ANSIACheck is similar to ANSACheck but:

  • this works (sorry ANSA),
  • use secure SHA256 instead of the compromised MD5 algorithm,
  • use opentimestamps protocol and save proof on the Bitcoin blockchain,
  • use ZERO bytes on the Bitcoin blockchain,
  • can scale indefinitely,
  • was developend in 3 hours and
  • open-souce, all code is available at

Opentimestamped articles list

Title: Processo Grillo Jr, Antonella Cuccureddu: "Ribadito natura consenziente del rapporto"

Summary: La legale di Francesco Corsiglia: "Mancata denuncia per calunnia? Ci si difende in aula"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Processo Grillo Jr, Antonella Cuccureddu: \"Ribadito natura consenziente del rapporto\"", "summary": "La legale di Francesco Corsiglia: \"Mancata denuncia per calunnia? Ci si difende in aula\"", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:21:40 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 feafc698c272bef25b819c5d0dd28c4c80993ba036f052e483be5836de0e2135 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Mattarella: "Disallineamento tra G7 e G20 sarebbe stato grave errore"

Summary: "Questo tempo richiede dialogo e confronto"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Mattarella: \"Disallineamento tra G7 e G20 sarebbe stato grave errore\"", "summary": "\"Questo tempo richiede dialogo e confronto\"", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:31:05 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 815b2ea7e87295326530dac2fb2b5e87af735fb954863d8039a1baf60eba1311 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Giubileo: scoperto il palazzo del Papa medievale in piazza San Giovanni

Summary: Ma il cronoprogramma non cambia, apertura della piazza a dicembre


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Giubileo: scoperto il palazzo del Papa medievale in piazza San Giovanni", "summary": "Ma il cronoprogramma non cambia, apertura della piazza a dicembre", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:48:47 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a5db1680e8852311a00c025ac7502c78fdb9d2c249f7a95c7f2ea6e585522c45 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Lo spread Btp-Bund chiude in lieve rialzo a 130 punti

Summary: Il rendimento sale di due punti base al 3,73%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Lo spread Btp-Bund chiude in lieve rialzo a 130 punti", "summary": "Il rendimento sale di due punti base al 3,73%", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:05:55 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 fb3ad83b390dfd22481bb779b925f34f5ba2f2a050c5dad9e79eb813f0fb2a6a was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Tajani, forze fuori dalla maggioranza Ue sono ininfluenti

Summary: 'Senza elezione di von der Leyen sarebbe stato caos'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Tajani, forze fuori dalla maggioranza Ue sono ininfluenti", "summary": "'Senza elezione di von der Leyen sarebbe stato caos'", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:09:56 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 93f9a7fafbc5386aaf4818c88662bff1afd5cf44785e1c6878ccc12a63a7c780 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Borsa: Milano in rialzo con Iveco, Stellantis e Webuild

Summary: Bene Snam, Inwit e Tenaris, vendute Prysmian, Stm e Recordati


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Borsa: Milano in rialzo con Iveco, Stellantis e Webuild", "summary": "Bene Snam, Inwit e Tenaris, vendute Prysmian, Stm e Recordati", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:17:53 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 d033d9071cbdcfbff23c04c22d808f98e58cd6d45222add1211ed936667f0944 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Wp, 'per Obama Biden deve valutare la sua candidatura'

Summary: Secondo l'ex presidente la strada per la vittoria si è ristretta


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Wp, 'per Obama Biden deve valutare la sua candidatura'", "summary": "Secondo l'ex presidente la strada per la vittoria si \u00e8 ristretta", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:17:00 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 cda8bcc8f290a74e020a971b2cafaa86d7849824ac2ee00c754568aee1fe1e49 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Meloni, no a von der Leyen per metodo e merito, noi coerenti

Summary: 'No di FdI non compromette il riconoscimento del ruolo Italia'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Meloni, no a von der Leyen per metodo e merito, noi coerenti", "summary": "'No di FdI non compromette il riconoscimento del ruolo Italia'", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:37:45 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 38caeda040fc2c1e7f35ee95fb174ce4373a1412f46a9bc3c6d4e65046047df1 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Emily in Paris 4, anche Raoul Bova ed Eugenio Franceschini

Summary: Tra le new entry, Thalia Besson, Rupert Everett e Anna Galiena


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Emily in Paris 4, anche Raoul Bova ed Eugenio Franceschini", "summary": "Tra le new entry, Thalia Besson, Rupert Everett e Anna Galiena", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:41:33 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 4aebde875b79656f61561b310642bf622a4c20ea6d5316c2e07e2f4434f36235 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: È divorzio tra Paola Turci e Francesca Pascale

Summary: Conferma dell'avvocata. Unione civile celebrata il 2 luglio 2022


The article described by the following json

{"title": "\u00c8 divorzio tra Paola Turci e Francesca Pascale", "summary": "Conferma dell'avvocata. Unione civile celebrata il 2 luglio 2022", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:40:50 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 2e4182d03ade8b6a27492439226d6a2dfad36e018cc81e77c4136a9c71c14046 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Michele Guardì, laurea honoris causa per 'meriti artistici'

Summary: Cerimonia a Palermo. "Tv popolare? per me è un complimento"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Michele Guard\u00ec, laurea honoris causa per 'meriti artistici'", "summary": "Cerimonia a Palermo. \"Tv popolare? per me \u00e8 un complimento\"", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:31:07 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 6960d6bb708dc254bad34142b4a9ad75d4939ac9804c4219d9d616dd1c7d27db was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Avetrana, qui non è Hollywood, la serie in autunno su su Disney+

Summary: maxi cast guidato da Vanessa Scalera


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Avetrana, qui non \u00e8 Hollywood, la serie in autunno su su Disney+", "summary": "maxi cast guidato da Vanessa Scalera", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:43:32 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 b7843dfe7d13e00813547cc880c12b1b3d41656b9e33cdea7b4e80c2a7b02d64 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Apre il Villaggio olimpico, Technogym guida il made in Italy

Summary: A Parigi le palestre per l'allenamento degli atleti


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Apre il Villaggio olimpico, Technogym guida il made in Italy", "summary": "A Parigi le palestre per l'allenamento degli atleti", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:12:30 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 b8c747b8c5d5fba3481835f530a65059eda0c67d91cbc00a3f284f9b410ff192 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Amburgo, Cobolli non supera l'ostacolo Zhang

Summary: Battuto in due set: 6-1, 7-6


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Amburgo, Cobolli non supera l'ostacolo Zhang", "summary": "Battuto in due set: 6-1, 7-6", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:54:46 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f3e6ab2cb94ac8381b038a76f8f0a05f80fb2ab80bdc06edafe8e26de1c00f36 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Il Venezia brinda, Cynar Spritz è nuovo sponsor di maglia

Summary: Ds Antonelli scherza, 'Pohjanpalo vuole la birra? Vedremo...'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Il Venezia brinda, Cynar Spritz \u00e8 nuovo sponsor di maglia", "summary": "Ds Antonelli scherza, 'Pohjanpalo vuole la birra? Vedremo...'", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:55:11 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a3c3f397349ef0050b8759ed566bd884ce2b8a19127831cfa622ad9b2e57262a was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: 'No a stadi Milan-Inter'. Concorda la politica: avanti su S.Siro

Summary: Comitati, a Rozzano e San Donato danni per ambiente e viabilità


The article described by the following json

{"title": "'No a stadi Milan-Inter'. Concorda la politica: avanti su S.Siro", "summary": "Comitati, a Rozzano e San Donato danni per ambiente e viabilit\u00e0", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:55:03 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 43d6367fc0a50407805add23df1e7e3c4d4dc6ed88c73f71e3e1b51d67ec66f3 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Francia, il georgiano Mikautadze al Lione

Summary: Prelevato dal Metz per 18,5 milioni, contratto di quattro anni


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Francia, il georgiano Mikautadze al Lione", "summary": "Prelevato dal Metz per 18,5 milioni, contratto di quattro anni", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:54:54 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 2002d4dcfc3d4fccd24b67a140e165d527430fc831400ac6c156ba500e4f966c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Lo spread Btp-Bund chiude in lieve rialzo a 130 punti

Summary: Il rendimento sale di due punti base al 3,73%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Lo spread Btp-Bund chiude in lieve rialzo a 130 punti", "summary": "Il rendimento sale di due punti base al 3,73%", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:05:58 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 eb6d07c8c7a58c7b39488e213a7cdebcaddaa1e8ebe7f85c788d3fa2907b975f was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Borsa: Milano in rialzo con Iveco, Stellantis e Webuild

Summary: Bene Snam, Inwit e Tenaris, vendute Prysmian, Stm e Recordati


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Borsa: Milano in rialzo con Iveco, Stellantis e Webuild", "summary": "Bene Snam, Inwit e Tenaris, vendute Prysmian, Stm e Recordati", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:30:57 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 6ccec28cb6dda34ce41a0b03e7dc9561adcf327a2cb389810f2651e8bcc67b89 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Il gas chiude in rialzo ad Amsterdam (+2,4%)

Summary: I future Ttf salgono a 32,67 euro al megawattora


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Il gas chiude in rialzo ad Amsterdam (+2,4%)", "summary": "I future Ttf salgono a 32,67 euro al megawattora", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:19:06 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 2f3c1dbec259911f823a9f1ba6dd73b0a78967c9e1b808423a6471b4542a42ab was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Mattarella, nel 2025 la Conferenza Italia-America Latina-Caraibi

Summary: 'Sappiamo di poter contare sul contributo del Brasile'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Mattarella, nel 2025 la Conferenza Italia-America Latina-Caraibi", "summary": "'Sappiamo di poter contare sul contributo del Brasile'", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:00:52 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 5268dda29801ba49e40fcb3e6a525cfc3c00ed3be9d929ec66de013450f5ed5c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Tajani, forze fuori dalla maggioranza Ue sono ininfluenti

Summary: 'Senza elezione di von der Leyen sarebbe stato caos'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Tajani, forze fuori dalla maggioranza Ue sono ininfluenti", "summary": "'Senza elezione di von der Leyen sarebbe stato caos'", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:09:54 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 60ff79cd2e29ee1863cd596c3b39c53bf3698ea804b482f440b557422e7c6771 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Meloni, no a von der Leyen per metodo e merito, noi coerenti

Summary: 'No di FdI non compromette il riconoscimento del ruolo Italia'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Meloni, no a von der Leyen per metodo e merito, noi coerenti", "summary": "'No di FdI non compromette il riconoscimento del ruolo Italia'", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:37:51 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 9d15951a17a21af5f3dfc62b3b9b61b0b5ffc32e969f64dc00fa6390925bddaa was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Martina e gli altri, 'in vita con l'aiuto altrui, basta'

Summary: All'Associazione Coscioni almeno una dozzina le richieste


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Martina e gli altri, 'in vita con l'aiuto altrui, basta'", "summary": "All'Associazione Coscioni almeno una dozzina le richieste", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:45:43 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 0854e667cd2612fc1799a0a16a91457425894a716a355feed2acda740734c69c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Incendio in un palazzo di Nizza, decimata una famiglia

Summary: Morti anche 3 bimbi. 'Atto doloso', forse legato alla droga


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Incendio in un palazzo di Nizza, decimata una famiglia", "summary": "Morti anche 3 bimbi. 'Atto doloso', forse legato alla droga", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:24:46 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 21790a69fa56a1ff2fe60fbbb1678ceced1b030194aac6018d914ce082a43c8c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: New maternity hospital delayed after bacteria found

Summary: Belfast Trust’s new maternity hospital is to face significant delays after bacteria find.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "New maternity hospital delayed after bacteria found", "summary": "Belfast Trust\u2019s new maternity hospital is to face significant delays after bacteria find.", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 14:56:52 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 2c7e1410335369df2f9c0b7eb4a5d7f50dc5da7315cffd360e2911e69ef444da was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: 'Cracking round of golf' - Thomas gets back-to-back birdies

Summary: Watch as Justin Thomas hits back-to-back birdies on the 17th and 18th hole to come in at three under par on day one of The Open at Royal Troon.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "'Cracking round of golf' - Thomas gets back-to-back birdies", "summary": "Watch as Justin Thomas hits back-to-back birdies on the 17th and 18th hole to come in at three under par on day one of The Open at Royal Troon.", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 15:58:14 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 3510b3dbc28325adbce20727db497722215ccd234007b800f48cd20d3c89a316 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Schumacher coming out 'sends positive message' - Hamilton

Summary: Lewis Hamilton says Ralf Schumacher’s decision to come out as gay “sends such a positive message” but that Formula 1 needs to make more progress on inclusivity.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Schumacher coming out 'sends positive message' - Hamilton", "summary": "Lewis Hamilton says Ralf Schumacher\u2019s decision to come out as gay \u201csends such a positive message\u201d but that Formula 1 needs to make more progress on inclusivity.", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:25:55 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 51199a7ed7df8c1a1f918a2efa6cfa560171eea4f9694e8dc504d0d7a7b1ebd2 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Covid Inquiry: UK 'Failed Citizens'

Summary: Pandemic planning ‘failed its citizens’, first Covid inquiry report says.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Covid Inquiry: UK 'Failed Citizens'", "summary": "Pandemic planning \u2018failed its citizens\u2019, first Covid inquiry report says.", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:18:00 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 397760251bc0292dc920241678b8932833658039158c073076e9ab1f89ca1a7f was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Davey says he was 'lied to' about Horizon IT flaws

Summary: Former Post Office minister says he was lied to about "serious flaws" in the Horizon IT system.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Davey says he was 'lied to' about Horizon IT flaws", "summary": "Former Post Office minister says he was lied to about \"serious flaws\" in the Horizon IT system.", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 14:53:43 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 75aa043349f7e242a3afa4baffaf1fdea4de5a4b63c5793e70b42180fcbe6d29 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Graziano spokesman admits dancer kicked Zara McDermott in Strictly rehearsal

Summary: Dancer Graziano Di Prima kicked celebrity partner Zara McDermott once during rehearsals last year.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Graziano spokesman admits dancer kicked Zara McDermott in Strictly rehearsal", "summary": "Dancer Graziano Di Prima kicked celebrity partner Zara McDermott once during rehearsals last year.", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:00:06 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 b2db5aa9195555025696771a062c091581420a4a05f09754f5b41be31140e6c2 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Clock ticking on Biden as pressure to quit race increases

Summary: After testing positive for Covid, the president is struggling to calm concerns about his health and fitness for office.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Clock ticking on Biden as pressure to quit race increases", "summary": "After testing positive for Covid, the president is struggling to calm concerns about his health and fitness for office.", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 15:09:38 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 066d1757df9eb16bafdd2d3af77ae9648b5c3b824b80aa558f6bb969540e710a was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Scoperta centrale di riciclaggio auto rubate, 2 arresti

Summary: Blitz dei carabinieri vicino Roma, altre due persone arrestate


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Scoperta centrale di riciclaggio auto rubate, 2 arresti", "summary": "Blitz dei carabinieri vicino Roma, altre due persone arrestate", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:24:24 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 32221d2e17181f8a5d262b0c7c8a9ee2f0da079e85dbb7cb11c55dc7dce4218e was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Unrae, da Ue servono indicazioni chiare su politiche ambientali

Summary: 'In Italia serve strategia di 2/3 anni a supporto transizione'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Unrae, da Ue servono indicazioni chiare su politiche ambientali", "summary": "'In Italia serve strategia di 2/3 anni a supporto transizione'", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:24:26 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 106e4b21c1660af1b8578e5b4602a6446049c0660ef05de61f543010e9169722 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Con ID.Unix Volkswagen parte alla riconquista della Cina

Summary: Suv coupé elettrico, che propone anche un avatar collaborativo


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Con ID.Unix Volkswagen parte alla riconquista della Cina", "summary": "Suv coup\u00e9 elettrico, che propone anche un avatar collaborativo", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:38:41 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 c6b012a8227cb1070c8f3a38285f65b6fd72dbaa775bfe21a199688aafc292db was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Catturavano uccelli con mezzi non consentiti, conclusa operazione antibracconaggio

Summary: Perquisizioni e sequestri tra Lombardia, Toscana, Umbria e Campania. Un arresto


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Catturavano uccelli con mezzi non consentiti, conclusa operazione antibracconaggio", "summary": "Perquisizioni e sequestri tra Lombardia, Toscana, Umbria e Campania. Un arresto", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:01:23 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 bf162644c9c17e127aac608e795717c0462daa110f3e8f932d7e9605ee6fddb9 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Lagarde: "Su settembre siamo aperti, dipende dai dati"

Summary: La presidente della Bce: "Valuteremo di riunione in riunione"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Lagarde: \"Su settembre siamo aperti, dipende dai dati\"", "summary": "La presidente della Bce: \"Valuteremo di riunione in riunione\"", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:18:54 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a31e18ef6d31e94f64862cac32c6454d68b482df8ec51b4aa671ece8df31f56c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Parigi 2024, l'arrivo dei primi atleti al villaggio olimpico

Summary: Sbarcate le delegazioni di Stati Uniti, Giappone, Sudafrica e Uruguay


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Parigi 2024, l'arrivo dei primi atleti al villaggio olimpico", "summary": "Sbarcate le delegazioni di Stati Uniti, Giappone, Sudafrica e Uruguay", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:23:10 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 ed100d935013459660accee3c253bb39d27d59694fb1f7f2f9db55f332832244 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Procaccio (Intel): "Chip bene strategico in prossimi 50 anni"

Summary: "Non c'e' digitale senza semiconduttori"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Procaccio (Intel): \"Chip bene strategico in prossimi 50 anni\"", "summary": "\"Non c'e' digitale senza semiconduttori\"", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:37:03 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 ef1989a836a49855025da3790f504eb97891e0a673830262faf365d139c0ac85 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Alex Schwazer domani torna a marciare in pista ad Arco



The article described by the following json

{"title": "Alex Schwazer domani torna a marciare in pista ad Arco", "summary": "", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:07:13 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 da8c6cc6e96a81e091b23c43e6a11622c0f580b36202b74d8307110023f22191 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Deadpool & Wolverine, la strana coppia Reynolds-Jackman



The article described by the following json

{"title": "Deadpool & Wolverine, la strana coppia Reynolds-Jackman", "summary": "", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:06:54 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f8f62bcb710a46ece77f0ef1f908535bcc8558c7d764c96a0e41ee87bb3a2ce3 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Meloni takes part in EPC summit at Blenheim Palace

Summary: Premier co-chairing session on illegal migration


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Meloni takes part in EPC summit at Blenheim Palace", "summary": "Premier co-chairing session on illegal migration", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:17:30 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f597e7d6946fd652d5d633dad080334771fa5ba4f1833395165a7a6df748ba7f was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: One-year-old girl dead after being forgotten in car

Summary: Child left alone in father's car for hours


The article described by the following json

{"title": "One-year-old girl dead after being forgotten in car", "summary": "Child left alone in father's car for hours", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:18:15 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 458a9c4f4594e434f9df8d7eebc69283273fb4e979a1f08ca789b8dd1e25c738 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Judges to decide case by case on assisted suicide- top court

Summary: In the absence of legislation


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Judges to decide case by case on assisted suicide- top court", "summary": "In the absence of legislation", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:30:03 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f1a02eddae2a0074505837f52f1e10cc31259953a0da4b7923c91f9cdb6343a7 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Von der Leyen elected via 'shady deal' says Salvini

Summary: Re-election 'slap in face of voters' says League leader


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Von der Leyen elected via 'shady deal' says Salvini", "summary": "Re-election 'slap in face of voters' says League leader", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:41:37 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a600a8000a520c0b29dd55793d100a7975beccb3679044560721a68757579a12 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Piantedosi a Matera, 'i Vigili del fuoco lavorano troppo'

Summary: Il ministro visita Comando provinciale delle due vittime di ieri


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Piantedosi a Matera, 'i Vigili del fuoco lavorano troppo'", "summary": "Il ministro visita Comando provinciale delle due vittime di ieri", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:13:54 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 dda833c5ae174ce270db33ffc7b085ad3929743d6ea76edf5e571275bc6b4cd5 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Borsa: Milano chiude in rialzo (+0,43%)

Summary: L'indice Ftse Mib sale a 34.529 punti


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Borsa: Milano chiude in rialzo (+0,43%)", "summary": "L'indice Ftse Mib sale a 34.529 punti", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:40:28 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a1d3489c2d5a13231c4955e7b1284c65f7f6ee26ffac61937abf56f0eb5fc888 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Borsa: l'Europa chiude in frenata con Wall Street

Summary: Parigi e Londra salgono dello 0,2%, Francoforte cede lo 0,4%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Borsa: l'Europa chiude in frenata con Wall Street", "summary": "Parigi e Londra salgono dello 0,2%, Francoforte cede lo 0,4%", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:52:47 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 32d9aeb0679468d929f8d9e77e7b52b347eea789b7517e685aa896300b88fb70 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: L'urgenza espressiva di Trajal Harrell apre Biennale Danza

Summary: "Sister or He Buried the Body", performance in Arsenale


The article described by the following json

{"title": "L'urgenza espressiva di Trajal Harrell apre Biennale Danza", "summary": "\"Sister or He Buried the Body\", performance in Arsenale", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:11:33 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 88aee55f75f983aa4a0928e33539c8845ae49cf6638abddcb4aba2e6e61004d8 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Senna, la miniserie sulla leggenda F1 su Netflix a Novembre

Summary: Con Gabriel Leone nei panni del tre volte campione del mondo


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Senna, la miniserie sulla leggenda F1 su Netflix a Novembre", "summary": "Con Gabriel Leone nei panni del tre volte campione del mondo", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:14:14 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 b734f0caba219e206baaef6372732f32a4950b6256adef6aa34441f6f91e7eb8 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: La Maddalena di Artemisia Gentileschi a Napoli dopo 400 anni

Summary: Da domani a Santa Chiara fino al 19 gennaio '25


The article described by the following json

{"title": "La Maddalena di Artemisia Gentileschi a Napoli dopo 400 anni", "summary": "Da domani a Santa Chiara fino al 19 gennaio '25", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:56:53 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f669e7fcddca3db3180bba1a957ab4214c23d5857c2174a575c97c0fd1bba425 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Tour: Il belga Campenaerts vince la 18/a tappa

Summary: A Barcelonette precede allo sprint Vercher e Kwiatkowski


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Tour: Il belga Campenaerts vince la 18/a tappa", "summary": "A Barcelonette precede allo sprint Vercher e Kwiatkowski", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:49:16 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 5038300d0d82cbcb929109f337ddbde12e30c5aedf86b09d6c0f37a515ddfe1a was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Gstaad, Berrettini ai quarti di finale

Summary: Battuto in due set il colombiano Daniel Galán


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Gstaad, Berrettini ai quarti di finale", "summary": "Battuto in due set il colombiano Daniel Gal\u00e1n", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:42:49 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 964e393ceebf6a662569063e1fe9985fdca3b60df9b8c40aca914437f639ee3e was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Parigi 24: partono primi azzurri,con Malagò skeet e canoa slalom

Summary: Italia team verso la Francia, i velisti a Marsiglia


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Parigi 24: partono primi azzurri,con Malag\u00f2 skeet e canoa slalom", "summary": "Italia team verso la Francia, i velisti a Marsiglia", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:48:42 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 8c3b8f4ae74684f6b8cf062f6a2d42c14bde7814e02aacbbbd0de11583aa68bb was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Tennis: Nadal nei quarti a Bastad

Summary: Cameron Norrie battuto 6-4, 6-4


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Tennis: Nadal nei quarti a Bastad", "summary": "Cameron Norrie battuto 6-4, 6-4", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:51:59 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 c6a27dbb49fc62556674662bddc2585af627b17a6bbabbb693996c89f3fae5d6 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Tour: Il belga Campenaerts vince la 18esima tappa

Summary: A Barcelonette precede allo sprint Vercher e Kwiatkowski. Pogacar sempre in giallo


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Tour: Il belga Campenaerts vince la 18esima tappa", "summary": "A Barcelonette precede allo sprint Vercher e Kwiatkowski. Pogacar sempre in giallo", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:54:44 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a8e662f71045ac51449d78a27ed1278b02004b0ad0c829e57dcec790c1c7e8dc was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Leonardo aperta ad altre alleanze su European battle tank

Summary: Cingolani, ' con Knds o altri'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Leonardo aperta ad altre alleanze su European battle tank", "summary": "Cingolani, ' con Knds o altri'", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:15:23 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 7c269f6f46de602878c3ed8f95e7c8781cc7cf943fab368cae496e07d19d15ec was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Orsini (Confindustria), 'il Green Deal mi preoccupa'

Summary: "Costerà 1100 miliardi, sono costi per le imprese"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Orsini (Confindustria), 'il Green Deal mi preoccupa'", "summary": "\"Coster\u00e0 1100 miliardi, sono costi per le imprese\"", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:32:39 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 ed5608f2a1f996ce24114466560b4f8d755dc37eb9d9727c1711dbe6b72d170e was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Borsa: Milano chiude in rialzo (+0,43%)

Summary: L'indice Ftse Mib sale a 34.529 punti


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Borsa: Milano chiude in rialzo (+0,43%)", "summary": "L'indice Ftse Mib sale a 34.529 punti", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:40:31 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 6b3525e9e6b8a85d2b8047f3b05a63c6d80a3e2eb63d128ca2c3fd7d3966fa72 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Sciopero dei mezzi, disagi in tutta Italia

Summary: Stop di 4 ore per il contratto. Il 7 settembre si ferma Ita


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Sciopero dei mezzi, disagi in tutta Italia", "summary": "Stop di 4 ore per il contratto. Il 7 settembre si ferma Ita", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:43:54 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a2728a5593fba5fd05846a9139efaae9e028756b77e91b7638799782ec4b76e5 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Borsa: l'Europa chiude in frenata con Wall Street

Summary: Parigi e Londra salgono dello 0,2%, Francoforte cede lo 0,4%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Borsa: l'Europa chiude in frenata con Wall Street", "summary": "Parigi e Londra salgono dello 0,2%, Francoforte cede lo 0,4%", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:52:50 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 341adaf8a36ca66ac27ee9c7d041361502c52b513dd36abcee75679380716df5 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Mattarella cita il Papa, la democrazia non gode di buona salute

Summary: 'Un disallineamento tra G7 e G20 sarebbe un grave errore'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Mattarella cita il Papa, la democrazia non gode di buona salute", "summary": "'Un disallineamento tra G7 e G20 sarebbe un grave errore'", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:18:38 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 683c511ad63ca2f36865ba0995e30e8776eafc80d06e56a41730e39786e20f62 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Mattarella, la lezione del Brasile, rendere i migranti cittadini

Summary: L'impero romano fu un mix di etnie, il risultato non ci dispiace


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Mattarella, la lezione del Brasile, rendere i migranti cittadini", "summary": "L'impero romano fu un mix di etnie, il risultato non ci dispiace", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:29:40 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 55628383eab82ae029d36c34b6f98ca8068c19a521b6aa798a9adfc12774696e was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Mattarella, i vecchi protagonisti del mondo sono inadeguati

Summary: 'Il pianeta ha bisogno di energie nuove'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Mattarella, i vecchi protagonisti del mondo sono inadeguati", "summary": "'Il pianeta ha bisogno di energie nuove'", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:41:07 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 e2e926514af0785a19cda3ec7da7bb6c9049f5cc93e8837f5cc7f477020946ab was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Morto Giorgio Vecchiato, settant'anni di giornalismo

Summary: Cronista e commentatore politico tra carta stampata e tv


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Morto Giorgio Vecchiato, settant'anni di giornalismo", "summary": "Cronista e commentatore politico tra carta stampata e tv", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:28:27 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 cf28521e0003ee80a224c6414f550edaa8a46a8666f33559826c1bb000d0c153 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Processo Grillo Jr, in aula ancora il video della serata

Summary: Concluso l'esame della parte civile su Corsiglia


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Processo Grillo Jr, in aula ancora il video della serata", "summary": "Concluso l'esame della parte civile su Corsiglia", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:07:42 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 1dbff0cc0ad115e72b8d945c6c936b63b5aafbc8177eb95156ec9c0310a81999 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Piantedosi a Matera, 'i Vigili del fuoco lavorano troppo'

Summary: Il ministro visita Comando provinciale delle due vittime di ieri


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Piantedosi a Matera, 'i Vigili del fuoco lavorano troppo'", "summary": "Il ministro visita Comando provinciale delle due vittime di ieri", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:13:57 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 77c09498a91a3aa9b0af597ed0b1dcbc715151794b38fc2b517d8d371e111807 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Processo Grillo jr, si ritorna in aula il 23 settembre

Summary: Legale Corsiglia, 'nessun scarica barile su altri ragazzi'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Processo Grillo jr, si ritorna in aula il 23 settembre", "summary": "Legale Corsiglia, 'nessun scarica barile su altri ragazzi'", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:27:49 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 defc62300e79c39a6acfe141c94f53757c6033d59dc3712f64cabb6d3c74d1aa was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: L'ex nocchiere torna a bordo della Palinuro ormeggiata a Trieste

Summary: L'antico veliero visitabile fino a domenica 22 luglio


The article described by the following json

{"title": "L'ex nocchiere torna a bordo della Palinuro ormeggiata a Trieste", "summary": "L'antico veliero visitabile fino a domenica 22 luglio", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:32:30 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 bc8f44b40f4e2c3004b83ef6f7e35a7b5caa77b0c19986c1d6233e979d7327df was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Impedirono alla figlia gli studi, denunciati i genitori

Summary: La ragazza di origine nordafricana è in una comunità protetta a Palermo, la famiglia tentò di ostacolare la maturità


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Impedirono alla figlia gli studi, denunciati i genitori", "summary": "La ragazza di origine nordafricana \u00e8 in una comunit\u00e0 protetta a Palermo, la famiglia tent\u00f2 di ostacolare la maturit\u00e0", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:34:33 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 0ea1aefd8ac4a80a8fad84d4a4cc4dc236ef5a8dd376b8c6a7c21d05fdbc1c9c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: 'Biden potrebbe ritirarsi già nel fine settimana'

Summary: Le indiscrezioni di Axios. Il presidente ha il Covid. Secondo la Cnn sta chiedendo ai consiglieri se Kamala Harris può vincere le elezioni


The article described by the following json

{"title": "'Biden potrebbe ritirarsi gi\u00e0 nel fine settimana'", "summary": "Le indiscrezioni di Axios. Il presidente ha il Covid. Secondo la Cnn sta chiedendo ai consiglieri se Kamala Harris pu\u00f2 vincere le elezioni", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:30:02 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 132efa4bd8b8148b3df94c9458aa0df7697875e7da9da30f6d0384f795318eda was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Suspended surgeon harmed hundreds of women

Summary: The tribunal rule Tony Dixon’s fitness to practise is impaired and he still poses a "risk".


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Suspended surgeon harmed hundreds of women", "summary": "The tribunal rule Tony Dixon\u2019s fitness to practise is impaired and he still poses a \"risk\".", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 15:30:42 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 c11e9efc78ca590a3b5433a6adbe274f6f430756480413cbf5a50fb505c3c760 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Campenaerts wins stage 18 as Pogacar maintains lead

Summary: Belgium's Victor Campenaerts emerges from a breakaway trio to clinch victory on stage 18 of the Tour de France 2024.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Campenaerts wins stage 18 as Pogacar maintains lead", "summary": "Belgium's Victor Campenaerts emerges from a breakaway trio to clinch victory on stage 18 of the Tour de France 2024.", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 15:49:19 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 2a755c169841deae051500033cd84eaf338806fa22156d92f449b5e1a33968a5 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: McIlroy toils at Troon as Thomas sets early pace

Summary: American Justin Thomas sets the clubhouse target midway through the first round of the Open Championship at Royal Troon.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "McIlroy toils at Troon as Thomas sets early pace", "summary": "American Justin Thomas sets the clubhouse target midway through the first round of the Open Championship at Royal Troon.", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 15:14:56 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 3dc53f239d0d2cf6f02ef26e6de25500b06d0e4de4763f5f1cf0d2d29a08553f was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Data protection bill 'not enough' - bereaved mum

Summary: Ellen Roome says parents, not just coroners, should get access to children's social media accounts.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Data protection bill 'not enough' - bereaved mum", "summary": "Ellen Roome says parents, not just coroners, should get access to children's social media accounts.", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 14:07:19 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 241bb84839ae2667a3f6fd0bbb8983ae86d279372a56cb8f5a7739f35b683382 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Backlash after Pret changes coffee subscription deal

Summary: The coffee and sandwich chain says it will end its current subscription offer in September.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Backlash after Pret changes coffee subscription deal", "summary": "The coffee and sandwich chain says it will end its current subscription offer in September.", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 15:55:33 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 9b3e1808301e380fe09222cb5e13f9d8e7f622b0afe2c996f748421ed4804b7b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: 'I'm owed £10,870 for liposuction': What went wrong at SK:N?

Summary: Customers tell the BBC they have no idea if they will be refunded for treatments they paid for in advance.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "'I'm owed \u00a310,870 for liposuction': What went wrong at SK:N?", "summary": "Customers tell the BBC they have no idea if they will be refunded for treatments they paid for in advance.", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 15:12:22 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 0a7778ace64ba97fc45bb95e9cb9613eae8ba2a5533e4f5882aa3b8109bfe432 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Just Stop Oil protesters jailed after M25 blocked

Summary: Five activists have received prison sentences of between four and five years over the disruption.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Just Stop Oil protesters jailed after M25 blocked", "summary": "Five activists have received prison sentences of between four and five years over the disruption.", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 15:30:51 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a05aac2474ca596ed5d902a3202edfed876a5dc25f044b18163410b17d0e4034 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: UK 'failed citizens' with flawed pandemic plans

Summary: First report from Covid Inquiry says better planning would have saved lives and lessened economic costs.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "UK 'failed citizens' with flawed pandemic plans", "summary": "First report from Covid Inquiry says better planning would have saved lives and lessened economic costs.", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 12:47:15 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 3933e01a74aa5cde2205aefde7e30a0f1b850441f68f1ea677d74e88621dd379 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Gimbe, si amplia la forbice Nord-Sud per la sanità e la prevenzione

Summary: Nel Mezzogiorno solo Puglia e Basilicata garantiscono i Lea


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Gimbe, si amplia la forbice Nord-Sud per la sanit\u00e0 e la prevenzione", "summary": "Nel Mezzogiorno solo Puglia e Basilicata garantiscono i Lea", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:23:18 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 4395645fea2f288381eea9ad3280d449e22338283e9373b7ca034306ad239025 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Spegnendo una proteina infiammatoria si accende la longevità

Summary: Meno malattie dell'invecchiamento e nei topo la vita sana si allunga del 25%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Spegnendo una proteina infiammatoria si accende la longevit\u00e0", "summary": "Meno malattie dell'invecchiamento e nei topo la vita sana si allunga del 25%", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:43:44 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 e4e977170aeb98cfd952d71f6ad381282c973941bb9b6e8f4380baf0c3f3d7af was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Ecdc, 'alle Olimpiadi attenzione a infezioni e sesso. Vaccinarsi contro il mobillo'

Summary: Cautela anche per Covid e cibo


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Ecdc, 'alle Olimpiadi attenzione a infezioni e sesso. Vaccinarsi contro il mobillo'", "summary": "Cautela anche per Covid e cibo", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:30:49 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 222b601528bd15486eff1713ae0d8b953cc24369f63d71fe0f7262981362a3d0 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Prevenzione e ambulatori dei guariti, parte la campagna degli oncologi

Summary: il 73% degli italiani ha almeno uno stile vita sbagliato, rischi per la salute


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Prevenzione e ambulatori dei guariti, parte la campagna degli oncologi", "summary": "il 73% degli italiani ha almeno uno stile vita sbagliato, rischi per la salute", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:53:39 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 55d2ac2ffdf612816db5a2e59d68b50f58ec51eec9fb63a2ac9fbb8ab5ee4fbb was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Uiv-Vinitaly: riparte export vino (+5,8) ma si sgonfierà presto

Summary: Atteso calo nella seconda parte dell'anno in Russia e Giappone


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Uiv-Vinitaly: riparte export vino (+5,8) ma si sgonfier\u00e0 presto", "summary": "Atteso calo nella seconda parte dell'anno in Russia e Giappone", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:22:22 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 fb77d86774a9f4e83f52e16c55687b0c3a24b9b02fd89c297860c8e2d5d9afa2 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Genesis GV60 Magma Concept impressiona al Festival of Speed

Summary: Versione 'hot' vince alla Hill Climb nelle auto di serie 4 posti


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Genesis GV60 Magma Concept impressiona al Festival of Speed", "summary": "Versione 'hot' vince alla Hill Climb nelle auto di serie 4 posti", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:02:57 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a7f3a118a72d53bc9c963062ff5b36b36aeab8de1ef1e3ed2d4d9f47930929f7 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Arriva nuova Cupra Born VZ, è già ordinabile

Summary: Prestazioni al top grazie a telaio e powertrain


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Arriva nuova Cupra Born VZ, \u00e8 gi\u00e0 ordinabile", "summary": "Prestazioni al top grazie a telaio e powertrain", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:24:01 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f4d6f0997c5b16cab43eb09d9ff2a80e036d3f90bfcc3e35ea7cfc959aba7370 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Suzuki annuncia la strategia tecnologica per i prossimi 10 anni

Summary: Obiettivo: ridurre consumo energia e raggiungere emissioni zero


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Suzuki annuncia la strategia tecnologica per i prossimi 10 anni", "summary": "Obiettivo: ridurre consumo energia e raggiungere emissioni zero", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:24:30 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 c354eb98c59bbb6a4ddd3b97c3b0c06abe9dd2b15e0fae75d329873acc795857 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Mini Cooper S 5 porte, ancora più spazio e comfort a bordo

Summary: Dimensioni aumentate per una migliore abitabilità


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Mini Cooper S 5 porte, ancora pi\u00f9 spazio e comfort a bordo", "summary": "Dimensioni aumentate per una migliore abitabilit\u00e0", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:25:45 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 15495b8aa690adf709749aa4e6d438a743e237cbf5e194acd8e9fe83dafaf676 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Parigi 2024, Araimo: "Copriremo 3800 ore con team di atleti e commentatori fortissimo"

Summary: Manager Discovery: "Preparazione lunga ma abbiamo vantaggio di fare quarta Olimpiade"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Parigi 2024, Araimo: \"Copriremo 3800 ore con team di atleti e commentatori fortissimo\"", "summary": "Manager Discovery: \"Preparazione lunga ma abbiamo vantaggio di fare quarta Olimpiade\"", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:16:57 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 8ad53c70b02161b2226a70d6737ce7695b26d22921b6f540518bb4da959428a4 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Parigi 2024, Malago': "L'obiettivo e' fare meglio dei Giochi di Tokyo"

Summary: Presidente Coni: "Tante frecce al nostro arco, ma e' tutto da dimostrare"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Parigi 2024, Malago': \"L'obiettivo e' fare meglio dei Giochi di Tokyo\"", "summary": "Presidente Coni: \"Tante frecce al nostro arco, ma e' tutto da dimostrare\"", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:18:43 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 2413572deba8ad05c24f8582edf00a8059713f5b08a03889faabae9b22b4b69d was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Araimo (Discovery): "Fiorello grande artista, ma non abbiamo progetto insieme"

Summary: "Tra i piu' grandi in Italia, orgoglioso di essere stato accostato a lui"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Araimo (Discovery): \"Fiorello grande artista, ma non abbiamo progetto insieme\"", "summary": "\"Tra i piu' grandi in Italia, orgoglioso di essere stato accostato a lui\"", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:26:56 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 4f5b4172a58321b0e8a992b3c120d861894ce8c700a3cc9721986ae63f8980b5 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Araimo (Discovery) scherza su Pier Silvio Berlusconi: "Non ci teme? Perche' non ha Olimpiadi"

Summary: "Giusto che Mediaset non tema nessuno, noi puntiamo a ulteriore crescita nei prossimi 10 anni"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Araimo (Discovery) scherza su Pier Silvio Berlusconi: \"Non ci teme? Perche' non ha Olimpiadi\"", "summary": "\"Giusto che Mediaset non tema nessuno, noi puntiamo a ulteriore crescita nei prossimi 10 anni\"", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:32:38 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 65a68029095054d4294ebddd9f9bf4dfbfb390cf3b367b0b8e4797435aaefc07 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Vigili del fuoco morti a Matera, il minuto di silenzio nelle sedi del Corpo

Summary: Da nord a sud il cordoglio dei colleghi per Nicola Lasalata e Giuseppe Martino


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Vigili del fuoco morti a Matera, il minuto di silenzio nelle sedi del Corpo", "summary": "Da nord a sud il cordoglio dei colleghi per Nicola Lasalata e Giuseppe Martino", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:51:21 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a1ce21c6ea34c5b613670bebb708587a43d79e3a97df663c181903c08ab6a212 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Parigi 2024, svelata a Milano la squadra olimpica di Discovery

Summary: Le immagini della presentazione con ex atleti, talent e tecnici


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Parigi 2024, svelata a Milano la squadra olimpica di Discovery", "summary": "Le immagini della presentazione con ex atleti, talent e tecnici", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:56:24 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f6daaa9a364624db84e176bb6be7abc1121db671808703dabe978fe747bded4c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Renewables overtook fossil fuels in 1st half of year

Summary: Terna reports 43.8% of electricity demand covered by renewables


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Renewables overtook fossil fuels in 1st half of year", "summary": "Terna reports 43.8% of electricity demand covered by renewables", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:10:28 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 1de766dd247e2e6c2932d1709fa3cc51942a2438ead1e2c3837f6de5d59015e0 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Democracy not in good health says Mattarella in Brazil, quoting pope

Summary: Misalignment G7, G20 would be grave mistake says president


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Democracy not in good health says Mattarella in Brazil, quoting pope", "summary": "Misalignment G7, G20 would be grave mistake says president", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:47:43 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f74c0113fa67f639b16f44143c5536fe0d684577ad66eee8025b424715c03895 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Democracy not in good health - Mattarella quoting pope

Summary: Misalignment G7, G20 would be grave mistake


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Democracy not in good health - Mattarella quoting pope", "summary": "Misalignment G7, G20 would be grave mistake", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:39:18 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 4d068faa8b3d1e6ac3b5700d8a08e6e7e3242a55fe2d8daf698437b8e439201b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Donna scomparsa a maggio, trovati resti umani

Summary: Potrebbero essere di Francesca Deidda, atteso il medico legale


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Donna scomparsa a maggio, trovati resti umani", "summary": "Potrebbero essere di Francesca Deidda, atteso il medico legale", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:08:47 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 88cdfcc68c6b53426676410d8f235cf05805fd9d56362866b535f32cdd92bc1b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Toti, possibile stop colloqui, a rischio quello con Salvini

Summary: Data nuova misura, potrebbe dover attendere l'interrogatorio


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Toti, possibile stop colloqui, a rischio quello con Salvini", "summary": "Data nuova misura, potrebbe dover attendere l'interrogatorio", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:08:42 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 7aa898c30450611550e08123a2093c28634adf426e392ffdfb9f18e3d332e2ad was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Crippa (Lega), Meloni e Salvini non cedono ai ricatti

Summary: "Li ammiro, nonostante le pressioni hanno tenuto schiena dritta"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Crippa (Lega), Meloni e Salvini non cedono ai ricatti", "summary": "\"Li ammiro, nonostante le pressioni hanno tenuto schiena dritta\"", "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:10:01 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a3bc03bef7341ff822d76f732e83620c89acff51d94212b8568418400c21fb46 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

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