Hall

Summary: Concerto del Premio Abbiati, preludio al progetto 7 Cities


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Il pianista Filippo Gorini debutta alla Carnegie Hall", "summary": "Concerto del Premio Abbiati, preludio al progetto 7 Cities", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:36:52 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f93a75d5dd73b12738fdb2454ff09e339e1fa17ae3955058a61ea656b810fdc5 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Tornano a splendere le sculture del Vittoriano a Roma

Summary: Il restauro con il contributo di Bulgari grazie all'Art bonus


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Tornano a splendere le sculture del Vittoriano a Roma", "summary": "Il restauro con il contributo di Bulgari grazie all'Art bonus", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:50:33 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 6ce2e6ba3de9e7784a9b78388c11c23c644e8f30c1368241ef464ef1e3492f21 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Magritte entra nel club dei 100 milioni

Summary: Record da Christie's mentre si aspetta la banana di Cattelan


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Magritte entra nel club dei 100 milioni", "summary": "Record da Christie's mentre si aspetta la banana di Cattelan", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:53:34 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 c9e80fd0504fe83e706e2f83ff8cdeef9d18782d0a4365313ae2cd095d0ac261 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Festival di Porretta Terme omaggia Diritti, Delon e Mastroianni

Summary: Dal 7 dicembre la 23/a edizione. Guccini ospite dell'apertura


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Festival di Porretta Terme omaggia Diritti, Delon e Mastroianni", "summary": "Dal 7 dicembre la 23/a edizione. Guccini ospite dell'apertura", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:15:31 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 d033cd0069217b7290a57cb8ecf1461a168548681526f63934f8e2902997bdcc was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Milano-Cortina: Malagò 'lavori procedono a pieno ritmo'

Summary: N.1 Coni 'Bach sarà in Italia per incontri istituzionali'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Milano-Cortina: Malag\u00f2 'lavori procedono a pieno ritmo'", "summary": "N.1 Coni 'Bach sar\u00e0 in Italia per incontri istituzionali'", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:53:14 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 b4298f7cd68710cfdaf6ab1593f1c826c21e75bae39124c0db6be427ba1c5036 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: La Fifa punta sulla formazione, stanziati 350 milioni di dollari

Summary: Pubblicato primo rapporto sulle operazioni della Clearing House


The article described by the following json

{"title": "La Fifa punta sulla formazione, stanziati 350 milioni di dollari", "summary": "Pubblicato primo rapporto sulle operazioni della Clearing House", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:11:00 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f89d2a75a40ca4ec95c80ada37d7d55a7ee8532d82eb905c318ef87bd7d29010 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Coni: Giunta nazionale approva nuovo statuto Federcalcio

Summary: Le modifiche erano state votate in assemblea federale 4 novembre


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Coni: Giunta nazionale approva nuovo statuto Federcalcio", "summary": "Le modifiche erano state votate in assemblea federale 4 novembre", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:44:32 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 1a5095402f2c054542677c8ff32c6d49898e4d77cd68e7127749aa8dbd8cf0f6 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Cherie, 'la strategia di Stm non cambia, crescere per competere'

Summary: Mantenere i microchip come un'attività strategica per l'Europa


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Cherie, 'la strategia di Stm non cambia, crescere per competere'", "summary": "Mantenere i microchip come un'attivit\u00e0 strategica per l'Europa", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:36:34 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 e3c6ff6c27695653601eda1ee1050c0ba13b4ac7f4d45e86d92156f410929059 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Fipe-Confcommercio, Stoppani riconfermato presidente

Summary: Per il quinquennio 2024-29, 'il nostro impegn va avanti'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Fipe-Confcommercio, Stoppani riconfermato presidente", "summary": "Per il quinquennio 2024-29, 'il nostro impegn va avanti'", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:45:30 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 475b6f8c95f3ac1ab05036e85a99ca4f2e6770b8cc334c497378cab8ac6eca75 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: L'Ucraina critica la chiusura delle ambasciate a Kiev

Summary: 'La minaccia russa è la stessa ogni giorno'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "L'Ucraina critica la chiusura delle ambasciate a Kiev", "summary": "'La minaccia russa \u00e8 la stessa ogni giorno'", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:00:57 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 adbbdbbbe49d577c68dc94f19f4d29e29cec7ed45ffd39d947b41a528f49e0c9 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Inflazione Sudafrica cala sotto aspettative Banca Centrale

Summary: Inflazione al 2,8%, tasso più basso dal 2020


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Inflazione Sudafrica cala sotto aspettative Banca Centrale", "summary": "Inflazione al 2,8%, tasso pi\u00f9 basso dal 2020", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:44:51 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 c183199d7ace490e7c9610fc55bf9ea10aa0e2e8576ddcd81e8f922ab08bbb36 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Lo sfottò di Grillo, Conte come l'ultimo dei giapponesi

Summary: Il rimando a Onoda, un militare che non credeva che la guerra fosse finita


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Lo sfott\u00f2 di Grillo, Conte come l'ultimo dei giapponesi", "summary": "Il rimando a Onoda, un militare che non credeva che la guerra fosse finita", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:26:07 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 9fbc86e6358223286a0aa9c6172668f0ce025672811c874279caa0d114503ea3 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Manfredi eletto all'unanimità presidente dell'Anci

Summary: Marco Fioravanti alla guida del Consiglio nazionale


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Manfredi eletto all'unanimit\u00e0 presidente dell'Anci", "summary": "Marco Fioravanti alla guida del Consiglio nazionale", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:46:08 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 7913897ad2f577ef421a5617429439fb8c134d07263167abe461df22bf8f4540 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Uno bianca: 30 anni fa gli arresti, 'vittime hanno ancora paura'

Summary: 'La cattura fu tardiva, per troppo tempo non si è visto'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Uno bianca: 30 anni fa gli arresti, 'vittime hanno ancora paura'", "summary": "'La cattura fu tardiva, per troppo tempo non si \u00e8 visto'", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:16:11 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 de9fe46491487d091aae47c1c223a0f58238eee34a8011e5c28e23c9a490c562 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Alzheimer, Tribunale 'rette ricovero sono a carico del Ssn'

Summary: Legale, 'sentenza Castrovillari dà speranza a migliaia famiglie'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Alzheimer, Tribunale 'rette ricovero sono a carico del Ssn'", "summary": "Legale, 'sentenza Castrovillari d\u00e0 speranza a migliaia famiglie'", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:20:35 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a88257565df1bd976d042c841a70b5bce4db8193ff9b2453a84bbf11bd2f1ce4 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Funerali più snelli per i Papi, le nuove regole

Summary: Via le tre bare, indicazioni per sepoltura fuori dal Vaticano


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Funerali pi\u00f9 snelli per i Papi, le nuove regole", "summary": "Via le tre bare, indicazioni per sepoltura fuori dal Vaticano", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:41:19 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 8c16dbf9ca88ed07c0a985be8c510367a20d7be9e9836638c2ef80cb867e116d was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: I popolari verso il sì all'intesa con socialisti e Renew sulle nomine. Spagnoli contrari

Summary: La delegazione spagnola sarebbe pronta a votare contro l'intera Commissione il 27 novembre


The article described by the following json

{"title": "I popolari verso il s\u00ec all'intesa con socialisti e Renew sulle nomine. Spagnoli contrari", "summary": "La delegazione spagnola sarebbe pronta a votare contro l'intera Commissione il 27 novembre", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:26:31 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 b47f607a8946c654c28d9e891faed4566aa04fc8300ff6f14f1bf3cbcd1c19fd was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: È vero che i due astronauti bloccati sulla Stazione spaziale stanno male?



The article described by the following json

{"title": "\u00c8 vero che i due astronauti bloccati sulla Stazione spaziale stanno male?", "summary": "", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:29:06 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 4f3379fe179b77e932aaf79934fd0939354f165ad9fed70b2dc45977318f4d73 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Question time con Ciriani, Urso, Crosetto e Calderone

Summary: Alle 15


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Question time con Ciriani, Urso, Crosetto e Calderone", "summary": "Alle 15", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:21:14 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 ed2bdc96f13ce86a3d0339eb0ae0e4e0ac3952997a6ec8fd1cca1424f19acaac was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Torture nel carcere di Trapani: 11 agenti penitenziari arrestati e 14 sospesi

Summary: La procura di Trapani: Detenuti investiti da lanci d'acqua mista a urina. 'Violenza non episodica ma metodo per garantire l'ordine'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Torture nel carcere di Trapani: 11 agenti penitenziari arrestati e 14 sospesi", "summary": "La procura di Trapani: Detenuti investiti da lanci d'acqua mista a urina. 'Violenza non episodica ma metodo per garantire l'ordine'", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:19:16 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 de0826199a5f29af5da07d990191eac6265f9b49fa31c64858965fab92282bfd was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Possibile 'attacco significativo' oggi a Kiev, chiudono le ambasciate

Summary: Usa lanciano l'allarme, Italia e Spagna sospendono le attività della missione diplomatica. Allerta aerea nella capitale e altre 10 regioni


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Possibile 'attacco significativo' oggi a Kiev, chiudono le ambasciate", "summary": "Usa lanciano l'allarme, Italia e Spagna sospendono le attivit\u00e0 della missione diplomatica. Allerta aerea nella capitale e altre 10 regioni", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:49:18 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 bac51fcba651c51531ebbe5413e106fe1f839428dd9869e4b01670a2dd33d44d was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Il nuovo Codice della strada è legge, arriva la super-stretta

Summary: Anche il Senato ha approvato la riforma. Alcol e telefono al volante, ecco le novità


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Il nuovo Codice della strada \u00e8 legge, arriva la super-stretta", "summary": "Anche il Senato ha approvato la riforma. Alcol e telefono al volante, ecco le novit\u00e0", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:24:51 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 b1345342dd3df901b7d93fca0fe330291a4340e1a82d5d7ce8ef1d35b782da33 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Would removing foreign prisoners ease pressure on jails?

Summary: The Scottish Tories have suggested more could be done to remove foreign prisoners


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Would removing foreign prisoners ease pressure on jails?", "summary": "The Scottish Tories have suggested more could be done to remove foreign prisoners", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:55:55 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 3a446788a723b0f820cac9da6637ac1d8f0dfc732d3e84c7bc49b3d37bfe5bf2 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Care home firm fined £50k after woman's death

Summary: Mary ‘Pat’ Thompson needed the help of two carers to move but fell while in the care of just one.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Care home firm fined \u00a350k after woman's death", "summary": "Mary \u2018Pat\u2019 Thompson needed the help of two carers to move but fell while in the care of just one.", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:12:29 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 7361e2f71203a72e8e35e5b27c3d0f9ad2b2d0602c500510b332d0bf3b501cc6 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Bentancur, Son & the rise of racism against South East Asians in football

Summary: BBC Sport looks at the rise in racism towards East and South East Asian players and fans in football.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Bentancur, Son & the rise of racism against South East Asians in football", "summary": "BBC Sport looks at the rise in racism towards East and South East Asian players and fans in football.", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:38:49 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 c1e752536b352d3a60a9d5e8805f9d0f2170dc4f3b8065a0965c0ee8d6a0a403 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Ford to cut 800 UK jobs as electric car sales stall

Summary: The move is part of a wider restructuring programme, which will see 4,000 posts closed across Europe.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Ford to cut 800 UK jobs as electric car sales stall", "summary": "The move is part of a wider restructuring programme, which will see 4,000 posts closed across Europe.", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:30:45 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 235c0c5c2b8309d5caf4d3a0e66260e41760177103904fe67c6eb6001f33a933 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Starmer will struggle to keep his ‘smash the gangs’ promise - as I saw firsthand

Summary: Keir Starmer says it is his personal mission to defeat the people-smuggling gangs


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Starmer will struggle to keep his \u2018smash the gangs\u2019 promise - as I saw firsthand", "summary": "Keir Starmer says it is his personal mission to defeat the people-smuggling gangs", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:23:21 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 79ec90ae5479379e936a9d494e5cdab94313d187d83e0a265d354748082c8edc was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Four things the latest inflation figures tell us

Summary: The inflation rate has risen, putting pressure on people's finances and casting doubt on interest rate cuts.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Four things the latest inflation figures tell us", "summary": "The inflation rate has risen, putting pressure on people's finances and casting doubt on interest rate cuts.", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:03:52 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 79052d8fc109f8eb65a62e890a8982b56eb6ee25daaa8c192bb239a8ee492bca was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Al Fayed abuse could be on scale of Savile, survivors’ advocate tells BBC

Summary: Speaking about her new role, Dame Jasvinder Sanghera says Al Fayed's "tentacles went far and wide".


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Al Fayed abuse could be on scale of Savile, survivors\u2019 advocate tells BBC", "summary": "Speaking about her new role, Dame Jasvinder Sanghera says Al Fayed's \"tentacles went far and wide\".", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:01:01 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 acc12348b5c710808b57c0c10bc457f55a81d1b6da927848dbe2dc4a5196b927 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Direttore Pompei, 'numero chiuso? Sta andando molto bene'

Summary: Zuchtriegel, 'Fondamentale alleggerire pressione dei visitatori'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Direttore Pompei, 'numero chiuso? Sta andando molto bene'", "summary": "Zuchtriegel, 'Fondamentale alleggerire pressione dei visitatori'", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:09:51 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 fadd1200bf673f18c5616e20699649d18b7f03e8b1ea46e398bc93a2e9a21618 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Weekend in musica, da Mannoia a Irama e Gigi D'Alessio

Summary: Sul palco anche Pausini, Ligabue, Nannini e De Gregori


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Weekend in musica, da Mannoia a Irama e Gigi D'Alessio", "summary": "Sul palco anche Pausini, Ligabue, Nannini e De Gregori", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:19:29 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 e72441a5716f5f1c66e8df375aade66f99daa89f153668d156909c1405a331a5 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Immunodeficienza comune variabile, confermata efficacia terapie

Summary: Studio di ricercatori Aou Cagliari su riviste scientifiche


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Immunodeficienza comune variabile, confermata efficacia terapie", "summary": "Studio di ricercatori Aou Cagliari su riviste scientifiche", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:26:28 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 3a7e1cfab59fdf68d7002bbec765ba7f655360b9cda94ea8710cd708e2421709 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Smog: traffico a Torino, da domani in vigore livello 'zero'

Summary: E' quanto si afferma in una nota diffusa dal Comune


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Smog: traffico a Torino, da domani in vigore livello 'zero'", "summary": "E' quanto si afferma in una nota diffusa dal Comune", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:09:17 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 7ad395f02dbbfe33392a8bc26a287a94bbdfeabb194270b62b720a280c230ed9 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Autopromotec Talks, all'accettazione penseranno i robot

Summary: Benati, Sipav: domani, officine intelligenti e vicine ai clienti


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Autopromotec Talks, all'accettazione penseranno i robot", "summary": "Benati, Sipav: domani, officine intelligenti e vicine ai clienti", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:28:37 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 e440f18579dc592dda3f1fc6dd3763c03e5df632dfba5cec7810b51216247877 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Cupra Terramar, il suv arriva in versione e-Hybrid da 204 cv

Summary: Guida in modalità full electric per spostamenti più sostenibili


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Cupra Terramar, il suv arriva in versione e-Hybrid da 204 cv", "summary": "Guida in modalit\u00e0 full electric per spostamenti pi\u00f9 sostenibili", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:44:39 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 925330a7de4c374c358f7deccd76741c3019c4f34982335fce8636174914c7cb was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Bmw M2 con R44 Performance raggiunge i 1500 CV

Summary: La sportiva tedesca ha subito interventi meccanici importanti


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Bmw M2 con R44 Performance raggiunge i 1500 CV", "summary": "La sportiva tedesca ha subito interventi meccanici importanti", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:44:15 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 0d2359f9a731cf50213cbb5fd898fe6234eec06252d9163ade853990e3f14f90 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Camera, oggi e' il "compleanno" dell'Aula di Montecitorio

Summary: Il 20 novembre 1918 la prima seduta nell'emiciclo di Basile


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Camera, oggi e' il \"compleanno\" dell'Aula di Montecitorio", "summary": "Il 20 novembre 1918 la prima seduta nell'emiciclo di Basile", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:40:17 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 01747d1f27ee3522cc37d0f8cf413cbadc25757cfb981829aaa03ec9d4b0b929 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Alcol e telefonino alla guida, arriva la super-stretta

Summary: Le nuove norme sul Codice della Strada inaspriscono le multe


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Alcol e telefonino alla guida, arriva la super-stretta", "summary": "Le nuove norme sul Codice della Strada inaspriscono le multe", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:53:02 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 62495d892b1483cdefd80405d1a5cc6d8d06fbf656fe3b6e625f926b143438bc was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Turin's Egyptian Museum marks bicentenary

Summary: Great and fruitful Italy-Egypt collaboration says Christillin


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Turin's Egyptian Museum marks bicentenary", "summary": "Great and fruitful Italy-Egypt collaboration says Christillin", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:09:52 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 543e159e3e9f63ed2ecc43366a48d3e5e9a4e3a2c21b49cb160c8a975ccce7cd was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Never said femicides are migrants' fault says Valditara

Summary: 'Marginalization also contributes to rise in sexual violence'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Never said femicides are migrants' fault says Valditara", "summary": "'Marginalization also contributes to rise in sexual violence'", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:08:38 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 0c3ca7f4b946ee690d76fed879cbffe9e3fe472185e936cfce31b61ef0b9c683 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: World is divided, threatened by nuclear conflict - pope

Summary: Francis appeals for 'dialogue, reconciliation, peace'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "World is divided, threatened by nuclear conflict - pope", "summary": "Francis appeals for 'dialogue, reconciliation, peace'", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:07:00 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 8447ad6e0630c9805fd552e5f5e843071b6a7090772ce62098e4198fec82f268 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Words against Valditara vile, unacceptable says Meloni

Summary: Threats, anarchic symbol written on education ministry wall


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Words against Valditara vile, unacceptable says Meloni", "summary": "Threats, anarchic symbol written on education ministry wall", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:14:30 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 00895d02f7821605a8c8e4fb4bd72278b365b3fbc27fbb66d1edcb5966985295 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Italy rabbis says pope 'genocide' probe call dangerous

Summary: Must be very careful about how we use words says ARI


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Italy rabbis says pope 'genocide' probe call dangerous", "summary": "Must be very careful about how we use words says ARI", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:39:51 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 b9ed48a3f846331def3d46591b813b34dc31a791cc13eee1ce9755768a8d29e7 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Italian farmers hit more and more by extreme weather -report

Summary: 146 extreme-weather events damaged agriculture over 10 years


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Italian farmers hit more and more by extreme weather -report", "summary": "146 extreme-weather events damaged agriculture over 10 years", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:43:06 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 9b67dde1b2a81e26aa8d36f458a15f326f056200c1a9adb0fcf73941d7e6a47b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Sardinian village offers €1 homes to Americans fleeing Trump

Summary: Want to meet U.S post-election relocation needs says mayor


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Sardinian village offers \u20ac1 homes to Americans fleeing Trump", "summary": "Want to meet U.S post-election relocation needs says mayor", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:46:35 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 3ed5834aa6c1bb9c69bef8bf5a42d2d83727eae9b14e9ee9d2749fe855d3f219 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: CSM approves protection for Bologna migrant judges

Summary: First resolution approved by plenary session in 15 yrs


The article described by the following json

{"title": "CSM approves protection for Bologna migrant judges", "summary": "First resolution approved by plenary session in 15 yrs", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:52:11 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 bd84ea61decd07207a471ad3dbae876758ceb3c37b0b0be32850058e3b80a2bd was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Borsa: l'Europa quasi azzera i guadagni, Milano +0,04%

Summary: Bene i tecnologici. A Piazza Affari in luce Unipol e Bper


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Borsa: l'Europa quasi azzera i guadagni, Milano +0,04%", "summary": "Bene i tecnologici. A Piazza Affari in luce Unipol e Bper", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:11:48 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 2710af0dc08a37326eaabf71945b1650e02c6ea78386de7126717b740de34cc7 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Csm, ok alla tutela dei giudici di Bologna sui migranti

Summary: Larga maggioranza al plenum. È la prima risoluzione dopo 15 anni


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Csm, ok alla tutela dei giudici di Bologna sui migranti", "summary": "Larga maggioranza al plenum. \u00c8 la prima risoluzione dopo 15 anni", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:36:36 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 9813cb35274f15b468bdaf0baa30d238ef7f0d092ddb5334380c79879196e169 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Direttore Pompei, 'numero chiuso? Sta andando molto bene'

Summary: Zuchtriegel, 'Fondamentale alleggerire pressione dei visitatori'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Direttore Pompei, 'numero chiuso? Sta andando molto bene'", "summary": "Zuchtriegel, 'Fondamentale alleggerire pressione dei visitatori'", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:09:53 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 8d3bce410429613682601966d80b7c410e0b6db7a85d5304e12458ccb0c28bc8 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Weekend in musica, da Mannoia a Irama e Gigi D'Alessio

Summary: Sul palco anche Pausini, Ligabue, Nannini e De Gregori


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Weekend in musica, da Mannoia a Irama e Gigi D'Alessio", "summary": "Sul palco anche Pausini, Ligabue, Nannini e De Gregori", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:19:29 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 9e0639c30f9b8f3f468a682e0cd5e1d669a1e9c652e554421ccdea54785bf5a6 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Nella quinta puntata Don Matteo si aggira per Spoleto?

Summary: Su Rai1 la sorpresa Terence Hill per il capitano Cecchini


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Nella quinta puntata Don Matteo si aggira per Spoleto?", "summary": "Su Rai1 la sorpresa Terence Hill per il capitano Cecchini", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:24:24 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 076326d815c8bb20c4078485475e41d14fec4435b80bbf683f9d8092daf746ab was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Più Libri, 700 appuntamenti, dedicata a Cecchettin e Gobbato

Summary: Dal 4-8 dicembre a Roma, prima volta in fiera della Bartlett


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Pi\u00f9 Libri, 700 appuntamenti, dedicata a Cecchettin e Gobbato", "summary": "Dal 4-8 dicembre a Roma, prima volta in fiera della Bartlett", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:48:55 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a80f81fc61aac7ca23f6e67da63a74901227efb18765ff1e9dc292bd8482f2ce was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Più Libri, 700 appuntamenti, dedicata a Cecchettin e Gobbato

Summary: Dal 4-8 dicembre a Roma, prima volta in fiera della Bartlett


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Pi\u00f9 Libri, 700 appuntamenti, dedicata a Cecchettin e Gobbato", "summary": "Dal 4-8 dicembre a Roma, prima volta in fiera della Bartlett", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:48:54 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 db08263694a34bd8e9f6ac527e59f97bc35e2cbcbd55b766bc190d1d70b581d6 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Qui Non è Hollywood miglior lancio serie Disney+ in Italia

Summary: Di Pippo Mezzapesa, con Vanessa Scalera nel ruolo di Cosima


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Qui Non \u00e8 Hollywood miglior lancio serie Disney+ in Italia", "summary": "Di Pippo Mezzapesa, con Vanessa Scalera nel ruolo di Cosima", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:49:44 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 7ff7f86d414a9dceb8b487da3990d64732e8b4c4104e9f32c9c7dda651e7155a was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Genoa ufficializza Vieira, nel pomeriggio primo allenamento

Summary: A Gilardino il grazie anche degli ex, tra cui Gudmundsson


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Genoa ufficializza Vieira, nel pomeriggio primo allenamento", "summary": "A Gilardino il grazie anche degli ex, tra cui Gudmundsson", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:58:39 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 7b1e5be564552d5dc992bcdb2207682b223cb666f2926b0aedd063c5f31b5201 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Marani 'Serie C vuole tornare ad essere vivaio calcio italiano'

Summary: Presidente Lega Pro'rimettere in moto ascensore verso Serie A'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Marani 'Serie C vuole tornare ad essere vivaio calcio italiano'", "summary": "Presidente Lega Pro'rimettere in moto ascensore verso Serie A'", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:15:35 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 d2efb009883a11c66be3eedeba9e74b2d0170a9162f05320b53f8514ff9d381e was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Borsa: l'Europa quasi azzera i guadagni, Milano +0,04%

Summary: Bene i tecnologici. A Piazza Affari in luce Unipol e Bper


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Borsa: l'Europa quasi azzera i guadagni, Milano +0,04%", "summary": "Bene i tecnologici. A Piazza Affari in luce Unipol e Bper", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:43:58 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f6f2257afdf876e8e2cffc11216ef51fbb3abd9bd146764a641f30c5c38c54f6 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Aipb, la ricchezza delle famiglie italiane è di 5.692 miliardi

Summary: Ragaini, 'risorsa preziosa per la crescita del Paese'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Aipb, la ricchezza delle famiglie italiane \u00e8 di 5.692 miliardi", "summary": "Ragaini, 'risorsa preziosa per la crescita del Paese'", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:37:46 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 2ddf2ee6d91dc1abf9fdeddc985bd391c1b441dac890956f635d75269f46227e was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Pichetto, alla Cop29 posizioni ancora lontane

Summary: "La presidenza vorrebbe chiudere stasera la prima bozza"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Pichetto, alla Cop29 posizioni ancora lontane", "summary": "\"La presidenza vorrebbe chiudere stasera la prima bozza\"", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:45:55 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 62b696d73345f8acb49618c6fd99cf94245fc70629604a2f678a91abd305ee88 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Csm, ok alla tutela dei giudici di Bologna sui migranti

Summary: Larga maggioranza al plenum. È la prima risoluzione dopo 15 anni


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Csm, ok alla tutela dei giudici di Bologna sui migranti", "summary": "Larga maggioranza al plenum. \u00c8 la prima risoluzione dopo 15 anni", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:36:35 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 e6a3eb7a3cee836068a192208a2b7b69db286d500260220adcb4de76099fade0 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Consigliera veneta rivela in aula: 'Ho subito anch'io violenza'

Summary: Cestaro (Lega) durante l'approvazione dell'Osservatorio sulla violenza contro le donne


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Consigliera veneta rivela in aula: 'Ho subito anch'io violenza'", "summary": "Cestaro (Lega) durante l'approvazione dell'Osservatorio sulla violenza contro le donne", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:47:53 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 bb762dd94b3f1f79d08158dbc53286c5a359040e1baf9cf91167920b19945db2 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Le donne si sentono più a rischio, 19,5% teme di uscire la sera

Summary: Sempre di più hanno paura di subire abusi sessuali, sono il 38,9%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Le donne si sentono pi\u00f9 a rischio, 19,5% teme di uscire la sera", "summary": "Sempre di pi\u00f9 hanno paura di subire abusi sessuali, sono il 38,9%", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:11:02 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 1ba5523f75daa7837e37fa8d95388715f471422bba32c3e130e7567aaf9f0ec2 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Prof aggredita: direttore ufficio scolastico, violenza criminale

Summary: "Approfondimenti in corso ma no alla giustizia 'fai da te'"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Prof aggredita: direttore ufficio scolastico, violenza criminale", "summary": "\"Approfondimenti in corso ma no alla giustizia 'fai da te'\"", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:03:52 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 9b5ae4b522a175ae4a83c32c8f2f6854a7bcf027acca3b30a25d235e05b20e03 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Esplosione a Ercolano, due sezioni della procura al lavoro

Summary: Ipotizzata "morte come conseguenza altro reato", attesa autopsie


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Esplosione a Ercolano, due sezioni della procura al lavoro", "summary": "Ipotizzata \"morte come conseguenza altro reato\", attesa autopsie", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:07:24 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 7dba13dc339749ed742122fb3fee9cf1d2c78a5628634f66fed958d3ea3d9cae was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Dati rubati: indagato, 'ritenevo di essere dalla parte buona'

Summary: Coffetti a pm, 'mie attività lecite,di altro non avevo contezza'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Dati rubati: indagato, 'ritenevo di essere dalla parte buona'", "summary": "Coffetti a pm, 'mie attivit\u00e0 lecite,di altro non avevo contezza'", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:30:54 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 69b0002091f197dbedf7a917e0ffc62d05594e02c12f16e5c9c8860bac4e6572 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Maltempo, vento forte fino 230 km orari sul Gran Sasso

Summary: Rimozione di storico 'Bivacco Bafile' fatta appena in tempo


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Maltempo, vento forte fino 230 km orari sul Gran Sasso", "summary": "Rimozione di storico 'Bivacco Bafile' fatta appena in tempo", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:46:56 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 1558081b0f385a1588c84d9a9979808097a89ddd8e68da63439b4eed73a84daa was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Peculato con 8xmille, riformulate accuse Tonino Becciu e altri 8

Summary: Nuova udienza dal gup di Sassari, respinte eccezioni difesa


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Peculato con 8xmille, riformulate accuse Tonino Becciu e altri 8", "summary": "Nuova udienza dal gup di Sassari, respinte eccezioni difesa", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:54:12 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 0fbfd488624bdc25a0b3991f02def628e676d372f8c62d64ba7c8a13a7150090 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Lasciare gli Usa dopo vittoria di Trump? "Venite in Sardegna"

Summary: Sito internet in inglese del Comune di Ollolai, nel Nuorese


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Lasciare gli Usa dopo vittoria di Trump? \"Venite in Sardegna\"", "summary": "Sito internet in inglese del Comune di Ollolai, nel Nuorese", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:51:10 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 2b763fdd4622b7d9971d11e28c94b04d4928cdbab15dbae3f72549594753871f was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Consigliera veneta rivela in aula: "Ho subito anch'io violenza"

Summary: Silvia Cestaro (Lega): "Ti arriva da chi non ti aspetti, da chi ti sta vicino"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Consigliera veneta rivela in aula: \"Ho subito anch'io violenza\"", "summary": "Silvia Cestaro (Lega): \"Ti arriva da chi non ti aspetti, da chi ti sta vicino\"", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:49:08 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 d611e416510104e239d1b358957f242429685ce5dc3dc5f645cf89b13693d191 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Csm, ok alla tutela dei giudici di Bologna sui migranti

Summary: Larga maggioranza al plenum. È la prima risoluzione dopo 15 anni


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Csm, ok alla tutela dei giudici di Bologna sui migranti", "summary": "Larga maggioranza al plenum. \u00c8 la prima risoluzione dopo 15 anni", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:26:49 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 ba81ce1c28cd0366b78b27d17d07f530de085ca64ae1da9833aa3bc06b578392 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Wales recall Costelow to face South Africa

Summary: Wales fly-half Sam Costelow will start and Blair Murray switches to full-back as Warren Gatland makes four personnel changes to face South Africa.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Wales recall Costelow to face South Africa", "summary": "Wales fly-half Sam Costelow will start and Blair Murray switches to full-back as Warren Gatland makes four personnel changes to face South Africa.", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:03:41 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 c3eb87c8dc31eff7ccbcf1cc5e9313b1ebf95e478eac31f9704e5a8019400f97 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: What are the challenges ahead for Guardiola & Man City?

Summary: With Pep Guardiola deciding to stay at Manchester City for at least another season, BBC Sport looks at the challenges ahead for the club.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "What are the challenges ahead for Guardiola & Man City?", "summary": "With Pep Guardiola deciding to stay at Manchester City for at least another season, BBC Sport looks at the challenges ahead for the club.", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:07:29 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 6a154758cb50e9d3f72c3ffddce59572d44207cc181d612346b70e9a4ecbe433 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Virtually no aid has reached besieged north Gaza in 40 days, UN says

Summary: The UN says bakeries and kitchens have shut down due to limited supplies in the region.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Virtually no aid has reached besieged north Gaza in 40 days, UN says", "summary": "The UN says bakeries and kitchens have shut down due to limited supplies in the region.", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:35:58 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 0cba22cbae1e39ce64671649f342d1d63cfbb54c8e7d413f494794fa973b0d61 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Nasce l'hub Onu per moda e lifestyle

Summary: Il lancio in Toscana il 21 e 22 novembre


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Nasce l'hub Onu per moda e lifestyle", "summary": "Il lancio in Toscana il 21 e 22 novembre", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:30:27 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 035c83ae2ef2f6ff989d8069552f4a1dcec2876ab2cfb2065955836ea6706f77 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Le mostre del weekend, da El Greco agli Impressionisti

Summary: A Roma Marino e i pittori del '600, a Bellinzona Bloch e Khalo


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Le mostre del weekend, da El Greco agli Impressionisti", "summary": "A Roma Marino e i pittori del '600, a Bellinzona Bloch e Khalo", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:23:15 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a729b750760fad4e0c898763f07b58e21ed445ac5dac3c2d1dd194694bb76cc5 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September

Summary: Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September", "summary": "Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:38 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 184cd5b9540ba5f6212544c003a9b381b0cebb39b5c6e6e071dc954b0a6c212e was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September

Summary: Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September", "summary": "Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:36 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 01a60a2c5646d33e3985c316d08dcaf555a57046f04f3ef8bd9b142bf1a9b0eb was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September

Summary: Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September", "summary": "Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:23 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 2b64807e677e2b2624dec50f46ea6c7ce563c1a681855f671df0c1024a0a39db was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September

Summary: Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September", "summary": "Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:22 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 12526ad1d75044943faaf94544f564aef4e83933755759361c8f812bc3da6224 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September

Summary: Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September", "summary": "Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:22 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 29f450af99860bad6c3157ba5f107025aeeeec9c4d91b60fe2b42239a4831550 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September

Summary: Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September", "summary": "Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:21 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 e27c6c62414d28f567557fbe67752bd51b88c8ffca084062effde9e0cb715f60 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September

Summary: Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September", "summary": "Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:21 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a2a5d905cf3784392b52121de264b65beb06411e99dbb4094dfb1a73bb65fde8 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September

Summary: Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September", "summary": "Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:19 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 05efaba4f7269c746b320307409d5abbf2cc125c652050d9f7f9cd26c31fb1d5 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September

Summary: Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September", "summary": "Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:19 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 b644803c1cfd5936a3b3620b498f7d45d4366ce6416751521fbb0d2a699fc370 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September

Summary: Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September", "summary": "Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:18 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 7397450a4fabfb3814f905be271c8ba15b5ac94fee6de9dd5c132699ee580156 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September

Summary: Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September", "summary": "Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:18 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 85a6b7eb225c9c1dc39310af5420ee545f2a6486d10fdc224f2ae76ceb5522a0 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September

Summary: Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September", "summary": "Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:16 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 5ace817fda2f7fb0192be10b8767198a17acf323c8d91b5161ca104c18bb3bd6 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September

Summary: Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September", "summary": "Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:16 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 1e3f06d7fb4d0de3279275763c0a47b76d9b88921a622ee49ed5350d8b01ec96 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September

Summary: Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September", "summary": "Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:15 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 af1aecaec6e8694d011c4a242de25f503c32a1f5b65b11c999a47e98b73381cb was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September

Summary: Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September", "summary": "Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:15 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 e8d49b7b1688751758299f3db04663dfcf10426923b565e31d4bcddcb74abf45 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September

Summary: Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Construction production in eurozone down 0.1% in September", "summary": "Italy experienced 2.2% growth, ranking second only to Romania", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:12 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 5cefc11011ca556b62e8e550171623d003779d0ad0a4cd024b898a7ae7d12f2a was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Nell'Eurozona produzione nell'edilizia cala 0,1% a settembre

Summary: In Italia crescita del 2,2%, seconda dopo Romania. Ue +0,2%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Nell'Eurozona produzione nell'edilizia cala 0,1% a settembre", "summary": "In Italia crescita del 2,2%, seconda dopo Romania. Ue +0,2%", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:13 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 cdacf8865c60aad077c5dfec543e1dd360eb2767001cac7008b7f961ec521665 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Nell'Eurozona produzione nell'edilizia cala 0,1% a settembre

Summary: In Italia crescita del 2,2%, seconda dopo Romania. Ue +0,2%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Nell'Eurozona produzione nell'edilizia cala 0,1% a settembre", "summary": "In Italia crescita del 2,2%, seconda dopo Romania. Ue +0,2%", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:36:10 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 c7c229e7490b0c91a9be5f9e1a5efcda6ee1eb81b4b5c20629dc28967bf11a46 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Nell'Eurozona produzione nell'edilizia cala 0,1% a settembre

Summary: In Italia crescita del 2,2%, seconda dopo Romania. Ue +0,2%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Nell'Eurozona produzione nell'edilizia cala 0,1% a settembre", "summary": "In Italia crescita del 2,2%, seconda dopo Romania. Ue +0,2%", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:35:56 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 722acb2f617acf2d40ff191726d6e0f0e509a73061891f33abf0a5ed2283fea8 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Nell'Eurozona produzione nell'edilizia cala 0,1% a settembre

Summary: In Italia crescita del 2,2%, seconda dopo Romania. Ue +0,2%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Nell'Eurozona produzione nell'edilizia cala 0,1% a settembre", "summary": "In Italia crescita del 2,2%, seconda dopo Romania. Ue +0,2%", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:35:54 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 55fc688c1f1aafdb7a2a4dd567ccbfc76e65285aa57248c5405ec22b476972ae was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Nell'Eurozona produzione nell'edilizia cala 0,1% a settembre

Summary: In Italia crescita del 2,2%, seconda dopo Romania. Ue +0,2%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Nell'Eurozona produzione nell'edilizia cala 0,1% a settembre", "summary": "In Italia crescita del 2,2%, seconda dopo Romania. Ue +0,2%", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:35:52 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 c629336795c870c02b3792d502713a8c33996cb3b2c99e87477e399293ed5585 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Nell'Eurozona produzione nell'edilizia cala 0,1% a settembre

Summary: In Italia crescita del 2,2%, seconda dopo Romania. Ue +0,2%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Nell'Eurozona produzione nell'edilizia cala 0,1% a settembre", "summary": "In Italia crescita del 2,2%, seconda dopo Romania. Ue +0,2%", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:35:38 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 0b490100ffe1317fac437e3d79f6b8172c3553c9a85879e15debd40da1a97583 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Nell'Eurozona produzione nell'edilizia cala 0,1% a settembre

Summary: In Italia crescita del 2,2%, seconda dopo Romania. Ue +0,2%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Nell'Eurozona produzione nell'edilizia cala 0,1% a settembre", "summary": "In Italia crescita del 2,2%, seconda dopo Romania. Ue +0,2%", "date": "Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:35:38 +0100", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 832fdefff51149496e29ad9b07abd69d4284d0b82be3e9eab6f8e3b9ad40f1cb was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

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