ANSIACheck is similar to ANSACheck but:
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Intesa Italia-Germania-Austria sul Corridoio dell'idrogeno", "summary": "Firmata a Bruxelles la dichiarazione di intenti sul 'SoutH 2'", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:43:37 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Intesa Italia-Germania-Austria sul Corridoio dell'idrogeno", "summary": "Firmata a Bruxelles la dichiarazione di intenti sul 'SoutH 2'", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:43:35 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Intesa Italia-Germania-Austria sul Corridoio dell'idrogeno", "summary": "Firmata a Bruxelles la dichiarazione di intenti sul 'SoutH 2'", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:43:35 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Intesa Italia-Germania-Austria sul Corridoio dell'idrogeno", "summary": "Firmata a Bruxelles la dichiarazione di intenti sul 'SoutH 2'", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:43:32 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Intesa Italia-Germania-Austria sul Corridoio dell'idrogeno", "summary": "Firmata a Bruxelles la dichiarazione di intenti sul 'SoutH 2'", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:43:29 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Addio Vulcano, smentita l'esistenza del pianeta di Spock", "summary": "La presunta scoperta del 2018 era frutto di un'illusione", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:30:36 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Funziona il farmaco contro l'alopecia areata, favorisce la ricrescita", "summary": "In arrivo anche la rimborsabilit\u00e0 per un nuovo trattamento per gli adolescenti", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:22:34 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Approvato piano sangue, si cerca nuova generazione donatori", "summary": "Il s\u00ec in Conferenza Stato-Regioni. Lazio e Isole in difficolt\u00e0", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:57:17 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Alpine A110 E-ternit\u00e9, un concept che anticipa i tempi", "summary": "Elettrico, decapottabile e con materiali innovativi", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:11:11 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Europee, Conte : \"Non abbiamo candidati impresentabili e non inganniamo\"", "summary": "\"M5s unico a non essere coinvolto in casi di corruzione\"", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:52:27 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Conte: \"Governo pavido non riconosce lo Stato di Palestina\"", "summary": "\"I nostri governanti ci stanno portando sull'orlo della Terza Guerra Mondiale\"", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:52:42 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Stoltenberg: \"Kiev puo' prevalere solo con forte aiuto della Nato\"", "summary": "Il segretario generale dell'Alleanza atlantica annuncia importanti decisioni a luglio", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:04:13 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "\"Siamo serie\": Asunta, Sugar e The Stranger", "summary": "Puntata numero 194 della guida ai tesori nascosti dello streaming", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:12:23 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 7fa0eba5e417e1072586ce7f94ada79cface6324a6a0c4a4ff157d50c98bf9dd was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "La Fenice, Ortombina ai saluti: \"Ci sara' un cambiamento, il mio mandato scade a gennaio\"", "summary": "Il sovrintendente del Teatro veneziano ha presentato il programma di stagione lirica e balletto", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:35:41 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 f27e5cf5e0fdc3fe2480249d1715293e15d24a536e17c9027f41b95abd4b1d08 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Euros: Acerbi KO, Gatti set for call-up", "summary": "Inter defender ruled out by pubalgia", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:12:47 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "EC OKs KKR TIM grid buy", "summary": "No competition concerns says Eu executive", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:29:58 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "NATO arms in Russia 'uncontrollable escalation' - Parolin", "summary": "A really worrying prospect says Vatican secretary of state", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:48:24 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "TIM scrubs losses, closes 1.55% up on KKR deal", "summary": "Had been over 9% down on day", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:48:50 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Marco Elio Rottigni proposto come nuovo dg dell'Abi", "summary": "Indicazione dal comitato esecutivo", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:55:37 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Maltempo: allerta arancione in Lombardia e Veneto", "summary": "Ancora piogge e temporali al Nord, sei regioni in giallo", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:03:00 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 3629a544ffdc764c2a180651efdbff2dd6c467d6203bcbed6b6016d883a2629a was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
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{"title": "Amanda Knox torner\u00e0 in Italia per la sentenza di Firenze", "summary": "I giudici devono decidere se responsabile di calunnia a Lumumba", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:25:36 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Cipolletta, 'Saviano tra i tanti autori non scelti da editori'", "summary": "'Spero gli scrittori si rendano conto che non \u00e8 evento politico'", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:26:52 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Via libera Ue a Kkr per l'acquisizione della rete di Tim", "summary": "Bruxelles approva senza condizioni l'operazione Netco", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:40:33 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 51662bc0231aece7a94e99bbc2514ec6743d00da1195f63f9941a385b875df64 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Tim azzera le perdite in Borsa e chiude in rialzo", "summary": "Scatto dopo l'ok alla vendita di Netco, il titolo sale dell'1,5%", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:42:33 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Messina, 'in Abi grande unit\u00e0, rientriamo nel Casl'", "summary": "Ceo di Intesa Sanpaolo dopo conferma Patuelli e nomina dg", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:43:14 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Borsa: Milano chiude in rialzo (+0,87%)", "summary": "L'indice Ftse Mib termina a 34.447 punti", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:49:43 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Giorgetti, 'su Tim premiata la decisione del governo'", "summary": "'Andiamo verso un closing a breve'", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:49:22 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Borsa: l'Europa chiude positiva con i dati Usa", "summary": "Parigi +0,56%, Francoforte +0,14% e Londra 0,64%", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:51:35 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 48c38413aca0530d635f291178a279fccd133359c38fef9f58a88bd1536b1de1 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
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{"title": "Cipolletta, 'Saviano tra i tanti autori non scelti da editori'", "summary": "'Spero gli scrittori si rendano conto che non \u00e8 evento politico'", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:27:08 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Cipolletta, 'Saviano tra i tanti autori non scelti da editori'", "summary": "'Spero gli scrittori si rendano conto che non \u00e8 evento politico'", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:27:08 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Laterza, vicenda Saviano \u00e8 panna montata, nessuna censura", "summary": "'C'\u00e8 un meccanismo di selezione, non lo ha messo l'editore'", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:29:56 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 6168500278cdc727bf80627f4fe6f723c806b40e0bd60e5382ba96676a6bfc1c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
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{"title": "Laterza, vicenda Saviano \u00e8 panna montata, nessuna censura", "summary": "'C'\u00e8 un meccanismo di selezione, non lo ha messo l'editore'", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:29:56 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 32ed927a5ad2ec431fe3b7febc067ad2638336da107d1415bd7287f9344d527e was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Storie Brevi, il nuovo singolo di Tananai e Annalisa", "summary": "La loro prima collaborazione ufficiale, fuori il 5 giugno", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:33:04 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 7000d4dc4470be2fd86a35168d1196bc80490f084e3eeef37ec307ba7b029f05 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "\"Il tunnel del tempo\", tre donne e i conti con il passato", "summary": "Il nuovo romanzo di Marco Enrico Longi", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:32:32 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 42b29489694737d94e07850953d1ed04f29abbfb767d8319bea890c42418a4db was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "\"Il tunnel del tempo\", tre donne e i conti con il passato", "summary": "Il nuovo romanzo di Marco Enrico Longi", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:32:26 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 1cfafbb05cee3cdd097925bc07689ca1e46fc76ff5a9193b316c2a80e9964141 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Artissima, la fiera d'arte che esplora i sogni ad occhi aperti", "summary": "A novembre al via la trentunesima edizione all'Oval di Torino", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:34:08 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 afda2db787842ff88d3733ca60256a517bd83432c6485c98690202f5aa349884 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Un errore israeliano, Gatti torna sulla strage di Ustica", "summary": "\"Ad abbattere il DC-9 dell'Itavia furono i loro caccia\"", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:37:34 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Un errore israeliano, Gatti torna sulla strage di Ustica", "summary": "\"Ad abbattere il DC-9 dell'Itavia furono i loro caccia\"", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:37:29 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 6c7415a04180c6066c297bb5d18b65920bcb44e0fbbf2bac696c826e3b5734a6 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "\"Love u hate u\" \u00e8 il nuovo singolo dei Boomdabash", "summary": "In uscita venerd\u00ec 31 maggio", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:57:14 +0200", "link": ""}
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The article described by the following json
{"title": "Cinema in Piazza si fa in quattro, 85 proiezioni in cartellone", "summary": "A Roma in tre piazze ed eventi al Troisi. Dal 1 giugno con Ghali", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:59:52 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 9b7072842226e5a0b9e24b2a32f317a8433d1049f2a998b9d8ee16931cc1a8a7 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Vela: 'L'Uomo e il Mare' svela novit\u00e0 Yacht Club Costa Smeralda", "summary": "Su Rai Sport messaggio Sinner e ricordo Franco di Mare 'velista'", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:33:59 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 7e9477865a7c4b0d2665011e1c06a39b3fd2f2055aaece697ef83b84044ec303 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Ciclismo: Al\u00e9 la Merckx a Livigno sulle strade del Giro d'Italia", "summary": "Tra un mese gara su 'tracce' Pogacar, iscrizioni fino 24 giugno", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:54:28 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 d1fbe53f02ec92a3eb3e4f9bb438c6549af8cb75cdbbc0bbb730a96621c4398f was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Procura Figc indaga sul rosso a Bellomo in Ternana-Bari", "summary": "Espulsione anomala e flusso di scommesse sospette nel pre gara", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:27:44 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 bbc065621f6aef8e5d107c46983fb4dc746272eb5447613f10c11240a47e1c8c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Lega serie B, in prima linea contro le condotte antisportive", "summary": "\"Sempre a fianco della giustizia sportiva per rispetto regole\"", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:38:33 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 7aeaf16278343bc7b5c9b6a99cd0131306ce6b7595486f2cba444a1b43d6a33d was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Borsa: Milano svetta in Europa (+0,9%) con le banche ed Erg", "summary": "Corrono Bper, Mps e il Banco, Tim e Pirelli riducono le perdite", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:36:26 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 22b36c5197f3c7c4a7eb2233bdd43e33ce01648448ee2b15f8617ae1c2065003 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Patuelli proposto per riconferma all'Abi, Rottigni nuovo dg", "summary": "Su presidenza decisione all'unanimit\u00e0 dell'esecutivo", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:56:48 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 067f41ffd063f42127b80bb5c6ff06268d2b4379ede401a5257fb41b86b1a80d was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Via libera Ue a Kkr per l'acquisizione della rete di Tim", "summary": "Bruxelles approva senza condizioni l'operazione Netco", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:45:04 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 6809f342f9fce00cb217354506c5df40ba73ad9367f61a10840eaaa7d685ee90 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Tim azzera le perdite in Borsa e chiude in rialzo", "summary": "Scatto dopo l'ok alla vendita di Netco, il titolo sale dell'1,5%", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:44:27 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 c9e0534605f24c14452ffc02b13d5193deacabd308feeda2bb651e0ce35edf36 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Messina, 'in Abi grande unit\u00e0, rientriamo nel Casl'", "summary": "Ceo di Intesa Sanpaolo dopo conferma Patuelli e nomina dg", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:43:32 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 9165ef13a5d3af2fd33707da2377199a314d3e5e67488b6fba8ad68097642561 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Borsa: Milano chiude in rialzo (+0,87%)", "summary": "L'indice Ftse Mib termina a 34.447 punti", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:49:59 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 65bcd755d607a91c1e325b0d375cf834bac189d175e7f7b9a77ba108d79d0eb8 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Giorgetti, 'su Tim premiata la decisione del governo'", "summary": "'Andiamo verso un closing a breve'", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:49:28 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 d98b50fbd370986a94e2bd0fd430d6d985664cb46e9ab62166115f02b2ea99ae was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Report The European House Ambrosetti, Italia 24/a in innovazione", "summary": "\"Notevole ritardo rispetto a Gb, Svizzera, Germania e Francia\"", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:50:36 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 3c734bf8f9ad5fe10bfb02a30651e54361f9d7fbff5f38f657f91264d76c416a was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Borsa: l'Europa chiude positiva con i dati Usa", "summary": "Parigi +0,56%, Francoforte +0,14% e Londra 0,64%", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:52:08 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 ec6f81818a1ca3c68b57d5dcdab0c0fdd1a94bfc6b82b51c80e8a5e724844a5c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "Tajani, 'vicini agli italiani in Brasile con gesti concreti'", "summary": "Complimenti all'Ambasciatore per gli aiuti a Rio Grande do Sul", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:52:36 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 8005d13888bb6cd89f0b080e225cecfe4868d3f445f45fc79fd303317342d06f was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "I macchinisti protestano in Argentina, treni lumaca o soppressi", "summary": "Chiedono un adeguamento salariale. Sciopero il 4 giugno", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:45:36 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 02341a8788d7153c09a3e5c3cf707e77566e334c3888f24e32e6e5ba8a5ea466 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
The article described by the following json
{"title": "La targa sullo scranno che fu di Matteotti FOTO", "summary": "Il suo posto non sar\u00e0 pi\u00f9 occupato", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:03:29 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Presentato il Gio, il gruppo anti-sommossa per le carceri", "summary": "Delmastro, 'garantir\u00e0 ordine e sicurezza in caso di rivolte'", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:15:36 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Maltempo: allerta arancione in Lombardia e Veneto", "summary": "Ancora piogge e temporali al Nord, sei regioni in giallo", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:03:29 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Piazza della Loggia: al via processo a Toffolani, all'epoca minore", "summary": "La difesa chiede la prescrizione del reato", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:14:16 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Amanda Knox torner\u00e0 in Italia per la sentenza di Firenze", "summary": "I giudici devono decidere se responsabile di calunnia a Lumumba", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:25:28 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Amanda Knox torner\u00e0 in Italia per la sentenza di Firenze", "summary": "I giudici devono decidere se responsabile di calunnia a Lumumba", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:46:11 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Alla ricerca di una nuova generazione di donatori di sangue", "summary": "Il Lazio e le Isole sono pi\u00f9 in difficolt\u00e0", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:49:41 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Euro 2024: Acerbi out per pubalgia, il ct preallerta Gatti", "summary": "Il difensore dell'Inter escluso dal raduno dell'Italia", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:08:59 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Procura della Figc indaga sul rosso a Bellomo in Ternana-Bari", "summary": "Espulsione anomala e flusso di scommesse sospette nel pre gara", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 17:26:05 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "McKenna signs four-year deal to stay as Ipswich boss", "summary": "Kieran McKenna signs a new four-year deal to remain in charge of Ipswich Town after overseeing their rise to the Premier League.", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 15:19:29 GMT", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Reform UK would bring in immigration tax on firms", "summary": "Companies would pay a higher rate of employee National Insurance on workers from abroad, under the plan.", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 15:41:17 GMT", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Netflix announces Minecraft animated series", "summary": "Blockheads rejoice - the best-selling game ever is getting its own animated series after 15 years.", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 15:12:58 GMT", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Eurostar services severely delayed over e-gate issue", "summary": "Eurostar said there was a technical problem with UK Border Force e-gates at Gare du Nord.", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 15:31:11 GMT", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Trump jury resumes deliberations after testimony review on day two", "summary": "The 12 New Yorkers must reach a unanimous verdict in the first criminal trial of a former US president.", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 12:10:34 GMT", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Weinstein, la procura all'attacco con nuovi testimoni", "summary": "New York vuole la rivincita contro l'ex re di Hollywood", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:07:59 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Tod's annuncia fine del contratto di Squarzi per Fay Archive", "summary": "", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:07:56 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Torna l'accoppiata Pitt-Clooney, uscito il trailer di Wolfs", "summary": "I due attori non lavoravano assieme dai tempi di A prova di spia", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:31:03 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Slovenia's govt asks Parliament to recognize Palestine", "summary": "The Parliament will vote on June 4", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:11:52 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Slovenia's govt asks Parliament to recognize Palestine", "summary": "The Parliament will vote on June 4", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 15:55:02 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Slovenia's govt asks Parliament to recognize Palestine", "summary": "The Parliament will vote on June 4", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 15:54:59 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Governo sloveno chiede al Parlamento di riconoscere la Palestina", "summary": "Approvata una mozione in consiglio dei ministri", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:09:59 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Governo sloveno chiede al Parlamento di riconoscere la Palestina", "summary": "Approvata una mozione in consiglio dei ministri", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 15:54:57 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Governo sloveno chiede al Parlamento di riconoscere la Palestina", "summary": "Approvata una mozione in consiglio dei ministri", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 15:54:57 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Primo s\u00ec Commissione Camera assistenza sanitaria a senza dimora", "summary": "Il testo in aula il 10 giugno. Ordine medici: 'Lodevole lavoro'", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:49:11 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Cotarella (Assoenologi), meno vino ma di gran qualit\u00e0", "summary": "Congresso a Cagliari, 'abbiamo cultura millenaria da difendere", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:18:00 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Audi amplia gamma Audi Q6 e-tron con la variante performance", "summary": "Autonomia da 641 km nel ciclo WLTP, disponibile da 3/o trimestre", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:01:44 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Toyota RAV4 compie 30 anni, vendute 14 milioni unit\u00e0 nel mondo", "summary": "Cinque generazioni, tanta tecnologia e attenzione alla sicurezza", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:13:33 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "MO, Tajani: \"C'e' preoccupazione ma aiuti continuano\"", "summary": "\"Noi stiamo lavorando perche' arrivino il prima possibile\"", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 15:59:28 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Ucraina, Tajani: \"Idea Russia su trattativa di pace irricevibile\"", "summary": "\"Putin deve scendere a piu' miti consigli\"", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:06:29 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Di Franco (Lutech): \"Sistema Paese deve cogliere chance IA\"", "summary": "\"L'introduzione sara' dirompente per il mondo imprese\"", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:16:10 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "De Blasio: \"Ue molto piu' avanti su regolamentazione IA\"", "summary": "Ex sindaco New York : \"Tante le opportunita' che abbiamo davanti\"", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:25:17 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Mattarella, Fontana, La Russa e Meloni visitano la mostra dedicata a Matteotti", "summary": "Esposizione allestita in Transatlantico sull'attivita' del deputato socialista", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:42:02 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Fiorentina ko, l'Olympiacos vince la Conference League", "summary": "", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:11:30 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Students take school defibrillator, save pensioner in bar", "summary": "Modena man out of danger after flying rescue", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:17:35 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Stoltenberg, senza la Cina Mosca non pu\u00f2 reggere la guerra", "summary": "90% delle parti elettroniche importate l'anno scorso da Pechino", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:08:43 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Partito di Gantz presenta legge per sciogliere la Knesset", "summary": "'Elezioni ad un anno dalla strage del 7 ottobre'", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:09:21 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "'Le stagioni del cuore', nuovo album per Grazia Di Michele", "summary": "Selezione di 50 brani d'autore interpretati dalla cantautrice", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:15:02 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Mimmo Franzinelli, Matteotti attualissimo per valori di fondo", "summary": "Storico, nel centenario inattuale per politica odierna", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 15:55:41 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Mimmo Franzinelli, Matteotti attualissimo per valori di fondo", "summary": "Storico, nel centenario inattuale per politica odierna", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 15:55:41 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Il Trebbo in musica, sette notti di spettacolo a Cervia", "summary": "Avati, Morante, Vicario e Fresu tra ospiti di Ravenna Festival", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 15:55:16 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Centenario Matteotti, riapre casa-museo, escono libri e mostre", "summary": "Tante le iniziative tra cui un graphic novel, romanzi e saggi", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 15:59:36 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Centenario Matteotti, riapre casa-museo, escono libri e mostre", "summary": "Tante le iniziative tra cui un graphic novel, romanzi e saggi", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 15:59:31 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Depero e Bella Baxter, gli scherzi visionari di Alda Fendi", "summary": "Futurismo e 'Povere creature' nel mix ideato da Raffaele Curi", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:02:49 +0200", "link": ""}
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{"title": "Tod's annuncia fine del contratto di Squarzi per Fay Archive", "summary": "", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:07:48 +0200", "link": ""}
with the following SHA256 978fa4505ac6c87de496672a0dfc6898ce5757a2596f95167883bda6e9e994b2 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.
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{"title": "Normandia, 80 anni da sbarco, speciale Ulisse in prima time Rai1", "summary": "Alberto Angela il 3 giugno ripercorre il D-DAY", "date": "Thu, 30 May 2024 16:08:15 +0200", "link": ""}
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