ANSIACheck is similar to ANSACheck but:

  • this works (sorry ANSA),
  • use secure SHA256 instead of the compromised MD5 algorithm,
  • use opentimestamps protocol and save proof on the Bitcoin blockchain,
  • use ZERO bytes on the Bitcoin blockchain,
  • can scale indefinitely,
  • was developend in 3 hours and
  • open-souce, all code is available at

Opentimestamped articles list

Title: Minister defends Labour donor's civil service job

Summary: The Conservatives have accused the new government of undermining the civil service's impartiality.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Minister defends Labour donor's civil service job", "summary": "The Conservatives have accused the new government of undermining the civil service's impartiality.", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:21:59 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a64df0b03ae6d6ba3baa302bcb479060407fce0328c94c0ddc489003085df9d0 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Ancient ocean of magma found on Moon south pole

Summary: The findings are from India's historic Chandrayaan-3 mission that landed on the Moon's south pole.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Ancient ocean of magma found on Moon south pole", "summary": "The findings are from India's historic Chandrayaan-3 mission that landed on the Moon's south pole.", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:13:46 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 6a239913844312f4b64e65fcdf184e97411c12b0fbead24abdd9b4a524de11f7 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Watch: Karate kids return home with 100-medal haul

Summary: A group of young martial artists from Rochdale are celebrating after a pan-European tournament.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Watch: Karate kids return home with 100-medal haul", "summary": "A group of young martial artists from Rochdale are celebrating after a pan-European tournament.", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 05:46:27 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 d1194e1fc458b7b81bf021682501bc0a903bf9b28101a8dcc9f0aec8d356d423 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Addio Bennifer, Jennifer Lopez ha chiesto il divorzio da Ben Affleck

Summary: La decisione della star dopo soli due anni di matrimonio


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Addio Bennifer, Jennifer Lopez ha chiesto il divorzio da Ben Affleck", "summary": "La decisione della star dopo soli due anni di matrimonio", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:13:00 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 14d459dae6051ec936a75f939fc91ec85c99d80dd35707679ec9aca6bb3f7574 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Cina, tuteleremo nostre aziende dopo i dazi Ue sulle e-car

Summary: Ministero Commercio: 'Slealtà in nome della concorrenza leale'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Cina, tuteleremo nostre aziende dopo i dazi Ue sulle e-car", "summary": "Ministero Commercio: 'Slealt\u00e0 in nome della concorrenza leale'", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:41:26 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 75fc089334001a2023cd991c4e2ad2812962ae5f7ed48450c9da7230c2aad05d was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Le offrono aiuto per cambiare ruota dell'auto ma la derubano

Summary: Per Polizia Firenze possibile nuova tecnica per compiere furti


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Le offrono aiuto per cambiare ruota dell'auto ma la derubano", "summary": "Per Polizia Firenze possibile nuova tecnica per compiere furti", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:47:16 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 981f8b602ce3f4a68bd8e4594af84cd21c71d217a713ab005d9e0be78ebd2530 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Kosovo, dopo il 23/8 non più valide le patenti di guida serbe

Summary: Per i trasgressori multe da 500 a 1.500 euro


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Kosovo, dopo il 23/8 non pi\u00f9 valide le patenti di guida serbe", "summary": "Per i trasgressori multe da 500 a 1.500 euro", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:47:58 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 065363f1efaa9155c8583565cffed5bf947816bf62d08c1110adcad268d94797 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Cannabis, azienda ligure di canapa in difficolta' dopo la stretta sulla light

Summary: Il proprietario: "Dopo investimenti il margine di guadagno c'e'. Ora ce la vogliono togliere"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Cannabis, azienda ligure di canapa in difficolta' dopo la stretta sulla light", "summary": "Il proprietario: \"Dopo investimenti il margine di guadagno c'e'. Ora ce la vogliono togliere\"", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:55:06 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 cc11eed6daa3c03219f72b7b0059565b23f1549dbfc4b21f7af674dedb45303c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Carceri, Ilaria Salis: "Si deve intervenire in tempi tempestivi"

Summary: "E' un'emergenza strutturale"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Carceri, Ilaria Salis: \"Si deve intervenire in tempi tempestivi\"", "summary": "\"E' un'emergenza strutturale\"", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:59:13 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 03383fcd44aa1cbea2a4e6fdd93320b78a73125ca3a47ca8a1dbd30c6c2a8961 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Morta in incidente monopattino, i funerali a San Giusto Canavese

Summary: L'ultimo saluto alla diciottenne Giulia Grigore, musica e palloncini bianchi in piazza


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Morta in incidente monopattino, i funerali a San Giusto Canavese", "summary": "L'ultimo saluto alla diciottenne Giulia Grigore, musica e palloncini bianchi in piazza", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:39:00 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 bc40f9b85e660f0dc5d4e9cf2ac414d617d903bcf27c70f59ea58ddfa1adf7c3 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Argentina, isolata nave cargo per caso sospetto vaiolo scimmie

Summary: Nel fiume Parana', tutto l'equipaggio messo in quarantena dalle autorita'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Argentina, isolata nave cargo per caso sospetto vaiolo scimmie", "summary": "Nel fiume Parana', tutto l'equipaggio messo in quarantena dalle autorita'", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:45:18 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 8ba76b5f50b2d2200512722285a160a9ee463fb7efccd1ae8bf11058021a6767 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Two bodies recovered from Bayesian

Summary: Not yet ID'd, search for other four missing continues


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Two bodies recovered from Bayesian", "summary": "Not yet ID'd, search for other four missing continues", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:58:37 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 12ce547482b7edd47e14b7924919d23b24bf73a8ec0bb77a60a1f1942d9e4c12 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Two men's bodies recovered from Bayesian

Summary: Men not yet ID'd, search for other four missing continues


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Two men's bodies recovered from Bayesian", "summary": "Men not yet ID'd, search for other four missing continues", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:15:42 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 07ccce1c58dfb3f368c7614145bf6cc2f66cb75e0b84fba50f09b45dbdccb47c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: 4th season of My Brilliant Friend has sneak preview in NYC

Summary: 'No fifth book' says how runner and director Costanzo


The article described by the following json

{"title": "4th season of My Brilliant Friend has sneak preview in NYC", "summary": "'No fifth book' says how runner and director Costanzo", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:40:13 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 14397e4f43258747085fb71ea07d18d76ff3fb571495b20185cbf9dc038a6cf9 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Calderone, 'prudenti in manovra, conferma aiuti a genitori'

Summary: 'Puntiamo a mantenere la riduzione del cuneo'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Calderone, 'prudenti in manovra, conferma aiuti a genitori'", "summary": "'Puntiamo a mantenere la riduzione del cuneo'", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:58:38 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 bfc654cffc0c982d5c3d37696e5d97c9224bece55ce4a79ceb7c1171b8a78200 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: 'Caracas licenzia i lavoratori pubblici per motivi politici'

Summary: Le denunce del sindacato della stampa e del Partito comunista


The article described by the following json

{"title": "'Caracas licenzia i lavoratori pubblici per motivi politici'", "summary": "Le denunce del sindacato della stampa e del Partito comunista", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:04:13 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 7ffda48a10f83a9d9abd06122e640573af0077ffcf6faf71a713b5d8ae532d03 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Recuperati i corpi di due dispersi della Bayesian

Summary: Si tratta di due uomini, operazioni particolarmente complesse


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Recuperati i corpi di due dispersi della Bayesian", "summary": "Si tratta di due uomini, operazioni particolarmente complesse", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:20:19 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 4eb24cd90815912d01162eaf105e61fce10733609a30cb6894b8b5be968822e9 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Calderone, prudenti in manovra, conferma aiuti per genitori

Summary: Puntiamo a mantenere la riduzione del cuneo


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Calderone, prudenti in manovra, conferma aiuti per genitori", "summary": "Puntiamo a mantenere la riduzione del cuneo", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:36:26 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 9e6ebb300717f7386679ea9ab9d9044d362bd0f44dac7647adb0ed10af19d317 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Atletica: Diamond League, Furlani e Simonelli in gara a Losanna

Summary: L'azzurro bronzo a Parigi ritrova Tentoglou. 800, c'è Tecuceanu


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Atletica: Diamond League, Furlani e Simonelli in gara a Losanna", "summary": "L'azzurro bronzo a Parigi ritrova Tentoglou. 800, c'\u00e8 Tecuceanu", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:19:44 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 d1557a9c525ca3a55ce3be96be778a41c62b713b1c380d3abe2cdd5766cca26d was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Parigi: Elisa Molinarolo replica a body shaming,'fa rabbia'

Summary: Astista azzurra: 'ci ho fatto il callo ma se tocca una fragile?'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Parigi: Elisa Molinarolo replica a body shaming,'fa rabbia'", "summary": "Astista azzurra: 'ci ho fatto il callo ma se tocca una fragile?'", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:49:32 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 36bccfd7cfb01f28c6ea71390ceb116f9523a5e16d7a652806552bf97a440afa was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Partnership Sky-Supertennis, in diretta tutti i tornei femminili

Summary: Accordo pluriennale, in diretta e in chiaro le competizioni Wta


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Partnership Sky-Supertennis, in diretta tutti i tornei femminili", "summary": "Accordo pluriennale, in diretta e in chiaro le competizioni Wta", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:53:21 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 9d36c10457c776ad28072769fd1a580563a43464b1ceef4710d83e96eb76e4f2 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Conference: Palladino, Siamo carichi e vogliosi qualificarci

Summary: Playoff d'andata per la Fiorentina domani con la Puskas Akademia


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Conference: Palladino, Siamo carichi e vogliosi qualificarci", "summary": "Playoff d'andata per la Fiorentina domani con la Puskas Akademia", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:05:48 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 5018f7d012f5e6cfbe556b6d5ef5a150ccb43475cd3e59bcade8305d64ab97ec was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Fiorentina: Palladino, situazione Gonzalez non ci destabilizza

Summary: 'Ma è inconcepibile il mercato aperto mentre stiamo giocando'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Fiorentina: Palladino, situazione Gonzalez non ci destabilizza", "summary": "'Ma \u00e8 inconcepibile il mercato aperto mentre stiamo giocando'", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:19:23 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 c45ead678ca501db1c954d022a60ef531169e7539349caa5b70fb7e7643d53ad was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Neuer lascia la nazionale tedesca

Summary: Il portiere ha deciso 'mi concentrerò solo sul Bayern'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Neuer lascia la nazionale tedesca", "summary": "Il portiere ha deciso 'mi concentrer\u00f2 solo sul Bayern'", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:45:03 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 8bba690429ec4a2689b88ab5aa726a1d69310987b67dd1d4904ec8b75f9cfef7 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Calderone, 'prudenti in manovra, conferma aiuti a genitori'

Summary: 'Puntiamo a mantenere la riduzione del cuneo'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Calderone, 'prudenti in manovra, conferma aiuti a genitori'", "summary": "'Puntiamo a mantenere la riduzione del cuneo'", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:59:46 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 a2e5331ff650d57edcebd53ce0f301ce3b603e3e7f3ee012ccece786d66cb4e2 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Pichetto, 'bene l'avvio del giacimento Argo Cassiopea'

Summary: 'Passaggio determinante per aumentare la sicurezza'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Pichetto, 'bene l'avvio del giacimento Argo Cassiopea'", "summary": "'Passaggio determinante per aumentare la sicurezza'", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:28:58 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 ddd3c4cc3889603c2d33fe74925b41806a09dee7f647af8edf29fece0b1adeaa was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Calderone, prudenti in manovra, conferma aiuti per genitori

Summary: Puntiamo a mantenere la riduzione del cuneo


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Calderone, prudenti in manovra, conferma aiuti per genitori", "summary": "Puntiamo a mantenere la riduzione del cuneo", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:36:58 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 768d1428594bd52b0f95361f0a1a9198ff3f7005a6d316e5e05f21d3ddb0f9a2 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: 'Caracas licenzia i lavoratori pubblici per motivi politici'

Summary: Le denunce del sindacato della stampa e del Partito comunista


The article described by the following json

{"title": "'Caracas licenzia i lavoratori pubblici per motivi politici'", "summary": "Le denunce del sindacato della stampa e del Partito comunista", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:04:19 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 3250bbb0c3cbf2fccee92fa1685efe941c8ea456aacaf2e0f9d9b4fa448bc4e5 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Ad Assisi una marcia straordinaria per Prima di tutto la pace

Summary: Il 21 settembre da Santa Maria degli Angeli


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Ad Assisi una marcia straordinaria per Prima di tutto la pace", "summary": "Il 21 settembre da Santa Maria degli Angeli", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:22:57 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 cee0287995450bdbad037225bcaeee58a8c55bffe602b850a0612a6a8f05515b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Recuperati i corpi di due dispersi della Bayesian

Summary: Si tratta di due uomini, operazioni particolarmente complesse


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Recuperati i corpi di due dispersi della Bayesian", "summary": "Si tratta di due uomini, operazioni particolarmente complesse", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:20:35 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 ad50e7260d7217cb0cd9bad546dd6d46ff25c17c65b9bd3f1f68a131428ec637 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Rogo minaccia Oasi Variconi a Castel Volturno

Summary: Wwf, più controlli, molto preoccupati per conseguenze incendio


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Rogo minaccia Oasi Variconi a Castel Volturno", "summary": "Wwf, pi\u00f9 controlli, molto preoccupati per conseguenze incendio", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:38:45 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 0cd00cdec88bb687dfe8e76f10f74377ea375a3f81639d88a765dbc1e4aad1a3 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Morta dopo il parto, pm Brindisi chiede nuova archiviazione

Summary: La parola passa al gip che aveva rigettato la prima richiesta


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Morta dopo il parto, pm Brindisi chiede nuova archiviazione", "summary": "La parola passa al gip che aveva rigettato la prima richiesta", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:56:28 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 ad02d279357791c776a46db1b898066465493abe829819f07e97825c393d2272 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Manovra, Calderone: 'Si punta a confermare gli interventi a favore dei genitori'

Summary: La ministra del Lavoro: "Bisogna essere prudenti, dobbiamo guardare alla tenuta dei conti". 


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Manovra, Calderone: 'Si punta a confermare gli interventi a favore dei genitori'", "summary": "La ministra del Lavoro: \"Bisogna essere prudenti, dobbiamo guardare alla tenuta dei conti\". ", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:54:44 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 9b6103e3498c701d5bed8a0d0e62416322d848873b132483e7db4442d06965a1 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Il gesto di Obama sulle 'dimensioni' di Trump diventa virale

Summary: L'ex presidente Usa ha attaccato il tycoon alla convention democratica a Chicago


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Il gesto di Obama sulle 'dimensioni' di Trump diventa virale", "summary": "L'ex presidente Usa ha attaccato il tycoon alla convention democratica a Chicago", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:54:01 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 6827733ccb8e4c873366af9c8faa36baaf593cbaa40c7ad4af6b5399c19534ec was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Chi è James Cutfield, il comandante dello yacht, un neozelandese esperto

Summary: James Cutfield da diversi anni alla guida di barche di lusso


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Chi \u00e8 James Cutfield, il comandante dello yacht, un neozelandese esperto", "summary": "James Cutfield da diversi anni alla guida di barche di lusso", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:41:10 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 2dc717556e8517b497a378078d763f57e35c20d896529746f7e5edf8843fa933 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Recuperati due corpi all'interno del veliero Bayesian

Summary: I sub sono entrati nello scafo, la deriva mobile era parzialmente sollevata. I familiari dei dispersi sperano in una 'sacca d'aria'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Recuperati due corpi all'interno del veliero Bayesian", "summary": "I sub sono entrati nello scafo, la deriva mobile era parzialmente sollevata. I familiari dei dispersi sperano in una 'sacca d'aria'", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:32:17 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 d77888e7a47df2a421867840511d7dcfd7ca9e38de104f0e2273b664b0435738 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: UK fuel payment cut could push pensioners into poverty - Welsh Labour minister

Summary: Jane Hutt says scrapping universal pensioner winter fuel payments risks pushing some into poverty.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "UK fuel payment cut could push pensioners into poverty - Welsh Labour minister", "summary": "Jane Hutt says scrapping universal pensioner winter fuel payments risks pushing some into poverty.", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:41:09 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 29bf491870e14279da3c143b61e7f46cd39c768d30be6078f7333bc1ff440c54 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Jayasuriya reprieved by Atkinson no-ball then falls two balls later

Summary: Prabath Jayasuriya survives after a Gus Atkinson no-ball, only to be dismissed later in the over as Sri Lanka lose a seventh wicket on day one of the first Test at Old Trafford.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Jayasuriya reprieved by Atkinson no-ball then falls two balls later", "summary": "Prabath Jayasuriya survives after a Gus Atkinson no-ball, only to be dismissed later in the over as Sri Lanka lose a seventh wicket on day one of the first Test at Old Trafford.", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:16:50 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 900ed08b6a1bb05e8a14b6d10f7abde724995f9816bb97d26934f4b6e6fd6d9b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: 'Fearless' journalist and campaigner Nell McCafferty dies

Summary: Born in Derry, McCafferty wrote several books and campaigned for legalising contraception.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "'Fearless' journalist and campaigner Nell McCafferty dies", "summary": "Born in Derry, McCafferty wrote several books and campaigned for legalising contraception.", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 13:23:42 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 59973f443b20d495f634c79f861ecb1ce6e5ec3fbb824992e700823397c964a6 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: King meets families of girls killed in Southport attack

Summary: The families of Bebe King, Elsie Dot Stancombe, and Alice da Silva Aguiar meet King Charles in London.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "King meets families of girls killed in Southport attack", "summary": "The families of Bebe King, Elsie Dot Stancombe, and Alice da Silva Aguiar meet King Charles in London.", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:32:57 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 377dca84e4c3806dd76818eb66b2fc4344ac06c096046dd3749b9cfcac51233c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Ford Probe I Ghia 1979, incendio distrugge l'unico esemplare

Summary: Rientrava da Pebble Beach ed era valutata 1 milione di dollari


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Ford Probe I Ghia 1979, incendio distrugge l'unico esemplare", "summary": "Rientrava da Pebble Beach ed era valutata 1 milione di dollari", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:02:27 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 42c3103828d7ecb8ff0f4bfc51a5bcea24e2f7ede8e5146b47c1260bca2b29ee was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Acura Concept Performance EV prove per inedito suv elettrico

Summary: Brand premium di Honda lo ha svelato alla Monterey Car Week


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Acura Concept Performance EV prove per inedito suv elettrico", "summary": "Brand premium di Honda lo ha svelato alla Monterey Car Week", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:27:22 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 05fa870f87ddd8e7651a1ec148ba26ca1abd08fbc7c162fdc4d1366585526248 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Pioltello, il video dell'auto pirata che ha investito un 27enne

Summary: Alexander Reyes e' morto dopo due giorni di agonia in ospedale


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Pioltello, il video dell'auto pirata che ha investito un 27enne", "summary": "Alexander Reyes e' morto dopo due giorni di agonia in ospedale", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:04:01 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 def539dfe774cdda4c738e639b7f41a0c30ad9d112a7210dacd202e90bc07c6b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Fogliati e Scicchitano neo sposi dentro il caos

Summary: Protagonisti di "Finche' notte non ci separi", film di Riccardo Antonaroli


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Fogliati e Scicchitano neo sposi dentro il caos", "summary": "Protagonisti di \"Finche' notte non ci separi\", film di Riccardo Antonaroli", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:09:25 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 0ee62eb0a643fc6350bf66f5451c70894d3e8e03c307701b32c17cf93f84cc7b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Sgomberi Monte Mario, Manzi: "Messa in sicurezza e' fondamentale"

Summary: Scafati: "Gli abusivi censiti erano 12, si sono allontanati spontaneamente"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Sgomberi Monte Mario, Manzi: \"Messa in sicurezza e' fondamentale\"", "summary": "Scafati: \"Gli abusivi censiti erano 12, si sono allontanati spontaneamente\"", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:17:01 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 2a8a83d87a875e4a7efe153003af89cd118d2a8497d3e9d5cc49a4609084a563 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Obama su Trump: "Come un vicino con un informatore ogni giorno davanti alla tua finestra"

Summary: L'ex presidente Usa ha attaccato il tycoon alla convention democratica a Chicago


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Obama su Trump: \"Come un vicino con un informatore ogni giorno davanti alla tua finestra\"", "summary": "L'ex presidente Usa ha attaccato il tycoon alla convention democratica a Chicago", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:26:37 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 ce2bd651a5f8dced4a68a66cfad9370849efed4ab88eba823dc975f068097fd4 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Cannabis, azienda ligure di canapa in difficolta' dopo la stretta sulla light

Summary: Il proprietario: "Dopo investimenti il margine di guadagno c'e'. Ora ce la vogliono togliere"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Cannabis, azienda ligure di canapa in difficolta' dopo la stretta sulla light", "summary": "Il proprietario: \"Dopo investimenti il margine di guadagno c'e'. Ora ce la vogliono togliere\"", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:38:08 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 e869b2394107adc5f0996216d2b9bd9f53a907bb7829766ce5d12d846ad27b64 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Pranzo "made in Puglia" tra i trulli per la premier Meloni

Summary: Alla masseria Beneficio degustazione di salumi e formaggi


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Pranzo \"made in Puglia\" tra i trulli per la premier Meloni", "summary": "Alla masseria Beneficio degustazione di salumi e formaggi", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:43:40 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 309d06264a1e499a42057651b8af018163b091659ea0ee67e408751ad2f5ae44 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Latitante arrestato a Capodistria dopo la condanna a Perugia

Summary: Riconosciuto al vertice di un gruppo smercio di cocaina


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Latitante arrestato a Capodistria dopo la condanna a Perugia", "summary": "Riconosciuto al vertice di un gruppo smercio di cocaina", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:45:06 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 72c114514d06a48f7aeecb8818678abdee135b9600c76c3b0b540547096b1f7e was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: 'Antidoping screditato', la stampa mondiale attacca sul caso Sinner

Summary: La rassegna delle testate estere


The article described by the following json

{"title": "'Antidoping screditato', la stampa mondiale attacca sul caso Sinner", "summary": "La rassegna delle testate estere", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:45:58 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 5132b67da04f44f1d6e622e4912c72b60257d344fea92c8ee7dc514967f6354c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Sardinia appeals against differentiated autonomy law

Summary: Regional government Oks measure for Constitutional Court


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Sardinia appeals against differentiated autonomy law", "summary": "Regional government Oks measure for Constitutional Court", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:02:40 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f66227b1765812131205baa7fa60df248ca6c920f8e4d816ab44f2c0f4bc542c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Two bodies found inside Bayesian

Summary: Not yet recovered or ID'd


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Two bodies found inside Bayesian", "summary": "Not yet recovered or ID'd", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:43:44 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 c83503c16de47c3d2afe48d6b260893b4bdf2566fe3bbfd79e16b50fbc272381 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Bayesian captain questioned for two hours

Summary: Search operations continue with ROV, Concordia divers


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Bayesian captain questioned for two hours", "summary": "Search operations continue with ROV, Concordia divers", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:51:44 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 434cf55fdb8159b0e9dfad239c6c4dd7bea44167ef473449bf44b9e515f2a08d was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Il petrolio in rialzo a New York a 73,49 dollari

Summary: Quotazioni salgono dello 0,44%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Il petrolio in rialzo a New York a 73,49 dollari", "summary": "Quotazioni salgono dello 0,44%", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:31:47 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 803b3e5b1d8727c0b41088d7db08abc2489d889680a03fe9fa508d7546cf9781 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Wall Street apre in rialzo, Dj +0,23%, Nasdaq +0,13%

Summary: S 500 sale dello 0,22%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Wall Street apre in rialzo, Dj +0,23%, Nasdaq +0,13%", "summary": "S 500 sale dello 0,22%", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:38:28 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 5acd7daf6a923030b4767d63a9040ad3fa284e4e9a2b3ff1cc7d7f2b60a751a2 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: In Italia ci sono due case ogni tre abitanti

Summary: Gli italiani vivono in media in 118 metri quadri e 5,5 stanze


The article described by the following json

{"title": "In Italia ci sono due case ogni tre abitanti", "summary": "Gli italiani vivono in media in 118 metri quadri e 5,5 stanze", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:42:27 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 27fb16c7040e06b63f75dd8278af2cb0ae88f218b76409536bc73d0224dff865 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Individuati due corpi all'interno del Bayesian

Summary: Non sono ancora stati recuperati


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Individuati due corpi all'interno del Bayesian", "summary": "Non sono ancora stati recuperati", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:44:32 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 0308ba33a7cd142fde9d44591ad82466f324da986e3134b60f12baed0ec5536a was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Vittoriano, risplendere il pennone con l'Aquila e la Vittoria

Summary: Si svelano i risultati della prima fase del restauro


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Vittoriano, risplendere il pennone con l'Aquila e la Vittoria", "summary": "Si svelano i risultati della prima fase del restauro", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:50:26 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 51b83e27afb7d0b7283277ff8552fafb4176ea6d21dca7f82675d77b6ebde8f3 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Su Sky Documentaries Un altro calcio - Bologna in Champions

Summary: In simulcast con Sky Sport Uno, in streaming solo su Now


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Su Sky Documentaries Un altro calcio - Bologna in Champions", "summary": "In simulcast con Sky Sport Uno, in streaming solo su Now", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:16:33 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 4c440d1a350294907d1227bfb82561056937486e1b4c57224841b875d59c3380 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Alice si racconta nel libro L'unica via d'uscita è dentro

Summary: L'autobiografia con Francesco Messina esce il 3 settembre


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Alice si racconta nel libro L'unica via d'uscita \u00e8 dentro", "summary": "L'autobiografia con Francesco Messina esce il 3 settembre", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:51:09 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 36f2d64a6ed64ac525aba4fd42f4d05cab048058a7c03f3207225741a172b565 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Alice si racconta nel libro L'unica via d'uscita è dentro

Summary: L'autobiografia con Francesco Messina esce il 3 settembre


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Alice si racconta nel libro L'unica via d'uscita \u00e8 dentro", "summary": "L'autobiografia con Francesco Messina esce il 3 settembre", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:51:09 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 267398ba96f18171e8ad56d04dd8af366dd20c08b66bff9d278de67cb8c9fef8 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Alice si racconta nel libro L'unica via d'uscita è dentro

Summary: L'autobiografia con Francesco Messina esce il 3 settembre


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Alice si racconta nel libro L'unica via d'uscita \u00e8 dentro", "summary": "L'autobiografia con Francesco Messina esce il 3 settembre", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:51:03 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 23f1930690ca4693649582770c60cdf7599f1c3b2dc2b7a585049b0ecc5e43bc was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Vittoriano, risplendere il pennone con l'Aquila e la Vittoria

Summary: Si svelano i risultati della prima fase del restauro


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Vittoriano, risplendere il pennone con l'Aquila e la Vittoria", "summary": "Si svelano i risultati della prima fase del restauro", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:50:26 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 d03b90fe11d22883a1f9909bf0ed598724d1d89869b8400ff7d1ab5211285d37 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: A Lido poker sulla politica, dal suprematismo alla Cina

Summary: In corsa The Order, Jouer avec le feu, I'm still here e Youth


The article described by the following json

{"title": "A Lido poker sulla politica, dal suprematismo alla Cina", "summary": "In corsa The Order, Jouer avec le feu, I'm still here e Youth", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:57:02 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f762edc89c6acd157bb51f4c7d4c1050f9de75eef454b3d2a9db80ae3d096562 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Raduno nazionale dei fan di Harry Potter in provincia di Firenze

Summary: A Signa dal 27 agosto all'1 settembre


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Raduno nazionale dei fan di Harry Potter in provincia di Firenze", "summary": "A Signa dal 27 agosto all'1 settembre", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:16:15 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 cb2b3c5a5ae72a98679eb1fe2b60c4090215fad2aca4ec793f47e9c8a9d05c62 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: America's Cup: Barcellona è pronta, giovedì le regate preliminari

Summary: Luna Rossa impegnata in regate di prova e in Luis Vuitton Cup


The article described by the following json

{"title": "America's Cup: Barcellona \u00e8 pronta, gioved\u00ec le regate preliminari", "summary": "Luna Rossa impegnata in regate di prova e in Luis Vuitton Cup", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:38:49 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 daaead716f206dea02d378ecfd8da28d403ebe8d36f7d7b47b5b3e356ccc6a40 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: 'Antidoping screditato', la stampa mondiale attacca sul caso Sinner

Summary: El Pais: il tennista italiano rischiava uno stop di 4 anni


The article described by the following json

{"title": "'Antidoping screditato', la stampa mondiale attacca sul caso Sinner", "summary": "El Pais: il tennista italiano rischiava uno stop di 4 anni", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:47:00 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 7bd6128e2a4359c7b6b13017ab8397e0bc315da5ce4f2c981a4746e0e1016bb1 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Su Sky Documentaries Un altro calcio - Bologna in Champions

Summary: In simulcast con Sky Sport Uno, in streaming solo su Now


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Su Sky Documentaries Un altro calcio - Bologna in Champions", "summary": "In simulcast con Sky Sport Uno, in streaming solo su Now", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:16:12 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 2185158437085638dae7601dfce111bc67d1a57653d0ee0540a2e69b1dd17faf was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Calcio: Pairetto al 'Maradona', per Verona-Juve c'è Giua

Summary: Zufferli all'Olimpico, Di Marco a S.Siro, a Udine fischia Doveri


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Calcio: Pairetto al 'Maradona', per Verona-Juve c'\u00e8 Giua", "summary": "Zufferli all'Olimpico, Di Marco a S.Siro, a Udine fischia Doveri", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:38:25 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 3ebd604495a59dfaa05f9d03a5f375c29ac4e62f9392bc8fba14126c046061cd was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Calcio: Dia 'Lazio importante, aiuterò a raggiungere obiettivi'

Summary: L'attaccante: "Baroni tranquillo, qui come una famiglia"


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Calcio: Dia 'Lazio importante, aiuter\u00f2 a raggiungere obiettivi'", "summary": "L'attaccante: \"Baroni tranquillo, qui come una famiglia\"", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:40:27 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 613c1fab1423b20f9e13a8ac52544723a07d8fc463f6e44d6d0593338a581f19 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Calcio: Udinese; infortunio a Sanchez, salta almeno due gare

Summary: Problema al gemello, niente Lazio e Como


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Calcio: Udinese; infortunio a Sanchez, salta almeno due gare", "summary": "Problema al gemello, niente Lazio e Como", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:41:18 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 93b22d38ecd1352d676668dc5a9f8908289d5d5729c872758d9e8700ceffc2ef was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Il petrolio in rialzo a New York a 73,49 dollari

Summary: Quotazioni salgono dello 0,44%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Il petrolio in rialzo a New York a 73,49 dollari", "summary": "Quotazioni salgono dello 0,44%", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:32:18 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 2563e672aa01463d3bd2c59ec45c61050ffc4e0e65a3d1348ebff7dd7741ebd9 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Wall Street apre in rialzo, Dj +0,23%, Nasdaq +0,13%

Summary: S 500 sale dello 0,22%


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Wall Street apre in rialzo, Dj +0,23%, Nasdaq +0,13%", "summary": "S 500 sale dello 0,22%", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:38:32 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 5d2a1e251205c667421469045ef4b0a80bde7465087080c20b214b5691fe511d was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: In Italia ci sono due case ogni tre abitanti

Summary: Gli italiani vivono in media in 118 metri quadri e 5,5 stanze


The article described by the following json

{"title": "In Italia ci sono due case ogni tre abitanti", "summary": "Gli italiani vivono in media in 118 metri quadri e 5,5 stanze", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:45:30 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 ed5706e9f726d289f1a116c32c0ba850ff95b7f959559e97c13ed26632d26383 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Rehn, rischio crescita avvicina un taglio Bce a settembre

Summary: Nessun segnale di ripresa dell'industria Ue


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Rehn, rischio crescita avvicina un taglio Bce a settembre", "summary": "Nessun segnale di ripresa dell'industria Ue", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:50:37 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 24c8e197e197fceaa05663d34f00e2b330c4d38eb5db61addcd64657c54cf708 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Borsa: Milano positiva (+0,7%) con l'Europa dopo Wall Street

Summary: Spread Btp-Bund a 136 punti, euro e oro restano forti


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Borsa: Milano positiva (+0,7%) con l'Europa dopo Wall Street", "summary": "Spread Btp-Bund a 136 punti, euro e oro restano forti", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:51:24 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 7b7317a9d3e6539c8f8c1d971ad582bb4986b69a2e5de0afdc2f877d9270154b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: MapBiomas, il Brasile ha perso il 33% delle sue aree naturali

Summary: L'Amazzonia registra la peggiore stagione di incendi dal 2008


The article described by the following json

{"title": "MapBiomas, il Brasile ha perso il 33% delle sue aree naturali", "summary": "L'Amazzonia registra la peggiore stagione di incendi dal 2008", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:23:15 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 3f206da9cd9db4f5bf53709bd14ee719904393c2736fa39aa76061c8a2b9e84c was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Tutti pazzi per Michelle Obama, il suo look incanta il web

Summary: Non è solo il suo discorso a entusiasmare il pubblico


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Tutti pazzi per Michelle Obama, il suo look incanta il web", "summary": "Non \u00e8 solo il suo discorso a entusiasmare il pubblico", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:48:54 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f4090474d3c3f16848a118cd77a692b49597faba167be65223670ae2e65ccfc8 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Nocciolo di pesca le ostruisce la trachea, morta bimba di 6 anni

Summary: E' successo nel Cosentino, vani i tentativi di salvarla


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Nocciolo di pesca le ostruisce la trachea, morta bimba di 6 anni", "summary": "E' successo nel Cosentino, vani i tentativi di salvarla", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:13:58 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 3b6fcc1091a14786e851c4d0c271b62a180d05f7c5958d6ecc4e2959ae0c179b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Todde, l'autonomia differenziata mina sussidarietà del Paese

Summary: Governatrice sarda, 'legge è ingiusta e va combattuta'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Todde, l'autonomia differenziata mina sussidariet\u00e0 del Paese", "summary": "Governatrice sarda, 'legge \u00e8 ingiusta e va combattuta'", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:28:28 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 8364f2bc57bb09ce5d00bb9a257e264132a550d60eb7aaec85a8b31517512f70 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Individuati due corpi all'interno del Bayesian

Summary: Non sono ancora stati recuperati


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Individuati due corpi all'interno del Bayesian", "summary": "Non sono ancora stati recuperati", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:44:16 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 8db6de7bb4d1991cf06851335e08f654b42a84980f79dc3e120d0800c342483d was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: La Sardegna impugna la legge sull'autonomia differenziata

Summary: Varata la delibera della giunta per il ricorso alla Consulta


The article described by the following json

{"title": "La Sardegna impugna la legge sull'autonomia differenziata", "summary": "Varata la delibera della giunta per il ricorso alla Consulta", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:22:34 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 62584098ceccf4dbed1eea89005b4692f4417db070921dfd017410e8730eebf4 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Con la vitiligine si può prendere il sole?



The article described by the following json

{"title": "Con la vitiligine si pu\u00f2 prendere il sole?", "summary": "", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:11:42 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 cf6302912d149defb7b9b814c2fa2769422d5a6229ee54fbb7848366eea6fb0b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Individuati due corpi all'interno del veliero Bayesian

Summary: I sub sono entrati nello scafo, la deriva mobile era parzialmente sollevata. I familiari dei dispersi sperano in una 'sacca d'aria'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Individuati due corpi all'interno del veliero Bayesian", "summary": "I sub sono entrati nello scafo, la deriva mobile era parzialmente sollevata. I familiari dei dispersi sperano in una 'sacca d'aria'", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:45:51 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 398331f0f78180a77adb620ded3721fe7ea24644f5488084a9c36754f203cd1d was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Six arrested after inmate dies at prison

Summary: A 31-year-old man was found unresponsive in his cell at HMP Fosse Way, police say.


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Six arrested after inmate dies at prison", "summary": "A 31-year-old man was found unresponsive in his cell at HMP Fosse Way, police say.", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 13:43:29 GMT", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 b28b735203401628950748023c7ef37d281a1c11b180688a827ff91c5475a1c6 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Il Royal Mansour di Marrakech è l'hotel più ospitale

Summary: Consacrato dagli esperti dei 50 migliori hotel del mondo


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Il Royal Mansour di Marrakech \u00e8 l'hotel pi\u00f9 ospitale", "summary": "Consacrato dagli esperti dei 50 migliori hotel del mondo", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:21:50 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 d562c0c023b2daec57340888eab1871e567e1447638c71c189fe0165e09b6eb7 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Poli-pillole stampate 3D per chi assume più farmaci al giorno

Summary: Farmaci in polimero bio-compatibile, rilasciati in più tempi


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Poli-pillole stampate 3D per chi assume pi\u00f9 farmaci al giorno", "summary": "Farmaci in polimero bio-compatibile, rilasciati in pi\u00f9 tempi", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:10:56 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 f5cd6e77afb3650451e0e00259bb87d9ba3b535caf737f85c629598ecb59b83b was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Mpox, 'evitare contatto con casi sospetti'

Summary: Raccomandazioni Società Igiene, lavare mani e monitorare sintomi


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Mpox, 'evitare contatto con casi sospetti'", "summary": "Raccomandazioni Societ\u00e0 Igiene, lavare mani e monitorare sintomi", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:37:43 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 22b238265d9dd55ad20086c3b8a510f1d5067521af080246da1918f7042fe038 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Fiumicino ospiterà l'Associazione Nazionale Città del Vino

Summary: Consiglio nazionale 30-31/8 con sindaci e amministratori locali


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Fiumicino ospiter\u00e0 l'Associazione Nazionale Citt\u00e0 del Vino", "summary": "Consiglio nazionale 30-31/8 con sindaci e amministratori locali", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:08:36 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 8ddd26a7ebdb140b7c9ab2222738a1e8280b6560f092f02c7d96ffad09aebfe3 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Tartufi, impegno della Regione Marche per la filiera

Summary: Antonini presenta il bando con fondi per nuovi impianti


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Tartufi, impegno della Regione Marche per la filiera", "summary": "Antonini presenta il bando con fondi per nuovi impianti", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:43:07 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 0501018dc7517e9580352dd7c89026742f1ae9e5ee06d2598aabf6ed2bf65714 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Nonostante la penalità Sinner resta largamente numero uno



The article described by the following json

{"title": "Nonostante la penalit\u00e0 Sinner resta largamente numero uno", "summary": "", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:01:37 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 5cb96c71a60f0f3d60af39942c7a25625f35efa945b4191599990f0df84c98ec was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Sinner: Foreign press raise doubts on 'steroid use'

Summary: L'Equipe says 'late revelation', Marca hints at favouritism


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Sinner: Foreign press raise doubts on 'steroid use'", "summary": "L'Equipe says 'late revelation', Marca hints at favouritism", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 13:59:47 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 4e9def19faabb8870e58260d1205be1a703c2142dea8a9f24776aa755db0dc50 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Child crushed to death by tractor in Turin area

Summary: Boy, 4, dies shortly after arrival in hospital


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Child crushed to death by tractor in Turin area", "summary": "Boy, 4, dies shortly after arrival in hospital", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:47:57 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 b326c0475fda9ea135d8d5a2ee39cec773aafc66051034402cc9d9da9d9408b7 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Low birth rate weighing on pensions-healthcare - Panetta

Summary: Migrants help BoI chief tells Rimini Meeting


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Low birth rate weighing on pensions-healthcare - Panetta", "summary": "Migrants help BoI chief tells Rimini Meeting", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:05:26 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 4b59048f7b337c2a2051606d54ce65b220d07f093d634fb15ae67c02dfcd3ac0 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Italy last in EU for employment rate of new graduates

Summary: 67% in 2023 against 83% in EU says Eurostat


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Italy last in EU for employment rate of new graduates", "summary": "67% in 2023 against 83% in EU says Eurostat", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:24:44 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 c7cc3d073e62104f783843d2985db1abfc5085d1eab3007e653a299177c0bd18 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Italia fanalino di coda Ue per neodiplomati già occupati

Summary: Eurostat, nel 2023 al 67%, contro l'83% europeo


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Italia fanalino di coda Ue per neodiplomati gi\u00e0 occupati", "summary": "Eurostat, nel 2023 al 67%, contro l'83% europeo", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:02:40 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 364c2c57c4df1572e7a3cfeddf32ab97be9796d651100363ef9ddbf071b8f0bd was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: La Sardegna impugna la legge sull'autonomia differenziata

Summary: Varata la delibera della giunta per ricorso a Consulta


The article described by the following json

{"title": "La Sardegna impugna la legge sull'autonomia differenziata", "summary": "Varata la delibera della giunta per ricorso a Consulta", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:09:49 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 d0111b7dae5499c65c5c4d593f57583347cb0c35b2350914800e43a761fe6eef was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Idf, 'terrorista ucciso in Libano operava anche per Iran'

Summary: 'Col fratello coinvolti in attacchi e contrabbando armi e fondi'


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Idf, 'terrorista ucciso in Libano operava anche per Iran'", "summary": "'Col fratello coinvolti in attacchi e contrabbando armi e fondi'", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:25:57 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 c94779a0cefe80da17c854d0d781e26c6688eafcf6011c7c55ffbdd02c0f602d was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Fatah, Israele vuole incendiare la regione

Summary: La denuncia dopo l'uccisione di un funzionario in Libano


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Fatah, Israele vuole incendiare la regione", "summary": "La denuncia dopo l'uccisione di un funzionario in Libano", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:26:46 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 9cf5f8da835893ae81c55d95296cefd43e6f148b3778e72da6bf61b318709bfa was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

Title: Panetta, riduzione dei tassi Bce? 'Ovviamente lo auspico'

Summary: In vista del direttivo banca centrale a settembre


The article described by the following json

{"title": "Panetta, riduzione dei tassi Bce? 'Ovviamente lo auspico'", "summary": "In vista del direttivo banca centrale a settembre", "date": "Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:28:17 +0200", "link": ""}

with the following SHA256 dc8bb9b3e08c1bfb4ec1a535e34e42c510c161b385b162d14c6a1424c905d6d1 was timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opetimestamps protocol.

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