ANSIACheck is similar to ANSACheck but:

  • this works (sorry ANSA),
  • use secure SHA256 instead of the compromised MD5 algorithm,
  • use opentimestamps protocol and save proof on the Bitcoin blockchain,
  • use ZERO bytes on the Bitcoin blockchain,
  • can scale indefinitely,
  • was developend in 3 hours and
  • open-souce, all code is available at

Opentimestamped articles list

Title: Fiamme nei boschi del Sassarese, due Canadair in azione

Summary: Bottidda, il rogo scoppiato ieri ha ripreso vigore al mattino


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Fiamme nei boschi del Sassarese, due Canadair in azione", "summary": "Bottidda, il rogo scoppiato ieri ha ripreso vigore al mattino", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 09:43:25 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 289f9bf4a6f6ab744a7ff190b6c019ac885efb4d1abfc7c3c31d25aaa3f144c2 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Barista violentata nel suo locale, arrestato ventenne

Summary: Aggressione avvenuta il 13 luglio a Vimercate


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Barista violentata nel suo locale, arrestato ventenne", "summary": "Aggressione avvenuta il 13 luglio a Vimercate", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 09:44:16 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 8cc56ab1e3b4e3044ab1ec5e6275d0c2aed0b4e408a07c361d96e1c53da5774e was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Scoperta frode fiscale, 3 arresti e 13 indagati in Veneto

Summary: Indagato, già in carcere, coordinava l'attività illegale


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Scoperta frode fiscale, 3 arresti e 13 indagati in Veneto", "summary": "Indagato, gi\u00e0 in carcere, coordinava l'attivit\u00e0 illegale", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 09:46:19 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 fa30b5447870d34e971ada5b1953b0cceaf9651d6581e2f45051468d931bf206 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Accoltellato gravemente a Monza da tre 'Latin King', arrestati

Summary: Brutale aggressione. Arrestato, "ho ordini, devi morire"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Accoltellato gravemente a Monza da tre 'Latin King', arrestati", "summary": "Brutale aggressione. Arrestato, \"ho ordini, devi morire\"", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 09:48:58 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 dcb8b226b13911deca9e6e344e33de48834796b1e2e523fa28e0c949757a50bc was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Gallant: 'Continueremo a combattere Hamas fino alla sua sconfitta'

Summary: Cinque i corpi di ostaggi recuperati a Gaza. Oltre a Maya Goren, anche quattro soldati. Putin incontra Assad, la situazione peggiora


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Gallant: 'Continueremo a combattere Hamas fino alla sua sconfitta'", "summary": "Cinque i corpi di ostaggi recuperati a Gaza. Oltre a Maya Goren, anche quattro soldati. Putin incontra Assad, la situazione peggiora", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 09:42:12 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 456e3c3b037332b59b4773a16da77b9d2d68f33c0f7a45c4ce5fe1b460197d9c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Radcliffe apologises for wishing convicted rapist luck

Summary: Former marathon world champion Paula Radcliffe says she is "very sorry" after wishing a convicted rapist competing at the Olympics the "best of luck".


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Radcliffe apologises for wishing convicted rapist luck", "summary": "Former marathon world champion Paula Radcliffe says she is \"very sorry\" after wishing a convicted rapist competing at the Olympics the \"best of luck\".", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 07:53:38 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 6eb9e8ac90ab7e2059f11e05ff85fe583ef6fd042ec0262d52bf8f710f432423 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Man bailed over A61 crash that killed six people

Summary: Four members of the same family were among those who were killed in the crash on Sunday.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Man bailed over A61 crash that killed six people", "summary": "Four members of the same family were among those who were killed in the crash on Sunday.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 07:51:14 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 ac323ac769552da0d419448ff04c354136480773a6432cc778440dd62865ac2a was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Duemila persone alla Festa della civiltà contadina

Summary: in corso fino a domenica a Carretiello di Roccadaspide


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Duemila persone alla Festa della civilt\u00e0 contadina", "summary": "in corso fino a domenica a Carretiello di Roccadaspide", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:20:04 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 ecb49be9e1effda497cd73959368d351d6878b6038cfd0f76e4ec760f2845236 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Biden: "La mia e' una scelta per difendere la democrazia, Harris e' tosta"

Summary: "Adoro questo ufficio ma il futuro dell'America e' piu' importante di un titolo"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Biden: \"La mia e' una scelta per difendere la democrazia, Harris e' tosta\"", "summary": "\"Adoro questo ufficio ma il futuro dell'America e' piu' importante di un titolo\"", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:28:13 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 ee329738019e0ddcacbae0446f5d6d9cf301a5643f94127e0aa5233256812e22 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Usa, Trump: "Harris sull'aborto e' per giustiziare i neonati"

Summary: "E' una pazza della sinistra radicale"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Usa, Trump: \"Harris sull'aborto e' per giustiziare i neonati\"", "summary": "\"E' una pazza della sinistra radicale\"", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:32:57 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 8215154d1730fbec4b7f12e8d9b9d3fb44c8392a4fab1fd98c64228eee0b4a75 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Netanyahu: "Usa e Israele devono stare uniti"

Summary: "Per far prevalere la civilta' contro la barbarie"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Netanyahu: \"Usa e Israele devono stare uniti\"", "summary": "\"Per far prevalere la civilta' contro la barbarie\"", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:58:58 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 9817b3a5d19a3baf4440b3c8edfe61ac302f58cdcbf1839a1a72271af2339125 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: St, giù utile e ricavi nel trimestre, taglia le stime 2024

Summary: Ancora in calo la domanda di chip per industria automobilistica


The article described by the following json

{"title": "St, gi\u00f9 utile e ricavi nel trimestre, taglia le stime 2024", "summary": "Ancora in calo la domanda di chip per industria automobilistica", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:43:01 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 36fe16b2907b603b4b9dd8be401660a3e0e54aab439af8088a6c1aa025119ab6 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Euro poco mosso, scambiato a 1,0844 dollari

Summary: Moneta unica in calo sullo yen a 165,5700


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Euro poco mosso, scambiato a 1,0844 dollari", "summary": "Moneta unica in calo sullo yen a 165,5700", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:02:39 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a500bf934fd5e55aa59d817c070fa3b39a4e039c6f3d7e015ce41a49429af040 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Prezzo petrolio in calo, Wti a 76,98 dollari

Summary: Quotazione cala dello 0,79%. Brent passa di mano a 81,11 dollari


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Prezzo petrolio in calo, Wti a 76,98 dollari", "summary": "Quotazione cala dello 0,79%. Brent passa di mano a 81,11 dollari", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:19:02 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 06bec4fe223c8dd68940c229c6ae3a050304c968c8445944548b1f726880f6f0 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: St, giù utile e ricavi nel trimestre, taglia le stime 2024

Summary: Ancora in calo la domanda di chip per industria automobilistica


The article described by the following json

{"title": "St, gi\u00f9 utile e ricavi nel trimestre, taglia le stime 2024", "summary": "Ancora in calo la domanda di chip per industria automobilistica", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:42:57 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 390743df08065c9ecc772544dc1e497b285e8af34b7a86e8faf2c3a68e03c16d was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Per Vodafone primo trimestre con ricavi +2,8% a oltre 9 miliardi

Summary: Ricavi da servizi +5,4% a 7,46 miliardi. Confermate stime 2025


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Per Vodafone primo trimestre con ricavi +2,8% a oltre 9 miliardi", "summary": "Ricavi da servizi +5,4% a 7,46 miliardi. Confermate stime 2025", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:46:34 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 e54d6e8f5a26dc95e85cf8ea80112f40d221f88752a3ac0bf85d821a26618f59 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Stellantis, oltre 20 nuovi modelli nel 2024

Summary: Nel semestre -14% i ricavi e -48% utile netto. Tavares, performance inferiore alle nostre aspettative


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Stellantis, oltre 20 nuovi modelli nel 2024", "summary": "Nel semestre -14% i ricavi e -48% utile netto. Tavares, performance inferiore alle nostre aspettative", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:29:04 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 3a642cf802f04b7191833d846f72db000cf49e6e275806bf2424740921ec80e4 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Save the Children: 'Oltre 12 milioni i bambini schiavi nel mondo'

Summary: 'Vittime dello sfruttamento lavorativo e sessuale, trend in aumento'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Save the Children: 'Oltre 12 milioni i bambini schiavi nel mondo'", "summary": "'Vittime dello sfruttamento lavorativo e sessuale, trend in aumento'", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:16:42 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 4f5fe590acc38f661ada8d0e9e38df624a6d588de2c9ca31e1c130b88c49b8db was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: PRIME PAGINE | Mattarella, eversivi gli atti contro l’informazione



The article described by the following json

{"title": "PRIME PAGINE | Mattarella, eversivi gli atti contro l\u2019informazione", "summary": "", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 07:52:12 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 be724c909c7fbb80f4487297541ddf0e7183b410aceac0e51dbfb024759b5bfb was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Una petroliera affonda nelle Filippine, 1,4 milioni di litri di olio in mare

Summary: Marea nera nel Golfo di Manila, mobilitate le autorità per la protezione dell'ambiente marino


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Una petroliera affonda nelle Filippine, 1,4 milioni di litri di olio in mare", "summary": "Marea nera nel Golfo di Manila, mobilitate le autorit\u00e0 per la protezione dell'ambiente marino", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:36:19 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 e2ac1aacdd5ce8e79394c05114dd34cbd3759d88463d3d27ae0d278016b23b12 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: 'Intimate' Princess Diana letters up for auction

Summary: The lots comprise handwritten letters to Violet Collison, a housekeeper at Park House in Sandringham.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "'Intimate' Princess Diana letters up for auction", "summary": "The lots comprise handwritten letters to Violet Collison, a housekeeper at Park House in Sandringham.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 05:16:46 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 e125c370b08ce80a548cac44d9ebfb8ec2076a560f0fa0415e1cd5613bb12b3c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: All-Ireland final 'bigger than Christmas' in Armagh

Summary: Armagh fans have been painting the Orchard County orange and white ahead of the All-Ireland final.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "All-Ireland final 'bigger than Christmas' in Armagh", "summary": "Armagh fans have been painting the Orchard County orange and white ahead of the All-Ireland final.", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:03:44 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 5584dc27ceaf54f7aeb8f87ae0464f861b91e19f439ccef44b65b1cf92aa0802 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Beatles and Nelson Mandela autographs in £78,000 collection

Summary: A note signed by Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong fetches the highest selling price at £22,000.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Beatles and Nelson Mandela autographs in \u00a378,000 collection", "summary": "A note signed by Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong fetches the highest selling price at \u00a322,000.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 05:33:49 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 25166674158a4023e4f27df7f44f1c488930ad6374c85d45755f3d69ffcf3cc4 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Mum sells belongings 'every month' to buy food

Summary: Emily, in North Yorkshire, says she often misses meals to make sure her children have enough to eat.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Mum sells belongings 'every month' to buy food", "summary": "Emily, in North Yorkshire, says she often misses meals to make sure her children have enough to eat.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 05:36:04 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 1569a258aead139994bbfd473ea7218821d4c0da0d35570d8d51d318718df908 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Could you keep up with Hodgkinson's 800m pace?

Summary: We challenge gym goers to match Keely Hodgkinson's 800m running pace.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Could you keep up with Hodgkinson's 800m pace?", "summary": "We challenge gym goers to match Keely Hodgkinson's 800m running pace.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 05:20:20 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 8cfe047ec473b080703e2248a91e8bf6e250af0b6b1be48a7bb1359f34e87385 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Who are the global stars at Paris 2024?

Summary: Novak Djokovic, Simone Biles and Noah Lyles are among the biggest names in Paris 2024.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Who are the global stars at Paris 2024?", "summary": "Novak Djokovic, Simone Biles and Noah Lyles are among the biggest names in Paris 2024.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:34:22 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 1ac31c95b32a47449a8d82a67abbd6e7b8dc907a7cff95ae45f4f72c8c3d5901 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Attempted murder charge after soldier stabbed

Summary: Anthony Esan is charged on suspicion of attempted murder after the soldier in uniform was attacked.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Attempted murder charge after soldier stabbed", "summary": "Anthony Esan is charged on suspicion of attempted murder after the soldier in uniform was attacked.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:39:29 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a70fc764c9731833ba9777abdad955495f5dee43807839eebcb2400e123ed8cc was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Unicredit, fintech shopping and 5.2 billion in profits

Summary: Orcel:We'll beat targets. Buys Polish Vodeno and Aion for 370mln


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Unicredit, fintech shopping and 5.2 billion in profits", "summary": "Orcel:We'll beat targets. Buys Polish Vodeno and Aion for 370mln", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:40:37 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 2960d8e0c98b65266b332e9f545758938d97f36d31a8374927d827e10bf697d6 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Unicredit, fintech shopping and 5.2 billion in profits

Summary: Orcel:We'll beat targets. Buys Polish Vodeno and Aion for 370mln


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Unicredit, fintech shopping and 5.2 billion in profits", "summary": "Orcel:We'll beat targets. Buys Polish Vodeno and Aion for 370mln", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:40:11 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 e0c0f22684882622665696a1f02bbf92497de9aa6e9e6450abf99af31b3318b6 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Unicredit, fintech shopping and 5.2 billion in profits

Summary: Orcel:We'll beat targets. Buys Polish Vodeno and Aion for 370mln


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Unicredit, fintech shopping and 5.2 billion in profits", "summary": "Orcel:We'll beat targets. Buys Polish Vodeno and Aion for 370mln", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:40:11 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 ace30c36ae5e981e750c41c829a0a2275dfbcd01d651e6889dafaba7a0030346 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Unicredit, shopping fintech e 5,2 miliardi di utili

Summary: Orcel: Batteremo target. Compra polacca Vodeno e Aion per 370mln


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Unicredit, shopping fintech e 5,2 miliardi di utili", "summary": "Orcel: Batteremo target. Compra polacca Vodeno e Aion per 370mln", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:39:35 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 8cb7e55fc1cc9ad78c1db5bbfeb2acff21284cdca3459b8f04c7f3fced50fda0 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Unicredit, shopping fintech e 5,2 miliardi di utili

Summary: Orcel: Batteremo target. Compra polacca Vodeno e Aion per 370mln


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Unicredit, shopping fintech e 5,2 miliardi di utili", "summary": "Orcel: Batteremo target. Compra polacca Vodeno e Aion per 370mln", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:35:38 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 53e9535616f86644591e965af86ad7d715c040e6e20c0709c57938083e7af093 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Unicredit, shopping fintech e 5,2 miliardi di utili

Summary: Orcel: Batteremo target. Compra polacca Vodeno e Aion per 370mln


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Unicredit, shopping fintech e 5,2 miliardi di utili", "summary": "Orcel: Batteremo target. Compra polacca Vodeno e Aion per 370mln", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:35:38 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 4ddf0496f0907eb79671dee98433cdf271da96dbc411a9107949b88e8f882221 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Biden, mi sono ritirato per difendere la democrazia

Summary: Trump, 'ci siamo liberati del peggior presidente della storia'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Biden, mi sono ritirato per difendere la democrazia", "summary": "Trump, 'ci siamo liberati del peggior presidente della storia'", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:11:31 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 62cb72539273cf75413226f59e27194d1437327ca7d74eebbb93fa141a99d9a7 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Petroliera affonda nelle Filippine, 1,4 mln di litri in mare

Summary: Nel Golfo di Manila, si teme una catastrofe ambientale


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Petroliera affonda nelle Filippine, 1,4 mln di litri in mare", "summary": "Nel Golfo di Manila, si teme una catastrofe ambientale", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:19:42 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 daa91c75411f9d5776612cae525d895e67c965af1c75e118739d285cb79c349b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Banca centrale cinese lima al 2,3% i tassi Mlf a un anno

Summary: Nuova operazione a sorpresa di 20 punti base a sostegno economia


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Banca centrale cinese lima al 2,3% i tassi Mlf a un anno", "summary": "Nuova operazione a sorpresa di 20 punti base a sostegno economia", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:22:31 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 bba963b9dd378c94770c36d822bf4bc276b90713fb6ce7333fca094e6ad4569b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Save the Children, oltre 12 milioni i bambini schiavi nel mondo

Summary: 'Vittime sfruttamento lavorativo e sessuale, trend in aumento'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Save the Children, oltre 12 milioni i bambini schiavi nel mondo", "summary": "'Vittime sfruttamento lavorativo e sessuale, trend in aumento'", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:43:17 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 adbeea36dd7d4ba5901f1222247aafc89d993c2e2cc5a05010ef96527805142d was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Banca centrale cinese lima al 2,3% i tassi Mlf a un anno

Summary: Nuova operazione a sorpresa di 20 punti base a sostegno economia


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Banca centrale cinese lima al 2,3% i tassi Mlf a un anno", "summary": "Nuova operazione a sorpresa di 20 punti base a sostegno economia", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:22:28 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 1ed245151c1a9e90bdbb3eb5426244ddf91b482e03f86a302bd1a7167db9d2d6 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Stellantis, nel semestre -14% i ricavi e -48% l'utile netto

Summary: Oltre 20 lanci nel 2024, a settembre arrivano le auto Leapmotor


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Stellantis, nel semestre -14% i ricavi e -48% l'utile netto", "summary": "Oltre 20 lanci nel 2024, a settembre arrivano le auto Leapmotor", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 07:53:35 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 1c9291f22ab8e9794a9b3b3bb3c713305940265d6aca2e7a79a4eb206568f09e was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Edison cresce nel semestre, l'utile sale a 221 milioni

Summary: Ricavi a 7,3 miliardi. Alza le stime del margine operativo lordo


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Edison cresce nel semestre, l'utile sale a 221 milioni", "summary": "Ricavi a 7,3 miliardi. Alza le stime del margine operativo lordo", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 07:56:17 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 4bd7477bcc86e499eb034063c14444492e5c1fb68b6a5d68c0b710a1a806620c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Biden, mi sono ritirato per difendere la democrazia

Summary: 'Finirò il lavoro ma servono voci nuove, Harris tosta e capace


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Biden, mi sono ritirato per difendere la democrazia", "summary": "'Finir\u00f2 il lavoro ma servono voci nuove, Harris tosta e capace", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 05:39:55 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 1219dbe53fccb171891a640d7b4c8f3e19857ddbb04358a761473f63228713d7 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Petroliera affonda nelle Filippine, 1,4 mln di litri in mare

Summary: Nel Golfo di Manila, si teme una catastrofe ambientale


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Petroliera affonda nelle Filippine, 1,4 mln di litri in mare", "summary": "Nel Golfo di Manila, si teme una catastrofe ambientale", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:19:43 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 9bdedd4ed4c9034a823b3d2d156aeec4eaf1767a64e0d516825fd97283c2a977 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Save the Children, oltre 12 milioni i bambini schiavi nel mondo

Summary: 'Vittime sfruttamento lavorativo e sessuale, trend in aumento'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Save the Children, oltre 12 milioni i bambini schiavi nel mondo", "summary": "'Vittime sfruttamento lavorativo e sessuale, trend in aumento'", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:43:17 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 56b1cc055f6bf8cd8cc25dcd694a74177cf5336483cdae22ac59057419cffe6f was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Intrusione attivisti clima, aeroporto Francoforte si ferma

Summary: Invase le piste. 'Cerchiamo di rimuoverli'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Intrusione attivisti clima, aeroporto Francoforte si ferma", "summary": "Invase le piste. 'Cerchiamo di rimuoverli'", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 07:58:10 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 1a188b3c9de83463310937c7905fcd3c61741ba62b508d34d9283ef4855eacb9 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Biden, mi sono ritirato per difendere la democrazia

Summary: Trump, 'ci siamo liberati del peggior presidente della storia'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Biden, mi sono ritirato per difendere la democrazia", "summary": "Trump, 'ci siamo liberati del peggior presidente della storia'", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 07:22:19 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 eeb1a02696fdc33f1fb90ca2c8f135f41875d688b2f2472d0c27d696991154a6 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Lives at risk over inaction on prisons says report

Summary: The report criticises the “glacial pace of change” in tackling overcrowding, suicides and mental health problems.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Lives at risk over inaction on prisons says report", "summary": "The report criticises the \u201cglacial pace of change\u201d in tackling overcrowding, suicides and mental health problems.", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:59:18 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 6bb8bc24485b1be6be8db8dbd852006432f6b443e5d5c2cb0a903136d283fc83 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Arsenal beat Bournemouth on penalties in Los Angeles

Summary: Arsenal open their three-match tour of the United States with a victory on penalties over Bournemouth.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Arsenal beat Bournemouth on penalties in Los Angeles", "summary": "Arsenal open their three-match tour of the United States with a victory on penalties over Bournemouth.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 05:42:27 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 471567bb61363584eb067e766bdcbedb12fac6732f1c4f0de1c7bc4e1eee0107 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Maresca defends style after Chelsea draw with Wrexham

Summary: Chelsea manager Enzo Maresca defends his playing style after defensive mistakes in 2-2 draw with League One Wrexham in Santa Clara, California.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Maresca defends style after Chelsea draw with Wrexham", "summary": "Chelsea manager Enzo Maresca defends his playing style after defensive mistakes in 2-2 draw with League One Wrexham in Santa Clara, California.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 05:54:14 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 8faffbe8cc8d771d19c5e3450201be9b669dec2aad5b5f38177b85bf84b6fc3b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Shares drop in US and Asia as AI stocks slide

Summary: Tech stocks lead declines as investors reconsider rally fuelled by artificial intelligence.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Shares drop in US and Asia as AI stocks slide", "summary": "Tech stocks lead declines as investors reconsider rally fuelled by artificial intelligence.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 05:24:12 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f600d4bac5d330c6298abc0e0c371b8e5169818f7bb14279ee19cc65c0b1153a was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Met failed to act on Lawrence murder suspect's paedophile admission

Summary: Matthew White told police he had a “girlfriend” who was a child, but no action was taken against him.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Met failed to act on Lawrence murder suspect's paedophile admission", "summary": "Matthew White told police he had a \u201cgirlfriend\u201d who was a child, but no action was taken against him.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 05:06:09 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 45e493f55fcfb276e02dcb49686f05d58d6d0a36d32830a3ea10f634713b71f0 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Biden tells US it's time to 'pass the torch' to Harris

Summary: The president says in a primetime White House address: "I revere this office, but I love my country more."


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Biden tells US it's time to 'pass the torch' to Harris", "summary": "The president says in a primetime White House address: \"I revere this office, but I love my country more.\"", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 02:09:28 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 dd9ffb3ff47865d45bbf5484006d6eee648805ea50dcb947a20f2da30782f473 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Crowd protests at police station after Manchester airport kicking video

Summary: The video appears to show a policeman kicking a man in the head as he lies on the floor.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Crowd protests at police station after Manchester airport kicking video", "summary": "The video appears to show a policeman kicking a man in the head as he lies on the floor.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 04:20:15 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 709989281178bad5deca5ae54f9ffd8af80fea8a10c5e3cbbe26ba3302f6f911 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: India pins hopes of Olympic glory on star athletes

Summary: India will be looking to top its previous medal tally of seven as its best athletes compete in Paris.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "India pins hopes of Olympic glory on star athletes", "summary": "India will be looking to top its previous medal tally of seven as its best athletes compete in Paris.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 03:29:38 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 4c8bf578b6a6c53592858d6d650587d33a30d3d6a8353031caac23eb5242c441 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Treasury denies 1p and 2p coins are to be scrapped

Summary: The comments came after no new copper coins for general circulation were ordered from the Royal Mint this year.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Treasury denies 1p and 2p coins are to be scrapped", "summary": "The comments came after no new copper coins for general circulation were ordered from the Royal Mint this year.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 03:44:51 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 1485a32b1a89031bf18cd5075963f38a7f9f5b9653dc6cb40864fae709461614 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Tanker with 1,500 tonnes of oil sinks off Philippines

Summary: Authorities say an oil spill has been detected but rough seas is hampering their response.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Tanker with 1,500 tonnes of oil sinks off Philippines", "summary": "Authorities say an oil spill has been detected but rough seas is hampering their response.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 03:29:53 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 54515e6f3f8712f4ef1485f65bcf7f6b9b93847208165b0aa380df5e33ac6ca7 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Biden sidesteps hard truths in first speech since quitting race

Summary: Left unsaid was the reality that he quit the race for the White House because it was becoming increasingly clear he would lose, writes the BBC's Anthony Zurcher.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Biden sidesteps hard truths in first speech since quitting race", "summary": "Left unsaid was the reality that he  quit the race for the White House because it was becoming increasingly clear he would lose, writes the BBC's Anthony Zurcher.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 02:05:14 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 2fa520a424eea14cf7ce09f022c85b8230887f84e688d3ca5a993adfd30393f9 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Borsa:Nikkei a Tokyo scivola di oltre il 2% dopo calo a Ny

Summary: Cambi, yen prosegue manovra rafforzamento su dollaro


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Borsa:Nikkei a Tokyo scivola di oltre il 2% dopo calo a Ny", "summary": "Cambi, yen prosegue manovra rafforzamento su dollaro", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 02:50:32 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 6cf45011c2afe4e220de654c199a31a3d0c1796f98c260fb04fbb894d1f527f6 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Borsa:Nikkei a Tokyo scivola di oltre il 2% dopo calo a Ny

Summary: Cambi, yen prosegue manovra rafforzamento su dollaro


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Borsa:Nikkei a Tokyo scivola di oltre il 2% dopo calo a Ny", "summary": "Cambi, yen prosegue manovra rafforzamento su dollaro", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 02:50:27 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 b05992a99676a376f73cff7a34524bbb8229d2f88f3c84d33b19db9c3633786f was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: I remortgaged my house to move into a shipping container

Summary: Robyn Swan, 32 bought land and a shipping container which she renovated and moved into.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "I remortgaged my house to move into a shipping container", "summary": "Robyn Swan, 32 bought land and a shipping container which she renovated and moved into.", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 22:05:01 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 9625a927b2baad75e8b7df12a8c6d5a3e8fc151e850adf976d036bbf50606934 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Edmundo González: The man taking on Maduro for Venezuela's presidency

Summary: The former diplomat is the surprise opposition candidate trying to depose the incumbent, Nicolás Maduro.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Edmundo Gonz\u00e1lez: The man taking on Maduro for Venezuela's presidency", "summary": "The former diplomat is the surprise opposition candidate trying to depose the incumbent, Nicol\u00e1s Maduro.", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:39:13 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 018f3ae306d3bd8baebb7c8d97355e9f10a641dca252bb34050eb43e06eaf5e8 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Namibia turns the visa tables on Western nations

Summary: Why tourists who flock to see the country's beautiful landscapes will have to get a visa from next year.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Namibia turns the visa tables on Western nations", "summary": "Why tourists who flock to see the country's beautiful landscapes will have to get a visa from next year.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:22:17 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 3e2d18dcd936ae3b5fcc6586dec34ae737f1d92691f253d4413b706bd8e26ec7 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Would-be reality TV contestants 'not looking real'

Summary: A growing use of AI is said to be both harming and helping makers of reality TV.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Would-be reality TV contestants 'not looking real'", "summary": "A growing use of AI is said to be both harming and helping makers of reality TV.", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:09:58 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 77d98a6d6c7d9d78166c3d984b2466197b53e9ad574b243789795967bb9a7aff was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Can Deadpool and Wolverine spark Marvel's revival?

Summary: The superhero action-comedy arrives after a downturn in fortunes for Marvel's Cinematic Universe.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Can Deadpool and Wolverine spark Marvel's revival?", "summary": "The superhero action-comedy arrives after a downturn in fortunes for Marvel's Cinematic Universe.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:01:09 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 752796cc8a21c55b4d5bdd039edcb8fb3c581ddf1f08b02b2e9fa2605637c052 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Spain's Alexia Putellas says Olympics are magical

Summary: Football star Alexia Putellas is gunning for an Olympic gold medal to add to her long list of honours.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Spain's Alexia Putellas says Olympics are magical", "summary": "Football star Alexia Putellas is gunning for an Olympic gold medal to add to her long list of honours.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:47:16 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 01f843bfdce1183a72ccb445d992160ad4cf5b74c7b95a80d35424d08b700514 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: UK getting more hot and more wet days – Met Office

Summary: The increase in the number of 'very hot days' of 30C or more has also been dramatic.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "UK getting more hot and more wet days \u2013 Met Office", "summary": "The increase in the number of 'very hot days' of 30C or more has also been dramatic.", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:10:58 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f0788e82142f25279a73e88869142e4298c09fdf99afa55b2d172ee6af6b269d was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Usa difendono l'Unrwa, 'non è un gruppo terroristico'

Summary: Lo dichiara Israele in una proposta di legge


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Usa difendono l'Unrwa, 'non \u00e8 un gruppo terroristico'", "summary": "Lo dichiara Israele in una proposta di legge", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 01:19:24 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 5850a4d085d1a3e54daa876ef81af698faba85f6a7bdc90e43b6ee6709504944 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Belfast mother's plea to bring son back from Lebanon

Summary: Catherine Flanagan has appealed to the UK and Irish governments for help to secure her son's return.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Belfast mother's plea to bring son back from Lebanon", "summary": "Catherine Flanagan has appealed to the UK and Irish governments for help to secure her son's return.", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:12:22 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 c8376da04f0de30aaf21145db14c41fb36393b4521a56dcf26c35bf8c8d857d1 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: The Papers: Soldier stabbed in 'frenzy' and no plans for new 1p or 2p coins

Summary: A mix of stories make Thursday's papers - including the knife attack on an Army officer in Kent.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "The Papers: Soldier stabbed in 'frenzy' and no plans for new 1p or 2p coins", "summary": "A mix of stories make Thursday's papers - including the knife attack on an Army officer in Kent.", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:01:41 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 0ca706392ba8bf6ae929ee0fa57406c972ab34d6a0e7c3912c5c1d20a272078e was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Labour teams with Crown Estate to boost wind energy

Summary: GB Energy to partner with the Crown Estate to push forward offshore windfarm projects


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Labour teams with Crown Estate to boost wind energy", "summary": "GB Energy to partner with the Crown Estate to push forward offshore windfarm projects", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:09:45 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 add165b4a5071f96c745ed7ca13b67a32349da8c456044c2bdc6c3568be85ee9 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Eight-year ADHD backlog at NHS clinics revealed

Summary: Data suggests nearly 200,000 adults are waiting to be seen, and demand has quadrupled since 2019.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Eight-year ADHD backlog at NHS clinics revealed", "summary": "Data suggests nearly 200,000 adults are waiting to be seen, and demand has quadrupled since 2019.", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:09:40 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 0acb7d0e9e2ec8e036509dea5ebd4408f6752589335b8e2a753522391a9d3ab4 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Trump, abbiamo sconfitto Biden, Harris un'incompetente

Summary: Primo comizio dopo il ritiro di Biden


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Trump, abbiamo sconfitto Biden, Harris un'incompetente", "summary": "Primo comizio dopo il ritiro di Biden", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:29:49 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 d1275cb86f2ff0cccf64a29c0e0209b82faf65e7a5f1b6e38e6f1bb376957548 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Giorgetti e Panetta presiedono il G7 sulle Finanze a Rio

Summary: Focus su sostegno all'Ucraina e intelligenza artificiale


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Giorgetti e Panetta presiedono il G7 sulle Finanze a Rio", "summary": "Focus su sostegno all'Ucraina e intelligenza artificiale", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:13:34 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 efb27e05fd89a625762a64f39dc73cddb815a7a7d9f75760d46fa26188eb2516 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Giorgetti al G20 incontra la Banca mondiale e con Panetta l'Fmi

Summary: Si è parlato di Piano Mattei e dell'economia italiana


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Giorgetti al G20 incontra la Banca mondiale e con Panetta l'Fmi", "summary": "Si \u00e8 parlato di Piano Mattei e dell'economia italiana", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:33:34 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 d22becf05a6477374524003e6245f80d9fbc26f41271d9dbcd503b4a8ed81ad0 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Giorgetti e Panetta presiedono il G7 sulle Finanze a Rio

Summary: Focus su sostegno all'Ucraina e intelligenza artificiale


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Giorgetti e Panetta presiedono il G7 sulle Finanze a Rio", "summary": "Focus su sostegno all'Ucraina e intelligenza artificiale", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:13:38 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 93e72b65fe5254d0ce7ace3637ed2924a84bd6b6c1624e44a47dd737338a4552 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Trump, abbiamo sconfitto Biden, Harris un'incompetente

Summary: Primo comizio dopo il ritiro di Biden


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Trump, abbiamo sconfitto Biden, Harris un'incompetente", "summary": "Primo comizio dopo il ritiro di Biden", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:29:52 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 923025ef328ff08f638e24fa5b45aa800d5f3a0071936dc581d6218907539e62 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Giorgetti al G20 incontra la Banca mondiale e con Panetta l'Fmi

Summary: Si è parlato di Piano Mattei e dell'economia italiana


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Giorgetti al G20 incontra la Banca mondiale e con Panetta l'Fmi", "summary": "Si \u00e8 parlato di Piano Mattei e dell'economia italiana", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:33:30 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 472460ee32c12e8bf8fe6963e777fe9382b87f8513d56fe9f84d77134885fd1b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Usa 2024, Trump: 'Biden l'abbiamo sconfitto, ora tocca all'incompetente Harris'

Summary: Sondaggio della Cnn: il tycoon avanti di 3 punti sulla vicepresidente. L'ex presidente chiede le dimissioni del direttore dell'Fbi


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Usa 2024, Trump: 'Biden l'abbiamo sconfitto, ora tocca all'incompetente Harris'", "summary": "Sondaggio della Cnn: il tycoon avanti di 3 punti sulla vicepresidente. L'ex presidente chiede le dimissioni del direttore dell'Fbi", "date": "Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:30:24 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 e14d67d3a594c85bb2a0ad83b96a7c61bf8903d4a7b48b77bf25d24dd3194fdf was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: The five biggest challenges facing Wales' next FM

Summary: From balancing the books to healing party rifts, here is what faces Eluned Morgan as first minister.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "The five biggest challenges facing Wales' next FM", "summary": "From balancing the books to healing party rifts, here is what faces Eluned Morgan as first minister.", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 22:00:07 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a350935715c49b706a8939728325481bfc27d0baef82d0837b30b7b5bfa04c2f was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Usa, accordo su tregua e ostaggi a Gaza nella fase finale

Summary: Biden e Bibi 'discuteranno domani su come chiudere ultimi gap'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Usa, accordo su tregua e ostaggi a Gaza nella fase finale", "summary": "Biden e Bibi 'discuteranno domani su come chiudere ultimi gap'", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:02:25 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 d175f96d34b9c067ab8ee4f663249c599441dea300c61085beb43b6cfc103c97 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Trump chiede le dimissioni del direttore dell'Fbi

Summary: Ha mentito al Congresso su Biden


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Trump chiede le dimissioni del direttore dell'Fbi", "summary": "Ha mentito al Congresso su Biden", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:05:02 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 381b3918865990bd10b559092ee2cbe7faf3b8cf3eff45360c29652ebc824085 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: L'Idf recupera i corpi di tre israeliani a Khan Younis

Summary: Oren Goldin,Tomer Ahimas e Maya Goren, maestra del piccolo Bibas


The article described by the following json

{"title": "L'Idf recupera i corpi di tre israeliani a Khan Younis", "summary": "Oren Goldin,Tomer Ahimas e Maya Goren, maestra del piccolo Bibas", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:52:35 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a200bfebd5399adcb6001115c9a65d6a32533917b0c9a7b4b72acb97c0edfa0f was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Parigi: tennis; il danese Rune rinuncia ai Giochi

Summary: Il forfait per un infortunio al polso


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Parigi: tennis; il danese Rune rinuncia ai Giochi", "summary": "Il forfait per un infortunio al polso", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:06:55 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 408f00f0afc815bc8bfb15901f92be55ff4af93e91d2a3900a32906a9486ee12 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Parigi: calcio; 1-1 tra Mali e Israele, Francia vince a esordio

Summary: Vittorie per Spagna, Giappone e Nuova Zelanda


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Parigi: calcio; 1-1 tra Mali e Israele, Francia vince a esordio", "summary": "Vittorie per Spagna, Giappone e Nuova Zelanda", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:20:49 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 569274b1f130393b7d5a92e5d1b829ddcc39874296ba89bde4c815c2e46b797e was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Usa, accordo su tregua e ostaggi a Gaza nella fase finale

Summary: Biden e Bibi 'discuteranno domani su come chiudere ultimi gap'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Usa, accordo su tregua e ostaggi a Gaza nella fase finale", "summary": "Biden e Bibi 'discuteranno domani su come chiudere ultimi gap'", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:02:27 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 b8e4adc495908bc9f0036c1ee6527b62ee3a0b619e37bf58a47fe0e65a8cfd86 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Usa, accordo su tregua e ostaggi a Gaza nella fase finale

Summary: Biden e Bibi 'discuteranno domani su come chiudere ultimi gap'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Usa, accordo su tregua e ostaggi a Gaza nella fase finale", "summary": "Biden e Bibi 'discuteranno domani su come chiudere ultimi gap'", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:02:25 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 4eb13b94a872ae8153cb39efe93226689e0d24a6bb90c19836c31f586416b84a was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Trump chiede le dimissioni del direttore dell'Fbi

Summary: Ha mentito al Congresso su Biden


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Trump chiede le dimissioni del direttore dell'Fbi", "summary": "Ha mentito al Congresso su Biden", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:05:19 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 c2fca137755b346eeab95f0452ad49029e810e19a46ffe45839e7bbfc2df65d7 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Tre morti in una sparatoria tra soldati ucraini

Summary: Quattro i feriti nel Kharkiv, da chiarire le circostanze dell'incidente


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Tre morti in una sparatoria tra soldati ucraini", "summary": "Quattro i feriti nel Kharkiv, da chiarire le circostanze dell'incidente", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:41:31 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 408b29ad70757d1e64badd294b6a60806f3cfe77ac1dd145345f90fb24c40a16 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: L'Idf recupera i corpi di tre israeliani a Khan Younis

Summary: Oren Goldin,Tomer Ahimas e Maya Goren, maestra del piccolo Bibas


The article described by the following json

{"title": "L'Idf recupera i corpi di tre israeliani a Khan Younis", "summary": "Oren Goldin,Tomer Ahimas e Maya Goren, maestra del piccolo Bibas", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:52:49 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 156477e7b519984d0af359e89eee6b991bdbb8950fcc812217e6514d6dfff3c2 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Pelosi attacca Netanyahu, il peggior discorso al Congresso

Summary: 'Da parte di un leader straniero'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Pelosi attacca Netanyahu, il peggior discorso al Congresso", "summary": "'Da parte di un leader straniero'", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:55:56 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 5d1cd43f6f461511793e2207d1744f22d69411f485b82c5731d74686757b5e41 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Man and woman charged with murdering Kevin Davidson

Summary: Kevin Davidson was found dead in Donegall Avenue in south Belfast on Saturday.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Man and woman charged with murdering Kevin Davidson", "summary": "Kevin Davidson was found dead in Donegall Avenue in south Belfast on Saturday.", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:39:33 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 18734cfe4114047fd8b6a2f772c92058f519dcfc0115c7554698406561a21806 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: The story of the four-hour football match

Summary: Watch the key moments from Argentina and Morocco's opening game where crowd trouble forces the match to be suspended for nearly two hours at the Paris 2024 Olympics.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "The story of the four-hour football match", "summary": "Watch the key moments from Argentina and Morocco's opening game where crowd trouble forces the match to be suspended for nearly two hours at the Paris 2024 Olympics.", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:05:09 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 460cca1351888bb6167a8a99dfa9d27f3ad18640da9e36e16b45dc015ce5baed was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Dupont inspires France as party starts in Paris

Summary: Antoine Dupont underlines why he is one of the faces of the Paris Olympics with a stunning solo try as France reach the quarter-finals of the men's rugby sevens.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Dupont inspires France as party starts in Paris", "summary": "Antoine Dupont underlines why he is one of the faces of the Paris Olympics with a stunning solo try as France reach the quarter-finals of the men's rugby sevens.", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:05:53 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 34564e4b9ff000030a3b8969cdd19fdbb8e48188d427bf5e3b3223ea5e18472a was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: 'Circus' football opener 'pathetic' - Mascherano

Summary: Argentina coach Javier Mascherano describes the chaotic ending to his team's opening game of the Olympic football tournament as a "disgrace" and "a circus".


The article described by the following json

{"title": "'Circus' football opener 'pathetic' - Mascherano", "summary": "Argentina coach Javier Mascherano describes the chaotic ending to his team's  opening game of the Olympic football tournament as a \"disgrace\" and \"a circus\".", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:07:13 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 66a46e4bc9181dfcfbb26c548b372fa54bc3bbc69a2fce1887034d7825302ec1 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Tugendhat joins race to be next Tory leader

Summary: The former security minister becomes the second Tory MP to enter the contest to replace Rishi Sunak.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Tugendhat joins race to be next Tory leader", "summary": "The former security minister becomes the second Tory MP to enter the contest to replace Rishi Sunak.", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:48:47 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a893fcd8aa02fcb4cdc258fd87b8bb63fb452454d0241301d77c9626746e721a was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Ukraine thrown into war's bleak future as drones open new battlefront

Summary: On the front line, drones are killing hundreds every day - showing the world a new kind of high-tech war.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Ukraine thrown into war's bleak future as drones open new battlefront", "summary": "On the front line, drones are killing hundreds every day - showing the world a new kind of high-tech war.", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:00:06 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 31d0c7b1d31340a3fc2c2cec5832c2c5624f7148bddeee8b5515260152c3f173 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Netanyahu defends Gaza war as protesters rally outside US Congress

Summary: The Israeli prime minister told US lawmakers: "Our enemies are your enemies."


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Netanyahu defends Gaza war as protesters rally outside US Congress", "summary": "The Israeli prime minister told US lawmakers: \"Our enemies are your enemies.\"", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:24:45 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 15643042552ca7fe28c54e86a23d3ce1863e76940ddfc5419ca3c76cae96cba1 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Netanyahu al Congresso Usa rende omaggio a Trump

Summary: Durante il suo intervento che è durato poco meno di un'ora


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Netanyahu al Congresso Usa rende omaggio a Trump", "summary": "Durante il suo intervento che \u00e8 durato poco meno di un'ora", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:21:24 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 3243145e652063b5438e6164786613284dd4de6d62d7345bf6ec2e2e6f8d02ac was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Casa Bianca, ridicolo chiedere a Biden di dimettersi ora

Summary: Il presidente non si è ritirato per motivi di salute


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Casa Bianca, ridicolo chiedere a Biden di dimettersi ora", "summary": "Il presidente non si \u00e8 ritirato per motivi di salute", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:46:52 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 55bb171ec6acbcbb16f0fffd6d1d269f51cb6feb1c6411dfff4922033118b494 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Alberto Angela a fine agosto, si evita finale Temptation Island

Summary: salta la puntata del 25 luglio, appuntamento al 22 agosto


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Alberto Angela a fine agosto, si evita finale Temptation Island", "summary": "salta la puntata del 25 luglio, appuntamento al 22 agosto", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:54:04 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 b4800599c9553d9b6317cca8c2e27b0e3317977690d41e9e67f8cb09d8f96375 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Bambina di 5 anni annega nella piscina di un hotel

Summary: E' successo nel pomeriggio a Imola


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Bambina di 5 anni annega nella piscina di un hotel", "summary": "E' successo nel pomeriggio a Imola", "date": "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:57:49 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 396016f26f9fa8fb4a4e60be83409f1cfe0018fbdc0e9368abb7c0d86f90c90b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

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